Chapter 2

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Maria took the blood covered diary to the Avengers and looked for a certain soldier. He was found in the gym, blowing punches to the bag. Sand was spewing and his knuckles were bleeding from no protection. Maria stood at the door, wiping her tears away and making herself presentable. "You know, it's not nice to spy on people." She didn't realize he stopped punching and was looking at her.

"Sorry Captain, I just had something to give you." He picked up the towel he had on his bench and wiped his swear away. Hill walked closer and place the blood stained diary on the bench.

"Is this your kill list?" He chuckled and she faked smiled.

"Trust me, I wish." She left him confused. He picked it up and put his bag over his shoulder and went back to the room. He chucked his bag on the floor and kept his eyes on the very familiar diary. He opened the first page and instantly knew the writing. Natasha. It was all in Russian as well.

"JARVIS, send Maria to my room please." He chucked the diary on the bed and waited for Maria's arrival, which took two minutes. "Why are your eyes red and puffy?"

"Don't worry. How may I help you Steve?" He let her in and she say down on his couch.

"Your crying, I have Natasha's bloody diary and she is no where do be seen. What's going on?" Maria stood up and made her way to the door.

"She's dead." She left him speechless and terrified.

"No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No." He trashed his room. Flipping his coffee tables. Smashing his plates and cups on the wall. Breaking anything he could. He collapsed to his knees in the center of his destruction and cried. He burst into tears. "No! Natasha!"

~2 months later~

Steve never left his room. He had a beard and smelt rank from low showers. His diet was terrible and so was his sleeping. He hadn't slept in ages and was soon gonna be joining Natasha in the after life if he carried on. The news of Natasha being married was kept a secret from anyone who wasn't in the apartment. Her murder hadn't been caught yet and they weren't close. Phil's team have tried to help but nothing. She was dead and the murderer got away. "JARVIS order Pizza Hut. Meat feast."

"Yes sir. Director Fury wants to brief you on a mission." Steve groaned at the AI.

"Tell Stark to go."

"Fury wants you. Immediately." Steve groaned louder and got himself dressed and shaved. He fixed his blonde hair and went down to the briefing room.

"Rogers. Your late."

"Sorry sir. I didn't realize there was a deadline to be here." He sits down and waits for Nick to talk.

"We have a lead on Natasha's murderer." Steve's eyes widen.


"A note was left that said the word wife and see you at work. Natasha is or was a married woman and her spouse works here. In SHIELD." Steve starts to move uncomfortably in his seat.

"And why exactly am I here? Shouldn't we have the husband or wife here."

"That's the problem Captain. The writing was unidentified so we don't who it is. We want you to find out. Get a copy of everyone's writing with the word wife." Steve immediately removes himself from the room when Fury finishes.

"Oh my god." He whispered to himself and leaned up against the wall with the occasional tear rolling down his cheek. "What have I done?"

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