Chapter 12- Broke into pieces...

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Justin P.O.V.

 I woke up the next morning with her sweater in my arms. I slowly got up, my body was sore. Like every single drop of life leaved my body. I pushed myself into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. I barely can recognize myself. My eyes were red and puffy, my hair was a totally mess, I had dry tears on my cheeks. I took some water in my hands and washed my face. The cold water hit my skin, waking me up. I took a look in the mirror again. Nope, I still don’t recognize myself. I’m like a ghost. My face is so white, without life. Well she was my life, but I broke her heart. I let her go. ‘You are the biggest idiot I’ve ever seen for letting her go.’ I said, but it doesn’t sound like my voice. It sounded so broke, so sore. I got changed in some sweat pants and a big shirt and threw my body on the couch. I took my phone and text Chaz ‘Man, come over. I need some advices.’ He answered almost immediately with ok. In 15 minutes Chaz was on my couch staring at me.

-“Is my buddy, Justin, still there?” He asked with a worried face.

-“No, he is searching for his lost love…”

-“Ok, Bieber. You are so changed. What did you do this time?” Wow, he knows me.

-“I cheated April with Selena.”

-“So you deserve it.”

-“No, because Selena said she would kill April if I don’t…. well ya know.” He looked at me like I was crazy. “You have to believe me, dude, that girl is crazy. I swear. She’s a totally bitch.”

-“Ok, ok, I believe you. You never lied to me.” He thought for a second. “Soo, what’s the plan?”

-“Really Chaz?! If I would have a plan, I wouldn’t stay on this fucking couch right now!!! I would try to bring her back… Fuck, fuck, I’m so idiot.”

-“Hmmmm, ok, let me think. You didn’t explain her about how Selena forced you?”

-“No, she didn’t let me.”

-“Ohh, it sucks.”

-“Still you don’t help.”

-“Sorry. I don’t know man, you should do something romantic. To make her see that she’s the only one for you.”

-“She doesn’t want to see me again, Chaz.” I threw my arms in air like it was  obvious. He raised an eyebrow and gave me a look  like I was a 5 years old child who doesn’t take school too seriously.

-“So?! It’ll be a surprise. I will help you. She likes flowers right, I mean she is a girl, of course she loves flowers.”

-“Yes, purple roses. And she loves the sea.”

-“Good, something romantic on the beach.”

-“And how you’ll bring her there, Mr I know everything?”

-“Hehe, because I’m Mr. I know everything I won’t tell you.”

-“Hate you!!” I chuckled.

-“I know, everyone loves me!! I have to go now. I’ll text you when everything will be ready.”

-“Ok, bro, thanks!”

-“No problem. Bro!”

After he left I carried myself in my big, cold bed and hugged her sweater again. It’s still smell like her. Her amazing scent. ‘I miss you so, so, so much April.’ Since she left I started to speak with the walls too often.

April P.O.V.

 I opened my eyes slowly, like I was afraid to look around. I hoped this is just a nightmare, and when I’ll wake up I’ll be in Justins arms. But it’s not. Everything it was true. He is nothing but a liar and a cheater. I got up and tried to walk. Well I think I was kinda sore from all that crying, because my knees didn’t listen to me and left me fall on the cold floor. I put a hand on the nightstand, helping myself get up. I looked on the nightstand, another picture with me and Justin… really?! I threw it on the floor. ‘Broke into pieces, just like my heart...’ I let out a sigh and headed to the bathroom. I took a hot, long shower, cried a little and got dressed.

My phone suddenly buzzed, waking me up from my thoughts.

Justin <3: ‘Can I explain now?’

Me: ‘NO!’

Justin <3: ‘Ohh please, you’ll understand why I did that when you’ll listen to me.’

Me: ‘Maybe I’m sick of everything Justin. Just leave it like that. Is better for both of us.’

Justin <3: ‘Not for me… I love you’

Me: ‘You love me, but you broke me into pieces’ I blocked my phone and threw it on the bed.

I took my black, large sweater and put it on. I decided to take a walk in the park. I have to forget about Justin.

In the park were so many happy couples. I remember every walk with Justin. We would sit on the bench doing nothing. He would whisper sweet things in my ear, making me feel special and loved. A tear fell on my cheek, but I wiped it quickly, I don’t wanna cry anymore. He doesn’t deserve it. A hand on my shoulder made me gasp.

-“Chaz, jesus, you scared me.”

-“I saw that tear April, you still love him.” Chaz sat on the bench next to me, putting his hand on mine.

-“Yes, I love him. But I’ll never forgive him. He cheated on me, Chaz, this is bad, really bad.”

-“You should listen the whole story. You missed the most important part.”

-“Well tell me.”

-“You missed the part when Selena wanted to kill you, but Justin did everything to save you.”

-“What?!” My mouth dropped.

-“Selena said if Justin wouldn’t… ya know, she will kill you.”

-“I don’t believe it! It’s totally bullshit!” I got up and ran home. It not true. It not, Justin convince him to lie me…Liars everywhere…

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