Chapter 18

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After them teasing me all day yesterday, I finally had enough of it and yelled at them. They all bowed down except Mathew. Of course, he was the Alpha King, and I, his Luna. I smiled at that as I was walking down stairs.

When I walk in the kitchen I see everyone looking at me with a smile on their face's, even Mathew. What were they up to? Just thinking about that mad chills run down my spine. Angel and Rosie each grabbed one of my arms and forced me to sit on Mathew's lap.

"Close your eyes kitten." I obeyed but hesitated at first. "Open" he said. I did and saw a cake in front of me. What? I look at them puzzled. "Omg...AURORA, YOU FORGOT ABOUT YOUR OWN DAMN BIRTHDAY!" Angel said. Oh God. Who would forget there birthday, the one day were its all about you. Oh yeah this person right here, me.

" I just wasn't expecting this...thank you all" I said trying to cover the fact that I did. The girls looked at me suspiciously but left it alone. "I'm glad you like it....but there's a present waiting for you" Mathew said. "Um..I don't really like to get presents" I said. They all looked at me in disbelief. "Well I'm sure you'll like this one" Matthew said. A big and I mean big box was put in front of me, and I'm guessing this is my present.

I was hesitating at first but then I open it and you wouldn't believe what I found inside. "O...M...G. Mathew...this is the best thing you could have ever gotten me. Thank you so so much!" The present was a baby wolf. It was all black and just the cutest thing EVER. I'm sure I had a smile on my face that led from ear to ear.

"I'm glad you like it why don't you name him?" I smiled and had a name already in mind. "Sid....that will be his name. And I'm going to go show him around" I said happily. Walked him around the house. He might still be a baby but he was like a young dog. I mean he was what a few months old. But I didn't care he was all mine...and I loved that.

A few weeks went by and Sid was getting bigger. He was still a pup though. But that's not the only thing I've noticed. Mathew has been locked up in his office doing Alpha stuff. So when ever he was gone, me and Sid were outside playing around. He was a pup and had a lot of energy.

I didn't mind it. I loved it, it kept me busy and my mind off of Matthew for when he was gone. Sid slept in the same room as us just on the couch. Which neather me or Sid minded. He I think found it vary comfortable. Angela and Rosie would come over and hang out with me too as well as the boys.

I don't mind but I felt a little lonely even though I had Sid for when no one was around. He was there for me when no one was. No like literally, when no one was around he was there. The only two people he really liked was me and Matthew. But occasionally he would warm up to everybody else and I think he's starting to like them a bit more than what he used to.

Which in all was a good thing. He was getting bigger though. I still cradled him, watching movies and I didn't tell Matthew this but, I occasionally let him cuddle up with me in the bed. It was nice and I loved it. I couldn't be happier. Well except if Matthew wasn't so busy right now that would make me even more happier but he's the Alpha. And Alpha's have to do what Alpha's have to do.

Which in all, I understand. But I was getting frustrated not being with him. UGHHH! It was, putting me in a foul mood. I mean what was I supposed to do. Was I supposed to try and cajole him to stop working so much and spend time with me. NO! Why, because he needs to do, what he needs to do.

Although maybe if he would try, when he's not bussy to spend more time with me. NO! That's stupid Aurora, you know better than that. He has to get his work done, I said to myself. I sighed, this was making me frustrated. Like really bad. I just don't know what to do.

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