The Curse of Jafar

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Once they were home, everyone went back to their usual jobs. A few days later, Emma came out of Granny's right after lunch. There was a giant flash that startled her. She looked around puzzled. As she approached the road, her sight fell on to a body lying in the middle of the street. "Jesus!" she screamed as she rushed over. Once she got closer it didn't take long to recognize who it was. Emma dropped to her knees and reached for her arm. "What happened to you Sapphire," she said quietly. Charming and Hook noticed what was going on and went to aid the savior. The three of them carried the unconscious wolf queen back to the loft. Once they had her positioned comfortably in the bed, Emma took out her phone. "Hey Regina, could you come to our place? We need your help with something," she said. There were a few mhms before she said thanks and hung up. "Gina will be here in five," she said. "What the hell happened, I mean why and how did she even get here," Charming asked. "Well I guess you should ask her that," Hook said sarcastically. They exchanged a dirty look. Just then Snow came in with baby Neal and Henry. "Hi guys... What's going on?" she asked. "Mom, why is there blood on the floor?" Henry asked. Emma took them to Sapphire. "Oh my god, what's Sapph doing here? Is she alright?" Snow said quickly. "I don't have a know, I found her in the street," Emma replied. They heard a knock on the door. "That's gotta be Gina. Kid why don't you go let her in," she said. Henry ran to the door to let his other mother in. "Now what seems to be the problem," the mayor asked. "Is that... Sapphire?" she added. "Can you heal her?" Emma replied. "Yes, of course," Regina said. She went to the wolf's side and waved her hand over the length of Sapphires body. "There, that should do it," she said. "So was she alone? We all know she doesn't go anywhere without Elsa," she added. Emma's face lit up at the mention of her name, but not unnoticed by Hook. "She was alone when I found her. There was a flash and she was just there on the ground," the sheriff said. "Maybe I should go look for Elsa. After all if Sapph is here in this condition then who knows, maybe Elsa is hurt around here too," she added. Hook moved to her side. "Relax love, I'm sure we would all know if the queen of Arendelle graced us with her presence," he said in a sarcastic tone. Emma secretly glared at him when he wasn't looking. "Guys, did anyone tell Ruby that her wife is here?" Henry asked. No sooner then the words left his mouth, Ruby came barreling through the door. "Where is she? I can smell her," she said impatiently. "She's on the bed," Snow said. When Ruby saw her wife lying there lifeless, she almost collapsed. "What the hell happened? How is she here?" she cried. "That's what we are all wondering," Charming said. Hook went to sit on the couch with Henry while Regina and Snow made their way to the kitchen to prepare a snack for everyone. "We should get Belle on this right away, see if she can dig anything up," Charming proclaimed. Emma nodded and he left the loft right away. The sheriff walked to Ruby's side and pulled her into a hug. "We will figure this out Rubes," she said softly. Ruby cried profusely into her shoulder.

After an hour or so, Charming returned with Belle and Granny. Snow was handing out plates of food  Everyone sat in the living room eating and discussing what was going on. Ruby sat quietly and slowly picked at the food. As Hook placed his arm around Emma, there was a small knock at the door. Everyone glanced over. "Don't everyone jump up at once," Emma joked. She stood and walked over to open the door. Elsa, Anna and Kristoff stood there smiling. The sheriff looked shocked as her secret love wrapped her arms tightly around her neck. "Elsa," she breathed out. The queen closed her eyes tight during the embrace. Hook watched concerned,  jealousy starting to eat away at him. Anna and Kristoff entered around the two blondes. They greeted everyone and Kristoff enjoyed the reunion with his old friend David. He and Charming had known each other for a lot of years so it was nice to be able to catch up. No one seemed to notice that Emma and Elsa were still holding each other, no one that is except for Hook. He casually moved closer to them so he could hear what exactly they were saying. "We have to stop meeting like this," Emma laughed. "I know but I'm just happy we get to keep meeting," Elsa chuckled. "It's so good to see you," she added. "Els it's been less than a week," the sheriff joked. "It feels like a lot longer to me," the queen replied. She began rubbing her had up and down Emma's back lightly before Hook stepped in. "It's good to see you again love," he said. Realizing they were still in each others arms, the girls parted and tried to hide their blushing faces. Hook couldn't stand this display between the woman his love and the Popsicle queen. To show she was his, he put his arm around her lower waist. Elsa swallowed hard and looked to the ground. "Um we came here looking for Sapph, something happened in our land and I'm not exactly sure what the consequences are yet. We tried to send her here before anything could happen, and I'm not sure if we did it in time," Elsa said. "What happened dear?" Granny asked. "There is a powerful wizard named Jafar that has been taking over most of the realms. We didn't think he would come after us being that we have not one but two very powerful queens," Anna said. "He was trying to curse Sapphire," Kristoff added. "Why was he trying to curse her?" Belle asked. "We think it was to get her out of the way," Elsa stated. "We have Sapph over here," Ruby said in a small voice from behind Emma. "Hi Ruby," she said with a smile. Ruby tried to return the gesture but it fell short. Elsa hugged her and went to her friends bed side. As the time ticked by, everyone began leaving. Elsa said that they would go stay back at their place if it was still available. Belle had Hook walk her home on his way back to the docks. Granny was actually able to pull Ruby away from her wife stating that she needed rest so they could get this all figured out tomorrow. The wolf was hesitant at first but finally agreed. "Uh mom is it okay if I go stay with mom tonight?" Henry asked. "Yeah kid go ahead," she replied. She kissed him on the top of the head and said goodbye to Regina. Not long after, Snow and Charming went off to bed. Elsa told her sister and Kristoff to head to the house and she would be there shortly. Now she was alone with Emma. "What a day," Emma said, taking a bottle of whiskey down from the cupboard. "Indeed," Elsa chimed in. "What exactly is that?" she asked, pointing to the golden brown liquid. "This is whiskey," Emma started. She poured a shot into two small glasses and extended one to Elsa as she took up a place beside her. Elsa studied the glass and it's contents. She smelt it and made a disgusted face. The sheriff couldn't help but laugh at how cute she was. "I know it smells bad but... well actually it tastes kinda bad too but you get used to it," she explained. She put the glass to her lips and and downed the fiery beverage. Elsa hesitated before doing the same. Immediately she had a sour look on her face and was making a gargling sound in her throat. Emma put her arm around her and couldn't help but laugh. "That was... Not very good," Elsa choked. "Like I said you get used to it," Emma laughed. When she looked back to the queen, their eyes instantly locked. Their faces were only inches away from one another now. Elsa couldn't help but look down at Emma's lips. As the sheriff moved slightly closer, Elsa suddenly felt like her body was on fire. Before their lips touched, they could hear someone coming down the stairs. They quickly moved apart as Charming made his way to the fridge and grabbed a bottle for Neal. He said goodnight to the girls and retreated back up the stairs. Emma turned her attention back to Elsa who was now moving away. "Come on, I've got something for you," she said as she took Emma's hand. They laced their fingers together and the savior followed her outside. Sitting in front of the loft was Emma's yellow bug. "You remembered to bring it," Emma stated with a smile on her face. "Of course I did," Elsa replied. "And I got you something else for you too," she added. "What else could you possibly have for me?" Emma asked. She glanced down at their hands still being locked. "It's nothing like returning your car... It's, well it's... I'm just going to give it to you before I chicken out once again Elsa said. She leaned in and their lips touched. Emma was hesitant at first but was quick to kiss her back. Her hands instinctively went to Elsa's hips as the queens hands ran up her back and through her hair. Hook stood around the corner in the dark and watched the encounter. The girls were interrupted when Sapphire ran out of the building. "Sapphire," Elsa called. Emma connected their hands again. "Come on, I'm going to get everyone together to find her," she said. "She's got to be going to Ruby," Elsa pointed out. "Just in case we should get a search party together," Emma answered. She led Elsa back into the loft. After they were gone from the street Hook stepped out from the shadows. "I'll be damned if I let you steel my happy ending witch," he angrily said to himself. 

A Wolf's Cursed Tale, Once Upon a Time fanficWhere stories live. Discover now