Blood is Thicker than Ice

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Arendelle: last year
Violet ran as fast as her legs could carry her. Kiara was catching up quickly. The lioness was faster then any she had seen before. Vi rounded the corner near the castle. Her attacker was gaining ground quickly. They gates to safety were in sight. 'Just a little further,' she thought to herself. Kiara blew past her and made it to the finish line. The pride cheered as the two approched their leaders. Simba sat with Sapphire. "She is indeed fast," he said. "As is your daughter," Sapphire replied. The mighty lion king stood up. "I think we can definitely arrange some sort of allegiance, you and your pack have proven worthy of our time," he said. His wife Nala came to his side. "It was such a pleasure to meet you," she purred. Sapphire extended her hand to the lion queen. "The pleasure was all mine. We need all the allies we can get right now with Jafar and the Eastern pack lurking in the shadows," she stated. "You have a really beautiful family," she added. "Why thank you Ms. Sapphire," Nala replied. "Actually its Mrs," Violet corrected. "Oh, my apologies," Nala said quickly. "Is your husband here? We would love to meet him," Simba stated. "No unfortunately my wife is in another land," Sapph answered. The lions looked to eachother. "I hope that doesn't change how you feel about our deal," she said with concern. "Of course not, my sister in law is a lesbian. It doesn't bother us at all," Kiara said with a smile. She and her husband Kovu joined the conversation. "You were amazing," he said to Violet. "Thanks," she beamed. "But you should really see my sister race, she truly is the fastest in the land," she added. "Let's see it then, Vitani you will race with the wolf queen," Kovu stated. His sister appeared behind him. "Better yet, how about my sister and I race your entire pride," Sapph suggested with confidence dripping from her words. Vitani stepped towards Violet. Her eyes looked her over head to toe. "Deal," she said. She winked at Vi and turned to prepare for the race of a life time.
Storybrooke: present day
Violet slowly limped down the stairs. She looked around the house only to find that she was completely alone. After flopping down on a chair in the dining room, she pulled out her old cell phone and dialed her sister. "Hello," Sapphire answered. "Where are you?" Violet asked. "At the sheriffs station. I'm working, is everything alright?" Sapph asked. "Yeah it's just there's nothing to do here when you're all alone," Violet whined. "Well you could make your way to Granny's and I'll meet you there for lunch," her sister suggested. "Alright fine, but it might take me a while to limp there," Vi said sarcastically. She could literally hear Sapphire rolling her eyes over the phone. "I'll come pick you up cry baby," she teased. "Okay just hurry up," Violet demanded. "You're so beyond lucky that you're hurt other wise I'd have to put you in your place," Sapphire joked. "I'll see you soon," Vi responded. "Drive careful. I love you Sapph," she quickly added. "I love you too Vi," the wolf queen answered.
Arendelle: last year
The pride lined up on both sides of the wolf sisters. Elsa, Anna and Kristoff now sat in as the new judges of the race. Sapphire pawed at the ground while Violet continued to glance at Vitani. It was like a game of tag with their eyes. Kovu and Kiara wished them all luck before transforming and falling rank in the line. An Arendelle gaurd stepped out and raised the official Arendelle flag. Once he waved it, all the beasts sprinted forward. The wolf sisters quickly took the lead, showing their dominance. Their black and white coats stood out amongst the colors of the pride. Kovu was the first to remotely catch up to them. He sprang over Violet as he and Sapphire pulled ahead. Vitani and Kiara assumed the positions next to the white wolf. It was clear to see something was not right, her purple eyes looked foggy. Sapphire could sense something was wrong. She dug her front paws into the ground and lurched back making her way to her sister. She circled from behind as Violet collapsed. The alpha quickly grabbed her neck and flung her into the air. The young wolf landed safely on her sisters back. With the lions slightly distracted by what they had just witnessed, Sapph took the opportunity to surge out infront of them. She was gaining ground on Kovu fast. When she reached his side they looked at eachother for a brief moment before she passed him too. The racers and the crowd were completely astounded at the act of love shown by the wolf queen for her sister. Within seconds she reached the finish line and won the race. The guard quickly took Violet to her room. The lion pride congratulated the wolf queen before she headed off to her sisters side.
Storybrooke: present day
The wolf sisters pulled up to Granny's. Sapphire made her way around to help Violet out of the police cruiser. Once inside, they placed their orders with Ruby and sat silently. "So how were things after I was away?" Sapph asked, breaking the dead air between them. "Fine," Violet answered bluntly. "Okay. So how were things with the pride?" Sapph asked. Violet ignored her. "Vi... What aren't you telling me? I can always tell when you are hiding something," the alpha stated. There eyes met briefly. "It's nothing," Violet said. She cast her eyes away. Sapphire reached across the table and took her hand. "You can tell me anything. I am your sister," she pointed out. Violet's eyes began to tear up. "Yes you are my sister capitan obvious, but you are also my alpha... my queen and there are certain things I can't tell you because of that," she choked out. Sapphire's brow creased. "It's bad Sapph," the young wolf whispered. "Nothing can be that bad Vi. I don't care what it is, nothing can ever make me love you less," Sapphire stated. Violet inhaled and looked into her sisters eyes once more. "I... I slept with someone," she got out. Sapphire was now deeply intrigued. "Who?" she questioned. Violets head fell into her hands. She mumbled the name. Sapphs eyes grew large. "Vitani?!" she repeated. Violet looked up in horror. "Wow... I did not see that one coming," Sapphire breathed. The look of relief on her face startled Violet a little. "I thought you were going to say something much worse than that or that you were pregnant," she laughed. A smile slowly spread across Violets lips as she joined in the laughter. "You're not mad? I mean I'm very aware of the wolf laws and that we're only supposed to mate with our own kind," she said quietly. Sapphire couldn't help but laugh louder. "Love is love Vi. I broke wolf law too, not only is my mate not a pure alpha but she is also a woman," Sapph stated. Ruby walked over and delivered their food. Sapphire placed her arm around her waist and pulled her down for a soft kiss. "Love is love and blood is blood. I will always accept you and support you," Sapphire began. Ruby looked between the two. "Because once you find the one... It doesn't matter what anyone tells you. You will always fight for them," she finished, pulling Ruby to sit on her lap. Violet smiled at her sisters love for her mate. "So I'm not going to get banished?" she joked. "If you don't follow your heart then yes you will be banished," Sapph said with a smile. Ruby kissed her once more before going back to work. "The blood running through our veins is thicker than the ice that's also running through them," Sapphire stated with a mouth full of food. "You're the best sister and the best queen ever," Violet said. She beamed over at Sapphire and smiled. "I'm beyond lucky that you are my family," she thought.

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