Happily Never After All

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Clouds filled the night sky as the sound of thunder rolled through Storybrooke. Elsa tossed and turned at every rumble. Finally she got out of bed and picked up the phone Emma had given her. She hit call and hung up a dozen times before sitting back down on her bed with her head in her hands. 'Ok you can do this... You're going home soon and there's no telling when you will get to see her again. Stop being such ah... Ah virgin,' she thought. Her fingers found the call button and she hit it again. It rang four time before Emma's sweet voice sounded through it. "Hey beautiful. It's late... Is everything okay?" she asked trying not to sound as sleepy as she really was. "No it's not. Can you please come over? I miss you and we only have a couple more nights left together," Elsa said in a small voice. "Yeah sure babe anything for you," Emma replied. "I'll see you soon," she added. Elsa hit the end button without a word. She needed to talk to Sapphire right now. Making her way across the hall, Elsa opened the wolf's door. Sapph and Ruby were sleeping naked from the looks of it. The queen cleared her throat. "Can I talk to you guys?" she asked. Both girls sat up and rubbed their eyes. "Sure Els... What's up," Sapph said with a yawn. Elsa hesitated, her eyes bouncing between the two. "I... Uhh... I think I'm r-ready to... T-take the next step w-with Emma," she stuttered. Sapph's eyes got really big and Ruby choked on her own spit as she tried to swallow. "If you think you're ready Els, then go for it," the alpha stated. Small tears filled Elsa's eyes as a smile crept across her face. "Is she on her way now?" Ruby asked sharing the smile. Elsa nodded quickly. "In that case I think we might head over to the Inn," Sapph added. "What? Why?" Elsa pouted. The wolves laughed. "To give you two some privacy," Ruby chuckled. They each kissed the queen on her cheek before heading out the window. Elsa watched as the two ran side by side through the moon light, their tails entwined with their bodies in perfect harmony. The door bell rang and startled her. She fixed her hair and went to greet her lover. The doors creaked open and reviled the sleepy savior. Elsa immediately grasped her. "Hello to you too beautiful," Emma mumbled into her shoulder. Elsa drew back and planted her lips against Emma's. Her fingers pulled her in the door more. The savior did not hesitate as the queen lured her towards her bedroom. Once inside, Elsa cast her love down onto the bed and straddled her. They continued wrestleing with eachothers tongues as both girls began to pant heavily. Elsa sat up, breaking their steamy lip lock. "What's wrong? Are you alright?" Emma asked. Elsa nodded. She moved her hands to the bottom of her shirt and lifted it off of her body. Her perky breasts shown in the light from the night sky. Emma took in a sharp breath at the magnificent sight before her. She propped herself up on her own elbows. She brought her hands up to slowly encircle Elsa's perky breast. The icy queen let out a small moan as she wrapped her hands around the sheriff, pulling her closer to her exposed skin inbetween them. Emma kissed her harder and teased her rock hard nipples with her tongue. Elsa lifted Emma's shirt off as well. Once the shirt was on the floor, Emma quickly turned the tables and was now dominate over the younger woman. "Are you sure?" she asked in a sincere whisper. "Yes, I'm ready... Take me Emma," Elsa replied. The savior began kissing her wildly while pressing her body up against her as hard as she could. Elsa moaned eroticly like an animal. Emma took her pants off first and then Elsa's. She was highly aroused by her lovers wetness glistening under the pale moon light. Emma knew she had to control herself being this was only Elsa's first time. It made her proud to be the first and hopefully only person the young queen would ever be intimate with.
At the Inn, Sapphire and Ruby greeted Granny. The three of them went to the kitchen as the old woman prepared them a snack. She couldn't help but notice another look within the youngsters eyes. Aside from being over filled with love, there was also a great sadness pouring out of them. Taking a deep breath Granny stopped what she was doing and approached the girls. "Granny is everything okay?" Ruby asked taking her grandmother's shakey hand. "No... Ruby I want you to return to Arendelle with Sapphire and the others," she said bluntly. A look of shock crossed Ruby's face followed by Sapphire's. "Granny, I'm not leaving you here alone. Sapph and I will work something out," Ruby protested. "Absolutely not Rubes. I kept you from love once... and I'm not going to stand in the way again. Besides Violet is staying behind, she will look after me while you're away," the old woman barked. Ruby laced her fingers with her wife's. "You married into royalty my sweet girl. You have a duty to your wife and your people," Granny added. Tears welted up in Ruby's eyes as she took her grandmother's hand again. "You are absolutely one hundred percent sure about this?" Sapphire cautiously asked. "I am," Granny replied. "Now go start packing, I'll bring up your food when it's ready," she added. The girls raced eachother up the stairs. Once behind closed doors, Ruby threw herself into Sapphire's arms. "Do you think you're ready to rule," the alpha joked. Ruby kissed her softly. "You already know I rule," she said seductively. "Mhmm I know that all too well my love," Sapphire purred.
The next two days flew by as everyone in Storybrooke prepared to open the portal once more. They all gathered under the clock in the square. Granny hugged Ruby tightly. Sapphire wrestled Violet to the ground and kissed her on the head. Anna and Kristoff said their goodbyes to the Charming family. Elsa kissed Emma tenderly. "Keep your head up and we will talk soon. Violet told us that she and Sapph can communicate between worlds so I'll be able to check up on you," Emma said. "And I you," Elsa chimed. "Just promise not to forget me," she added with a wink. "That's not possible. I love you so much," Swan whispered. "Now go on before I never let you go," she added. "I love you too Em," Elsa replied. She kissed her again before walking over to join the others. "Are you guys ready to go home... Again?" Elsa laughed. They all waved and disappeared.

Storybrooke; Two weeks later
Emma plunged the dagger into the darkness, freeing Regina from its evil clutches. It circled her rapidly before finally engulfing her whole. She along with it disappeared into the night, leaving her family standing in the street shocked and confused.
Arendelle; same time
Elsa let her thoughts drift off to Emma, whom she hadn't spoken to in a couple of weeks. She peered out over the grounds as Sapphire and Ruby bounced around through the grass. The alpha flipped the younger wolf onto her back with ease. When Ruby got back to her feet, she circled around and around but Sapphire had simply vanished into thin air.

Thanks for reading! Check out the 3rd instalment of the series; A Wolf's Dark Tale.

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