Dominant Display

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Sapphire circled around the docks, prepared to confront Hook about his actions the previous week. She didn't stand for anyone trying to cause harm to her best friend especially if it involved her true love. As the sun rose higher into the sky, Hook was still no where to be seen. Just as she was about to give up, he came around the corner. "Shit," he mumbled. The alpha wolf stalked over and placed herself five feet in front of him. "Look love, I'm not really in the mood to get into this right now so if you don't mind," he said, trying to step around her. The wolf was quick to block his attempt. He exhaled loudly and locked their eyes. "What do you want from me pooch?" he asked. Sapphire flashed a wolfish grin. "Let's see pirate, you tried to harm my best friend and you also sunk your filthy hook into my neck," she replied. "Look wolf, I do want to apologize for that. I over reacted. Although in my defense, if you were to see Ruby kissing another woman more than once, you too would get a little upset," he defended. Sapphire couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "And what you don't understand is that what you and Emma had was not true love. Yes she loved you but her connection with Elsa was far beyond that," she said. He looked down a little disappointed. "This is the first time anyone has said that out loud," he began. Slowly he made his way to the waters edge and peered down into the the small ripples dancing across the surface. "I know it wasn't the same for her... But it was once all before Elsa came in and destroyed it. She stole my happiness and for that I will never forgive her," he finished. Sapphire's face softened slightly as she came to his side. "It seemed like true love before because she hadn't truly found hers yet. Hook deep down you are a really good guy and I am sorry you were caught in the cross fire of all of this but you need to understand that this all means your real true love is still out there. Just imagine what you had with Emma times one hundred, that's what true love feels like," she replied. "But you also can't hold it against Emma and Elsa because they found each other. If it wouldn't have happened now, it eventually would have because that's how it works," she added. Hook shook his head slightly. "You're right love... Please give my apologies to the ladies," he said. Sapphire placed her hand on his shoulder. "And," she said. He smiled. "And I am truly sorry for driving my hook into your neck," he added. "So I don't have to worry about you trying to kill Elsa or Emma again?" she asked as she was walking away. "No... I promise. Pirates honor," he replied. "Be serious Hook, pirates don't have honor," she joked. With that she transformed and ran back towards her house. When she walked through the door, Ruby greeted her with a deep kiss. "I missed you," she whispered. Sapphire smiled and kissed her again. "I missed you too beautiful, although you did just see me a couple hours ago." She smacked Ruby on the ass and went into the living room. Ruby dropped onto the couch and began kissing her neck. Sapphire moaned involuntarily and laced her fingers in her wife's long brown hair. She lightly pulled causing Ruby's head to move backwards, allowing her to slip her tongue into her mouth much deeper. Ruby pulled the alpha onto her lap and caressed her butt while pressing their bodies closer. She could feel the heat radiating from her lovers body. Sapphire slowly began grinding her pelvis in circles. Ruby slid her hand back around to Sapphs stomach and slowly inched her fingers lower until she came in contact with her wetness. The sound of giggles made them both quickly stop. Turning to the entry way, Emma and Elsa were standing there in awe. Sapphire smiled and blushed before burring her face into Ruby's neck. "Hey guys," Ruby said shyly. "Don't mind us," Emma responded. "Where's Anna and Kristoff?" Elsa asked quickly. Being that she was still a virgin, seeing others engaged in sexual acts made her feel slightly uncomfortable. Noticing the tone in Elsa's voice, Sapphire removed herself from Ruby's lap. "I think they went to Granny's," Ruby stated. "Yeah they are meeting your mom and dad," Sapph added. Elsa looked slightly disappointed and Sapphire could see a hint of fear in her eyes. As Ruby and Emma engaged themselves in a deep conversation, the wolf queen pulled the other queen to the side. "Els, what's wrong?" she asked. Elsa looked down ashamed. "It's just... I don't know Sapph, I'm kind of scared," She replied. "Scared.. Scared of what?" Elsa released a deep breath. "I'm scared of Emma," she choked out. Sapphires face quickly went from concerned to protective. "What the hell does that mean?" she asked sharply. "Nothing like that Sapph... I'm just scared of..." Elsa trailed off. Sapphire was beginning to fidget. Her eyes were narrowing and the hair on her arms was starting to stand up. "I'm scared of being intimate with her," she finally got out. The wolfs face quickly turned back to being comforting. She grabbed her friend and pulled her into a tight hug. "Don't do anything you're not truly comfortable with," she whispered. A few tears fell from Elsa's eyes and she tightened the hug. "I love you so much Sapphire," she replied. "I love you too, and so does Emma. I know she won't pressure you and you need to be honest with her about it," Sapph answered. Everything was interrupted by a crashing sound coming from outside.

Ruby and Emma moved swiftly to their loves. "What the hell was that?" Ruby asked. Sapphire stepped in front of her protectively as Emma mirrored her action with Elsa. "Everyone stay here," the alpha ordered. Sapphire made her way to the door quietly. She extended her hand and twisted the door knob. The door flew open and she stepped out onto the porch. Her muscles were tensing with every step she took. The others crept forward slowly behind her. Sapphire's face fell. She launched herself from the porch and took off in a full sprint. Violet was laying in a pool of blood. The alpha skid on her knees and picked her sister up into her arms. "Violet... Violet can you hear me?" she pleaded. "Vi come on, open your eyes please. You're safe now," she added. The other three were now running from the house to help. With Sapphire now covered in her baby sister blood, everyone began to panic. "S-sapphire..." Violet got out. "Yes I'm here," Sapph replied. "They... A-are here," the injured wolf choked out. The alpha kissed her sister on the head and stood up. "Get her to the hospital," she ordered. "Babe, what did that mean when she said they are here?" Ruby questioned. Sapphire looked off into the distance and a low growl escaped her throat. "She meant the Eastern wolf pack," Elsa answered. "Go... Go now," Sapph ordered again. Emma and Ruby picked up the wounded Violet and Elsa opened the car door for them. Before they left, Ruby ran over to kiss Sapphire. "Be careful please," she said. "I will," Sapph replied. The yellow bug disappeared from sight before a small group of people appeared in the tree line. Sapphire and the rival pack made their way towards each other. "We have some unfinished business wolf queen," the largest man growled. He nodded his head and the others branched out and circled her. "So you're going to come here to an unkown land and fight for your master," Sapphire snapped. "Jafar doesn't know we are here," he replied. "And he's not our master," he added. Sapph laughed loudly. "You're all his pets. You do whatever he tells you to like slaves, hence he's your master," she mocked. The large man took a step closer and put his hand around her throat. "You might rule over the North, West and South but you will never hold the thrown of the East," he said. His breath was hot and smelt gross against her face. Suddenly he fell back in pain as Ruby circled from behind him. She immediately went to Sapphire's side and wrapped her arms around her. "Stay away from my wife," she screamed. The other Eastern wolves assisted their leader. When he looked up and saw the two girls he started laughing. "You have got to be kidding me... The ultimate alpha is mated to another bitch," he yelled. Ruby's face fell slightly, she absolutely hated when others called out their lesbian relationship negatively. Seeing the small flicker of pain in her loves eyes, Sapphire became more hostile. She placed herself between them so he could no longer see Ruby. Every vein in her body was pulsing out, every muscle was twitching and her eyes began to glow. "No one... ever... talks to her that way," she said through gritted teeth. The rival wolves began to become more recessive and step away, all except their leader who stood his ground. "You don't scare me... And neither does your filthy dyke lover," he hissed. Sapphire's hand was to his neck within a blink of an eye. She was growling and drooling like crazy as her brilliant eyes became more vibrant. His eyes began to bug out as he struggled to breath. Sapphire could feel the bones in his neck beginning to crack. Just as the last little bit of life was about to escape his eyes, Sapph ripped his head clean off his body, blood showered over her and his followers. She turned her focus to them. "Now run along back to your master," she snapped.

A Wolf's Cursed Tale, Once Upon a Time fanficWhere stories live. Discover now