Violets song

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Violet walked along the streets alone. She couldn't help but feel sad anytime a loving couple walked passed. Vitani had to return to her pride a few days ago. So now the lonely wolf was depressed and being anti-social as her sister called it. That's why she wouldn't even talk to her own sister now. As she crossed the street, Sapphire and Ruby were just coming out of the sheriff's station. "Shit," she mumbled. "Hi Violet," Ruby said with a small smile. She connected her fingers with Sapph's. "Where have you been the past few days? We haven't seen much of you," Sapphire stated. Violet rolled her eyes and looked away from the loving display, just as Ruby wrapped her arm around the alphas waist. Sapphire studdied her sisters face. Just then, Elsa approached them. "Hey guys," she said skeptically as she noticed the looks on their faces. "Iiiissss everything okay?" she asked. "It's fine Els. Emma will be out in a few then we can head to dinner," Sapphire answered. The tone in her voice was stern and low. "Is Violet coming too?" Elsa asked. "No.... She has better things to do," Sapph replied sharply. The sisters made eye contact and seemed to have a sort of silent exchange before Violet put her hood up and brushed past them. "Okay.... What's her problem?" Ruby asked, feeling slightly hurt. "I'm not sure, she's been acting like this for a few days," Elsa pointed out. "She's missing Vitani, that's what's wrong with her," Sapphire said quietly. She was sympathetic for her sister because she knew the pain she felt in her heart right now all too well. Emma snuck up behind the unsuspecting Elsa and scared her. The queen nearly jumped out of her own skin. "Jeeze Emma," she yelled. The spunky sheriff swooped her up in her arms and kissed her. "I've missed you all day," she whispered. Elsa giggled. "I've missed you too," she said. With that the four love birds headed to Granny's. "I'm really worried about Vi," Elsa whispered to Sapphire. "Maybe we should head back a little sooner for her sake," she added. "Look at that girl who loves you more than anything and tell me you want to leave," Sapphire snapped. Elsa sighed and looked over at Emma. "I'm sorry Els but I really don't think I can handle being away from my wife again," she added. "It's going to be hard.... But we have a responsibility... A duty to our people," Elsa said with dignity as she tried to mask her pain. "But first things first, you need to help your sister," she added.
Later that night as the alpha watched her beautiful wife sleeping peacefully, she heard the window next door to her room open. Quickly and quietly she positioned herself to peer out the window without being seen. Sure enough, Violet was in wolf form and headed away from the house. Sapphire slipped over and threw on a big t-shirt and a baggy pair of shorts before kissing Ruby on the forehead. She too then descended from window and ran through the cold night air. It was easy for her to track the white wolf and stay hidden thanks to her own black coat. Violet stopped at the top of a few big rocks. She sat and looked up at the half moon. Sapphire watched as her sister eyes glowed in the moon light. Violet looked around for a few moments. Thinking the coast was clear, she drew back her head and began howling. It had such a pretty rhythm to it. Sapphire couldn't help but slowly walk towards her. As her pich rose and fell, the alpha was soon almost next to her. Violet nearly fell off the rock when she noticed her sister presence. Sapph's bright blue eyes met hers as she now sat as well. The alpha began to howl along the same rhythmic pattern. Violet assumed her original position and added the bass to her sisters sweet tenner sound. The two continued until the moon went down. "It's been a long time since I just howled for fun," Sapphire stated on their way back home. "Really? I do it all the time," Violet replied. "You've got a real gift Vi, I wonder if you can actually sing like this as a human," Sapph said. Violet giggles. "Yes I can, you should know goof ball you live with me," she replied. "Well maybe you should think about starting a band up to pass the time while we are still here," Sapphire suggested. "No point in starting something that will end almost as soon as it begins," the young wolf huffed. Sapphire smiled and placed her arm around her sisters shoulders. "No one is telling you that you have to go back Vi," she said. Violet stopped and looked shocked. "Of course I have to go back... Vitani is waiting for me," she stated bluntly. The alpha let out a deep chuckle. "Violet, what makes you think I would offer you to stay and then not send your girl back to be with you." "Sapph... I-i couldn't leave you," she stammered. "You wouldn't be leaving me, we could still see eachother. I just know how attached to Granny you are and how much you've grown to love this town," Sapphire replied. "But lets not dwell on this right now, you have a band to put together," she added.
Another week or so passed. Everyone gathered at the bar to watch Violet preform. She didn't get a whole band put together but she did get Lilly to play the electric guitar and Grumpy to play the drums. Sapphire sat waiting for Ruby and a few others. She and Snow made small chit chat about ruling decisions as well as political stand points and their different beliefs while the waited. Ruby ran in the door and jumped on her wife's lap, startling her and nearly knocking her off the stool onto the dirty floor. Charming approached cracking up along with Emma. The blonde had tears in her eyes. "You... should have seen... your face! It was priceless!" she howled while mimicking the wolf queen. Sapphire rolled her eyes and burried her face into Ruby's neck. Naturally when Elsa had gotten there, Emma had to reenact the hilarious Sapphire scene. Elsa flashed her wolf a small smirk and gripped her knee. "Really Sapph," she said. The wolf shrugged and tightened her grip around her wife's waist. "Are you excited to hear them play?" Ruby asked over the noise of the crowd. "Don't you ever hear her in the shower? She's going to be great," Sapphire laughed. Happy stepped out onto the stage and cleared his throat. Show time. As a favor to the Charming's Violets band got to preform last. The others played ballads and revenge songs, rock and even a rap battle between two of Robin's men. "Closing the night out, lets give a begin round of applause for... The Sidekicks?" Happy said. Sapphire and Ruby exchanged a raised eye brow and a kiss as Violet took the mic. She cleared her throat. "Uh... Hi. Um.. Well most of you know us because of a hero we have had our fate intertwined with. We aren't the front runners or head liners. We are the ones behind the scenes. And we have something we want to say, I hope you enjoy our song," she said. The lights around the bar went dim as Lilly traced the cords over her finger tips. The drums came in with quiet cymbal. Violet opened her mouth and everyone was in shock... Except her sister. The beautiful harmony was almost like that of a mermaid. The song was called, 'In the Shadows'. When the final note echoed throughout the establishment, there wasn't a dry eye in the room.

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