.19 - Game over - BONUS CHAPTER

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I walked down the hallway, my hand in Lane's. It had been three months since we had officially decided to be together with no games involved. We were finally leaving for winter break immediately after school. Lane, Joel and Matty would be joining my brothers and I on our trip to the mountains for a week. I hadn't of really wanted to invite Joel but he was my brothers best friend so it was inevitable.

"Did you remember to pack everything?" I harassed Lane. He shot me his signature bored look.

"Yes." He sighed, annoyed. He removed his hand from mine, wrapping his arm around my shoulder to pull me into his familiar embrace. "How many times are you going to ask me? You know I don't forget anything."

"I know, I'm just so excited!" I gushed. Lane sighed against and leaned in, placing a small kiss on the side of my mouth as if to tell me to calm down. I turned my head to face him and kissed him full on his mouth.

"Ew stop." Brett faked disgust as he approached us. "Yall ready to go?"

My brothers didn't hate Lane anymore, in fact they had actually taken a liking to him. He could hold his alcohol better than any of their other friends so some how they had all become drinking buddies.

We all climbed into my dads SUV that we would be borrowing for the week, since it could fit all of us. Brett drove, Joel sat in the passenger seat (probably to be as far away from Lane as possible. Matty and Brandon sat in the middle row of seats while Lane and I were in the very back and in charge of the food since neither of us had to use the bathroom as much as Matty.

"All of you couples are so gross. I wish I had a girl version of me that I could date." Brett joked.

"I am the girl version of you." I made a disgusted face.

"No the girl version of me wouldn't be as gross as you." He stuck his tongue out at me. I leaned into Lane, looking out the window.

Four hours passed by as we finally made it into the mountains. We drive through the small town, and turned onto the private rode that led to our Cabin. The cabin was just hour you would imagine it, a log cabin feel to it, but updated and more modern on the inside. There were four rooms, two on one side of the cabin, and another two on the other side. Lane and I picked out our room, which unfortunately just happened to be right next to the one Joel picked.

We stood around the bond fire after a long day of traveling. I sat close to Lane, my normally cold body feeling relaxed from the heat of the fire and the warmth that radiated off of my boyfriend. His hand rested on my thigh as he was in deep conversation with Brett about how they were going snowboarding the next day.

Joel got up from his spot and headed towards the cooler to grab a beer. I was probably the only one who spotted it, but I watched as Lane slightly shifted his foot, tripping Joel.

"What the fuck Peyton?" Joel spat at Lane.

"Just an accident, calm down." Lane rolled his eyes with a smirk.

Fists were suddenly flying and the two of them were on the ground. Lane was obviously the more skilled fighter even though Joel was buffer. My brothers quickly ran over to pull them apart. Brandon pulled Lane away from Joel, Brett holding Joel back.

"Why are you so bitter?" Lane asked Joel calmly. I could immediately tell Joel was getting worked up.

"Maybe it's because Brennan needs to realize that she shouldn't be hanging around a sadist like you." Joel spat.

Lane simply laughed at his words, obviously not caring about what he had to say. "Don't be pathetic."

"I'm not the pathetic one. We all know how manipulative you are. Im not falling for it." Joel kept insisting. I had enough.

"Stop talking about me like I'm not here." I stood up and stormed into the cabin. Lane followed me in, grabbing my arm. As soon as we were alone I quickly pulled myself from his grip. "I saw you do that."

"Do what?" He toyed, a smile threatening to emerge.

"Lane. Stop." I rolled my eyes, pissed off at him. "You tripped him on purpose."

He simply grinned at me, not saying a word. I let out an annoyed sigh, turning around and marching off towards the bedroom.

"I'm going to bed."

"Me too."

"Go away."


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