Homecoming |Hayes|

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It was a day before homecoming and you were getting nervous because all your friends have been asked but you. You went straight to your locker when the bell rang. You sighed and opened you locker to get everything you needed for first period. You sighed and closed your locker. You almost dropped your books to see him. The most gorgeous boy in the school. Hayes. He was smiling and almost everyone was staring at you two. Your heart started to beat hard. He was on his knee with a blue roses in his hands with his jersey in it. Number 32. Almost every one stopped to stare at you. You for once felt special. You shyly blushed and looked right at him. "Your/Full/Name will you please go to homecoming with? Make me the luckiest boy to have a dance with you? To say I at least had the guts to ask?" He sweetly said with his big blue beautiful eyes. You blushed and smiled. You cleared your throat and said. "Yea- yes" is all you could get out,but that was enough for him to jump up and literally taking you off your feet hugging you. Everyone was 'awing' or smiling. All of his guy friends said "GET IT HAYES!". It was just a hug but thats all that could make you feel wanted.
To Be Continued
Authors Note
Hey this is my new book and second imagine let me know if this is good or needs to be more detailed!

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