Just a dream

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It's been two years without him. Without Matt. Without the brown headed cheery boy who always did crazy vines and resembled Justin Bieber.

He died peacefully but sadly. He broke my heart but sadly he stole it from me. He took it and left without a word and all because of some stupid argument about the car, this would've never happened. Every day I look out the window hoping to see him pull up and our little girl run out and hug him.

Anyways I wrote a letter to him although I know he will never read it. I've always had it with me on the dresser that's left the way it was the day he died. With his watch and wedding ring off on it with his cologne. I still have all of his clothes and some nights when I become lonesome and sad, I get one of his hoodies on and the scent of him engulfs me. Anyways here's my letter.

Dear Matt,
Hi baby I know you'll never read this ever... God, if I could do anything to go back to that night September 17 , I would have never said anything. It's just a stupid car and with that stupid car you drove off with my heart at high speeds. Our daughter asks me every day when your coming back from tour, the sad thing is that your never coming back, although your not. 'Mommy when is daddy coming home?' Is all I here every morning. I look at her big beautiful brown eyes that she inherited from you, and say 'honey, daddy's still on tour for a couple more weeks...he'll be back I promise' lies. She stands there, with disappointed eyes, with a drawing she made for you, it's a portrait of me, you, and her. She has thousands of them on her wall, each labeled in sloppy 6 year old handwriting, 'Mommy, Daddy, Me'. -"
As soon as I get done reading that line. I hear a door shut. It can't be Lillian, she's at school and it's only 9:38 a.m

I slowly walk down stairs, being very cautious.
As I get to the bottom, I see a tall figure, and it can't be him.
He turns around and I'm so- speechless. I can't even comprehend what I am seeing. I run to him. "Your here" I say gripping on to him tight.
"I'm here baby girl" he says. His words so light and tender. I haven't heard that sweet voice in forever.

He was there, he was here, and I couldn't believe it. I looked into his beautiful eyes and they were filled with happiness, but sadness at the same time. Mine were filled with nothing but pure love and happiness also.

"This is real?" I asked him, still not believing it. "This is real baby girl I am here. I never left" he says. I was still holding on to him because I just couldn't believe it.

"Matthew it's you!" I say and swing my arms around him, and I don't think I've ever hugged anyone so tight. "You came back!"
My eyes were filled with tears and soon enough I am shaken awake.

"Daddy why is mommy crying?" I hear and soon sit up. I turn on the lamp and see Lillian standing there with her teddy bear.

"Babe are you okay?" Matt asks me. I look over at Matt and he's still there. Just the way I seen him the last time.
"Your here!" I say and I've never been so happy. It was all just a dream.
He starts laughing "I've always been here what are you talking about YN?"

"I- I don't know, I had a bad dream I guess..we'll talk about it tomorrow ok? For now, I think I need to cuddle with my husband and my beautiful daughter" I say, and as soon as I say that, Lillian giggles and jumps onto the bed, her happy giggles filling the room.
"Babe I'll always be here and whatever kind of dream you had..just know that I'm here, your here, and our daughters here, and I will never leave you girls ever" Matt says and reaches over to kiss Lillian's forehead and soon after, my lips.

I wait till everyone is asleep to go back to bed. I've never been so happy to know it was just a dream.

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