Homecoming pt.2 |Hayes|

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You were not sure if you looked good enough for him. You were wearing a pink short dress with ruffles with rhinestones and diamonds on the chest area. You had your hair in a braided bun with light natural make up on with white five inch heels on. You sighed before you heard your mom yell "Hayes is here!". Your heart started beating fast. You opened your door and walked down stairs. You heard the door bell ring and your mom quickly answered it. "Hello Hayes you look stunning uhm she should be done" you heard her say. You slowly walked down to see Hayes in a black tux with pink bow and his hair neatly combed. He was for sure stunning, No doubt. You saw your mom gasp and take a picture. As you got to the bottom, Hayes gladly took your hand to help you down. "Wow just wow you look beautiful!" He exclaimed. You smiled. After taking tons of pics and selfies you walked outside. "Have fun kids!" Your mom yelled.

As you and Hayes got out of his brother Wills truck you saw his mom Elizabeth taking alot of pics. You evem seen Chad taking a couple. Finally they let you guys go and have fun.

As the song Stay With Me by Sam Smith played Hayes took you to the floor and slow danced with you. "I never thought you would even think about asking me out to the dance" you said looking at him. "You are so negative, your beautiful Y/N I was shocked when you said yes trust me three other boys were bout to ask you out but I got there just in time" he said. "Guess I am the lucky one this time" you said leaning your head on his shoulder.

The whole night consisted of you laughing dancing wierd and just having fun. You are one lucky girl Y/N you thought to yourself as you took of your heels and fell back on your bed.
Sorry this one is boring and barely any dialouge my bad! Comment & vote!

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