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I sat there staring at the positive sign.

How am I going to tell them?I thought. One of them are going to be so disappointed, then again they both might.

I saw my screen light up
Jack: alright on my way see you soon
Then another one
Matt E: I'll be there

My heart started beating so fast, I decided getting dressed would help the situation a little better.
I wore my high waisted jeans a shirt and a sweater, to cover up my small bump, also along with some boots.

Lets just get this done and over I kept telling myself a thousand times.

I made some iced tea to cool me down and to prevent myself from losing it.

I didn't know how to tell them both that one of them is the father to my child? And how do i know that because it's now April and I don't reckon sleeping with anyone else but Matthew and Jack in the last 9 months. It all started at some bonfire with Jack, not only did the bonfire get heated, but things between me and Jack, the day after that Matt came on to me, I mean that's what I was going for anyways.

A couple knocks on the door is all it takes me to come back to the real world and almost have a heart attack.

I slowly get up & walk to the door. I heard them both talking.

"Oh hey Gilinsky what's up" I hear Matt say.

"Not much dude just seeing what Y/N wants, she called me worried-..." Matt had cut Jack off.

"Oh no kidding dude? She called me too well whatever she needs we must the ones to fix it". Matt said and with that they rung the door bell again.

I took a deep breath before answering it.
"Hey guys!" I said while giving both of them a hug.
"Hey (Y/N) how are you doing?" Jack says admiring what you had on.

I stood there wanting to let it all out, I wanted to tell them right there, but I knew I needed to take things slow.

"Im great actually!...." I said standing there as they both smiled.
"Oh..do you guys want to come in?" I say almost forgetting what they came here for.

They both nodded. I led them into my living room which basically consisted of two couches,one love seat, a tv and a couple of coffee tables and some plants, a bookshelf, and a couple pictures.

They both sat down and I knew that this is it. I need to tell them.

" Its nice to see you both again.....but I need to tell you both something...Okay so the reason I invited you both here is well...uhm..." I said trying to come up with the right words to tell them the news.

Matt cleared his throat "Uhmmm?" he asked waiting.

"One of you are the father to my baby" I say, them both looking at me shockingly.
"Wait...what....but how do you not know whose it is..I mean you only slept with me right?" Jack asked.

"No..because..." I got stuck trying to explain.

"Because she's had sex with me" Matt said, a shocked look on Jack's face.

We all sat there in silence for a couple minutes until Matt spoke up.  "How far along are you?" he asked.

I lifted up my shirt to reveal the small bump I've been hiding for months.

"I'm not sure but most likely three months" I say. "Do you mind if I touch it" Jack asks.

I smile and nod, he places his large hand on my stomach.
"Hey little guy (we may not know the gender but still)" Jack says in a baby tone.

He immediately smiles, this probably being the best thing news he's heard today. Matt smiles also

As we spend the whole day together with me, Jack, and Matt talking about the baby and if it was one of theres what they would do, but to me Jack sounds like the best father. And so does Matthew, but Jack, I feel like he is the one.

|7 Months Later|
You and the father had a beautiful baby girl, you guys decided to name her (your favorite girl name).

Meanwhile, 2 weeks ago when the baby was born, you had a DNA test done, 1 week later the results came back and determined that:

Jack Finnegan Gilinsky is the father.

I hope you liked this.....I know it was very ironic but Jack G is daddy af.

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