Chapter Two: The Story Begins

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We see a bright red castle standing alone in The Red Valley . Then the camera moves inside the castle so we see red glass heels walking towards a throne. We move up to see a woman maybe 20 but her evil look makes you think twice. She has black hair, pale skin and blood red eyes that see your very soul. She sits down just as the hall doors open and reveal a man.

All of the guardians gasp at the man because they knew who he was, but the woman they had no idea. But Jack, Merida, Hiccup and Rapunzel knew her, she haunts their dreams. They haven't told anyone though. Everyone notices them tense up but say nothing.

"Ah Pitch, what is the pleasure of this meeting?" She asked.
"Not much, can't I just see an old friend?" Asked Pitch.
"You? Nope. What do you want?"
"There are four children who are in my way to power and I need you to 'take care' of them. You should know them, you haunt their dreams every night."

Now the four were terrified. If she agreed then they didn't want to find out what she is capable of. What no one seemed to notice was the wicked smirk in the shadows or the maniac smile beside it.

"Ah, those little brats. Very well, I've been trying to kill them for the past two months but nothing has worked."

The guardians were very mad at Pitch and the woman for trying to kill children. Actually beyond mad, they were furious! But the other four paled horribly and started shaking. Everyone else was confused as to who the children were.

"I can see that. Now, here is a Prophet's Ball, it will tell you where they are and what they're doing etc."
"Alright, now I need to figure out a way so I need you to leave. I will do my best."
"Thank you Ira." Pitch said as he left into the shadows.

The guardians were wide-eyed with shock. "Wait, Ira? As in Ira Et Dolore? But we watched her die! How is she still alive?" Asked Bunny.
"I don't know old friend, how is it possible? But if she or Pitch lays a single finger on child's head, they will die, forever." Replied North.
"I agree." Said Tooth and Sandy nodded. Everyone one else stared in shock at either the screen or the Guardians. Then they heard a bang and four clicks to find Ira and Pitch cuffed to two chairs, one blood red and the other coal black. Many gasped but some were terrified. Pitch just smiled at all the fear, but it wasn't friendly. Before anyone could do anything else (like the Guardians ripping off their heads) Ashley showed up and said, "There will be no slaughtering each other now, will there?" Everyone saw the cold glare she gave the villains and nodded then looked back at the screen.

Ira started to sing:
"Got a secret can you keep it swear this one you'll save
Lock it in your pocket takin' this one to the grave
If I show you then I know you won't tell what I said
Yes two can keep a secret if one of them is dead."
While she sang the ball started to glow bright red then showed a picture of Jack Frost.

Jack looked about ready to faint while everyone else realized she was showing the children. The Guardians became very mad.

Next Merida

The Highlanders were furious and outraged at someone that tried to kill their princess while the King and Queen looked on in horror. They never knew......

Then Rapunzel

Gothel was horror-struck. Someone tried to take her flower away from her again! This couldn't happen. But the King and Queen of Corona stared at Rapunzel, she reminded them of....

Lastly Hiccup

Berk gasped and stared at the screen in shock, horror, sadness and anger at Ira and Pitch. How dare they! Just when he was chosen to kill the nightmare he is targeted for a kill. Stoick became very angry at them for trying to kill his last connection to Valka....
Every parent wished to grab their children away from their chairs and hold them to make sure nothing happens to them but they found of they couldn't move. The four were as pale as a sheet and all looked readty to faint but said nothing nor did they move. A figure up above them was glaring daggers, swords, knifes any kind of weapon at the villains. She had a few dragons up with her and she was PISSED. NO ONE TOUCHES HER BABY. (A\N: Its mama bear! RUN!!!)

Then the scene changed and we were at Jack's lake. He was sitting up in a tree dreaming (much to Sandy's happiness) we see golden dolphins "swimming" around his head. Then a little blood red trail pierces Jacks head and he falls from the tree in an unconscious state.

Everyone was in shock. North shouted, "What did you do?!"
Ira just replied, "I did what I was told."
"What do you mean 'What you were told'?"
Hey! So I found out Ira Et Dolore is Anger and Pain in Latin, I used Google so don't kill me if its wrong. Anyway, comment, vote, share whatevs! See ya in the next chapter!

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