Beach ☀️

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Junior POV

I wake up feeling a hot breath onto my face. I look at it and sees mark sleeping soundly. I smile and peck his lips. I set aside his hands around my waist and get off the bed. Suddenly, a hand quickly grab me, put me back onto the bed and pull me closer. Mark open his eyes and whisper to my ear.

Mark: you're not going anywhere, baby~!
Junior: Mark~ i wanna bath~
Mark: oh but before that, let me do something with you.
Junior: do wha--

All of a sudden, Mark kiss my neck. Oh my god. His lips is on my neck. He kiss it softly and i kinda moan a lil.
I quickly cover my mouth and Mark did sexy voice of him which give me chills to my spine.

Mark: no need to cover your mouth, baby~ your moaning is my music~
Junior: mark~ >< stop~
Mark: okay, i'll stop. come on! Let's bath together!
Junior: Noooo!!!! It's embarassing!
Mark: okay okay. Then, you go first.
Junior: *rolls my eyes*

Mark let go of me and i get off the bed. I enter the bathroom and locked the door. I look at my reflection and touch my neck. My brain is going wild. I start to imagine Mark kissing my neck and feel so good at the same time. I shooked my head and slap myself. Ouch. That hurt. Then, i go to bath. 10 minutes later, i done bathing and get out of the bathroom.

Junior: Mark~! Im done bathing.

Mark run fast towards the bathroom, once again he kiss my cheek quickly and locked the door. Wow. That was fast. I headed to our closet and wear my clothes.


Mark is so hot right now cause he is wearing his black sleeveless t-shirt which is my favourite among all of his shirt. His arms is so muscular. I wear my white printed t-shirt with military like shorts.

Junior: Mark~?
Mark: yes, baby~! *focus on the road*
Junior: Where are you taking me today?
Mark: oh. I'm gonna take you to this place where you can be mine Forever.
Junior: Mark~ no playing~
Mark: okay okay. i'm taking you to the beach.
Junior: Yeahhh~!!

Mark is taking me to the beach. Yey!!! I swear we're gonna have so much fun there. 20 minutes later, we arrive at the beach and Mark park the car. We get out of the car and Mark open the back hood of the car. He take something from there and close it back. He held my hand and we start walking together to the sandy beach.

Then, we stop by under a coconut tree and sit there. I look at Mark cause he is opening the bag he's holding. Oh my god! It's a acoustic guitar. Is he gonna sing for me at the beach?

Mark: Junior, my princess. This song is for you.

Omg! He is really gonna sing for me. He start to strum his guitar and sings.

Mark: "So here I am staring at the moon tonight,
Wondering how you look in this light.
Maybe you're somewhere thinkin' about me too.
To be with you, there's nothing I wouldn't do.

And I can't imagine two worlds spinnin' apart
Come together eventually..

And when we finally meet, I'll know it's right.
I'll be at the end of my restless road.
But this journey, it was worth the fight.
To be with you, just to be...etc."

My heart admiring his voice and that stare of him while singing is so handsome. When the song finish, Mark come close to me, stare into my eyes while holding my hand and say something.

Mark: That's song im singing is 'To be with you' and it's the perfect song for you. I love you, Jinyoung. I hope you like it.
Junior: Like it? I Love It, Mark!!! *jump on top of him*

Mark is under me while im on top of him. I look at him and he smirk at me. He quickly change position and now, i'm under him. Both of us look at each other.

Junior: *giggle* what are you doing?
Mark: you look so beautiful, jinyoung!
Junior: *cover my eyes & blush* Aaaahhhhh~!
Mark: im coming closer to your face now.
Junior: nooooo~!!! *giggle*
Mark: okay, i'll stop. Open your eyes now.

I uncover my eyes and Mark face is right in front of me. He quickly kiss my nose before i could cover my eyes back. He get up and scream happily around me while jumping around.

Mark: YEAH!!!!! I KISS YOUR NOSE!!!!
Junior: shut up~
Mark: come here, you~!

Mark pull my hand and immediately carry me bridal style. He twirl us around and i laugh loudly. Then, he stop and brought us into the water.

Junior: Put me down please, my prince!
Mark: As you wish, my princess!
Junior: *smack his shoulder* Aishh~! So cheesy~!
Mark: Haha. I am cheesy to you. *brushes our nose*
Junior: *smile*

He put me down onto the water and i quickly splash him & play tag with him.

Mark: Hey!!!! That's not fair!!!
Junior: oh oh! It's fair alright! Catch me if you can, oppa~! *run away from him*
Mark: i swear im gonna catch you, baby~! *start running*

Mark POV

Junior suddenly tag me on my shoulder and he quickly run from me. I run towards him and try to catch him. Seems like he's faster than me. He turn his head towards me and he is smile brightly. My mind slow-mo that moment. Gosh! He is so damn beautiful. His smile, hair, lips, everything about him is perfect. I shooked my head and continue chasing him & run a bit faster.

I'm quite near to Junior now. I quickly catch him and carry him bridal style again. I spin him around the water and laugh at each other. A few minutes later, i stop spinning him around and he hid himself onto my shoulder.

Mark: i catch you, baby~!
Junior: *aegyo* not fair~
Mark: It's fair, what! At least, i catch you and immediately carry you. *smile*
Junior: *pout*
Mark: don't you dare give me that pout of yours.
Junior: *continue pouting*
Mark: Aish~! Seems like i have to do this.

I give him a peck on the lips and a cute, happy smile form on his lips. I cherish his smile and face by staring at him. His cheeks start to flushed.

Junior: *hid himself* Oppa~
Mark: what~?
Junior: don't look at me like that. *shy*
Mark: why? You amaze me, baby~!
Junior: *giggle*
Mark: you're so cute, jinyoungie~!
Junior: you're cute too, oppa~!
Mark: i love you, princess!
Junior: i love you too, oppa~!
Mark: *kiss his forehead & peck his lips*
Junior: *kiss my cheek*
Mark: hey! Look! The sunset is already setting. Let's sit down at our place.
Junior: Alright, oppa~!

I walk back to our place which is under the coconut tree where my acoustic guitar is. I put jinyoung down and both of us sit down looking at the sunset. Junior put his head onto my shoulder and it's sweet though. ^^

Junior: The sunset is so beautiful, Mark~!
Mark: like you, of course. *smile*
Junior: Aish~! So cheeky, oppa~!
Mark: of course i am. *laugh*
Junior: *lift up his head & smack my shoulder*
Mark: *look at him* Ouch~! That hurts so bad. *pout*
Junior: Awhhhh... No! I won't kiss you.
Mark: oh really? *smirk*

I go near his neck and kiss it. I look at his face and he still frowning. Fine. I kiss his neck even more. Finally, i can hear him giggle him a bit. I kiss it even more until he tell me to stop or not.

Mark: *continue kissing his neck*
Junior: oppa~ stop~ it tickles~ *giggle*
Mark: *still continuing*
Junior: ok oppa. Stop, please.
Mark: *lick my lips* nice~! Your neck taste so good! Can i have it more tonight? *smirk while raising my eyebrow*
Junior: Hey~ no~!
Mark: okay okay. Im just kidding.

Then, a wind come by which make me to look at Jinyoung. His hair is perfect with the wind. Both of us look at each other and i kiss him first on the lips. Gosh! This moment is so perfect. Watching the sunset, under a coconut tree by the beach. It's so romantic & cool.

-- To Be Continued --

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