Surprise Proposal

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Mark POV

Today is the most special day ever cause it's our 2nd aniverssary. We've been spending times together for a long time and officially announce our relationship to the media. All of our fans aka shippers also love us so much. Nobody can take Junior from me. He is mine now. Only Mine!

I wake up with the smell of Pancakes in the kitchen. I get up from the bed and get out of the room. I walk towards the kitchen and see Junior cooking our breakfast which is pancake. I walk towards him, backhug him & kiss his neck softly.

Junior: *giggle* oppa~!
Mark: Good morning, baby!
Junior: Morning, oppa~! Happy 2nd Aniversary!
Mark: Happy 2nd Aniversary to you too, baby!
Junior: Where are we going today, oppa~?
Mark: i think we should go to the shopping mall.
Junior: That's great but first, let's eat breakfast and can you make orange juice for drinks?
Mark: sure, baby~!

I let go of the backhug and make the orange juice. I take out two glass and pour a bit of orange juice. Then, i pour some water in it. I take a spoon, stir both of the glasses and take a sip of it. I smile and put the glasses onto the dining table. I help Junior carry the plates of pancakes and put it on the dining table. I pull the chair for Junior and he sits there. I go back to my place and sit there.

Junior: Enjoy your meal~!
Mark: DIG IN!!!!

Both of us eat the pancake and drink the orange juice. Gosh! Junior's pancake will always be my favourite ever. He is so good at cooking and apparently he will only cook for me & the others GOT7 members. ^^ 10 minutes later, we're done eating and carry our plates & glasses to the sink. Both of us wash the dishes and glasses together. We kinda splash each other a little but no worries. We are not that quite wet, Haha.

Suddenly, Junior splash me and he makes my sleepwear wet. I sigh and he just small laugh at me. I take off my clothes and put it on the kitchen table. I look at him and he blush a little. I smile & shook my head.

Mark: Come here, you silly little boy!

I quickly carry him and put him on the kitchen table. He put his legs around my waist and put his arms around my neck. Both of us smile and kiss passionately. I lift up his shirt a bit and put my hands on his waist. Without breaking the kiss, i carry him once again and lead us to the bedroom. Both of us fell on the bed and continue kissing. I bite his lips and he gasp. My lips go down to his neck and i kiss it softly. His neck is my most favourite part among all cause i can always hear his giggle cutely everytime i kiss it.

Junior: *giggle* Oppa~! That tickles!
Mark: *bite it*
Junior: *gasp & moan* Mark oppa~!
Mark: *lick it*
Junior: Hhhaaaahhhhhh~!
Mark: *whisper* I like it when you're sexy and hot at the same time.
Junior: OPPA~!!!!!!

I unkiss his neck and look at him. He pout cutely, i smile & shook my head.

Mark: Aish~! Why you're so cute?! *pinch his cheeks*
Junior: oppa~
Mark: come on! Let's go bath. Shall we? *smirk*
Junior: Nooooo~!
Mark: Hehehe. Just kidding.


I drive my car and we headed to the finest shopping mall. We sing together all the way. 15 minutes later, we arrive at the shopping mall and i park the car. I get out of the car anc close my door. I walk towards the other side and open the door for Junior. He get out of the car and smile at me. I close the door and lock the car. I hold his hand and interwine our fingers.

We enter the shopping mall & walk around the mall just to do window shopping. My eyes is searching for a jewelry shop. I want to buy a ring to make a surprise proposal for him tonight with the help of the others.

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