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Chapter 11 - A day at the Park

Mark POV

A few years later, Hana is not a baby anymore. It's sad though but now, she's becoming a big girl and look very pretty too.

All of us stay in our apartment which is very near to the city and the park. I am now watching TV while waiting for Hana & Junior to get ready cause Today we are going to the park. I promise Hana that we're going to bring her to the park. So, yeah. 10 minutes later, i hear Junior voice from our room.

Junior: Oppa~! We're done! Come here and look at us!
Mark: Ok! Be right there in a minute.

I stand up and headed to the master bedroom. I open the door and my eyes widened. I see two beautiful human being dressed up nicely. Then, Hana run towards me and i quickly catch her.

Hana: Daddy~!
Mark: daddy's little girl lookin' so pretty today!! *smile*
Hana: *giggle*
Mark: Your giggle sounds exactly like your mommy~!
Hana: Dad! Why mommy calls you baby?
Mark: Awhh~! Come on, baby~!

I call Junior to stand beside me and pull him closer. Junior give me a kiss on the cheek and i smile at him.

Hana: Daddy~!
Mark: yes, hana?
Hana: You're not answering my questions yet~! *pout*
Mark: Oh, sorry, honey. Mommy calls me 'Baby' cause we love each other, hana~!
Junior: That's why me & daddy get married and i got you. You're the cutest girl ever~! *peck her cheek*
Hana: Mommy & Daddy are so sweet~!
Mark: of course, we're sweet. *smirk*
Junior: shut up~ *giggle*
Hana: Mommy so cute~!
Junior: *blushed*
Mark: Look! Even our own daughter says that you're cute~!
Junior: *blushed* Thanks, Hana! Thanks, baby~!
Mark: Guess where we're going today?
Hana: I don't know, dad~
Junior: Guess what? Daddy gonna take us to the park!
Hana: Yeay~! I love you, mom & dad!
Mark: we love you too, hana! So, Let's Go!!!

I put Hana down and Me & Junior hold her hand. I get my car key and we get out of the apartment. We enter the elevator and wait until the elevator reach the parking lot. A few minutes later, we get out of the elevator and headed to our car. I unlock the car and open the door for Hana & Junior. Both of them enter the car and i close the door. I did the same thing and start the car.

I drive headed to the Park. While driving, All of us sings together with the music along the way until we reach the Park. 15 minutes later, we arrive at the park and park the car. All of us get out of the car and i lock the car. Me & Junior hold her hand and walk towards the Park. Suddenly, Hana see the playground and she begs for me & junior to go there.

Hana: Mommy~! Daddy~! I wanna ride the swings~!
Mark: Sure, honey! Let's Go!
Hana: Yeay~!

All of us headed to the swings and i carry her & put her onto the swing. I take out my phone and take a picture of her smiling. She's so cute just like Junior! I walk a bit far from the swing and get ready to take her picture.

Junior: Hold onto the swings real tight, okay, honey?!
Hana: Okay, mommy~!
Junior: Good girl~! *kiss her cheek*
Hana: *smile*
Mark: Be careful, Hana!
Hana: I will daddy~!
Mark: okay.

Junior push her and the swings move back & forth at a low speed. Her expression is so happy and cheerful. Me & Junior smile at her. I take a lot of pictures of her. Then, she stop the swings and get off the swings. I walk to her and carry her. I stand next Junior and hold his waist.

Junior: You're so cute, honey~!
Hana: *giggle*
Mark: You're so cute just like your mommy when he was young a few years ago. ^^
Junior: *hit my shoulder* oppa~!
Hana: Mommy~ Neomu Gwiyeowo~ *aegyo*
Junior: *blush* s-since when she can do aegyo?
Hana: Daddy teach me, mommy~! ^^
Junior: *look at me* oppa...
Mark: hehehehe...come on! Let's go somewhere else!

We walk around the Park until Me & Junior was tired AF. We stop walking and sit under the tree nearby.

Mark: I'm sorry, honey to do this to you but we're tired. You can go to play there.
Hana: okay, daddy~!
Junior: you can go now~!

Hana walk towards the Park nearby and both of us look at her playing. Junior put his head onto my shoulder and i kiss his forehead.

Junior: oppa~?
Mark: yes, baby~!
Junior: Our baby girl is so beautiful from afar. *smile*
Mark: yes, she is. She look just like you, baby~! Just like the day when we were going to a dance party at JYP Entertainment. You look so beautiful to me.
Junior: *blush* oppa~

We look at each other and our forehead touch each other. We close our eyes and our lips connect. We kiss passionately & let go of the kiss.

Junior: I love you, oppa~
Mark: love you too, baby~

Suddenly, we hear Hana crying. We quickly get up and walk towards her. Junior kneel down to her and ask her.

Junior: What's wrong, honey?
Hana: *cry* I hurt my arms, mommy~!
Junior: Awhhh~ come here, honey~

Junior carry her and she cry onto his shoulder. We walk back towards the tree and sit there. Hana sit on his lap and i ask her.

Mark: where did you hurt yourself, honey?
Hana: *show her arms* here.. *pout*
Mark: Oh okay..

I take out a little piece of bandage from my pocket and kiss her bruises. I paste the bandage onto her bruise and she smile at me.

Mark: don't cry anymore, okay. You're a big girl now. It's just a small matter. *wipe her tears off*
Hana: but it hurts, daddy~! *pout*
Junior: we know it hurts, honey~ but Daddy always told me to be strong no matter what happen when we were young.
Hana: ohhhhh..okay, mom & dad! I promise i will be strong just like mom & dad!
Mark: Now that's our baby girl!
Hana: Thanks mom & dad! Both of you are my savior~!
Junior: Awhh! You're welcome, honey~!

After that, we kiss Hana cheeks and she giggle cutely. I carry her and we headed back to our car. I drive back to our apartment. 15 minutes later, we arrive at our apartment and park the car. All of us get out of the car and headed back to our room.

-- THE END --

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