Chapter VIII

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I knocked lightly on the door, holding my breath in hopes that he'd actually answer. Should I call out? Would he come to the door if I called? Or would he hide away longer?

"Michael, it's Rosie, I just wanted to-"

The door was pulled open from the inside, a shirtless Michael appearing. I tried to avert my eyes away but I couldn't help but look at his soft pale torso. There was a large scar on his side, seeming to be old since it was so faded. One of his hands had a burn mark across the surface of his skin.

There was a certain sadness swirling amongst his light green eyes as they bored into mine, "Why did you come back here?"

I was left speechless, unsure of whether he meant it as a literal question or just a snarky rhetorical comment.

"I wanted to," I swallowed hard as I watched him look over me from head to toe, "apologize."

It was his turn to be confused, leaning against the doorframe, "Apologize for what exactly?"

I wasn't sure why I was apologizing. I felt so strangely attached to Michael, his change in demeanor that night making me feel at fault. I tried to convince myself that I did nothing wrong, but I just didn't believe it.

"For kissing you," I started, nervously stepping back and forth as I spoke, "For making you feel bad for me because I'm the new girl. For thinking you could ever like someone like me. I'm sorry for it all."

He blinked wildly for a moment, giving me an are you serious look. He was quiet for so long that I swear I heard the light beat of a green day song playing in Luke's car down the driveway. Just say something already!

"Rosie," he said, the raspiness of his voice making my eyes sting, "I like you."

Is he, like... joking?


"I told you to leave that night because I didn't want to freak you out."

Are you fucking kidding me. This entire time, I've been trying to figure out what I did wrong, and he actually just liked me?

"You've got some weird ways of showing affection," I mumbled, a light chuckle leaving his lips.

I remembered that it was midnight, hoping I didn't wake him, "Did I interrupt something?"

He smirked, "Just me doing the dishes, but you're free to watch if you'd like."

"I have to get home before my mom realizes that I snuck out."

He glanced behind me, most likely gazing towards Luke's car.

He scratched his neck, "Yeah, she must be pretty protective since the accident."




"How did you know I was hurt in the fire?"

His eyes went blank for a moment, quickly recovering, "Ashton tweeted about it."

I nodded and brushed it off, knowing that my drunken hallucinations weren't real.

"Okay, well, I'll see you at school then?"

He smiled, "Yeah."

He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my cheek, making my face go red under his pink lips.


He watched me walk away for a moment before closing the door, turning off the porch light. I made eye contact with Luke through the windshield, his anticipating nervousness shown when he bit his lip.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2015 ⏰

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