Against The Notorious Bad Boy

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"YOU DID WHAT?" I shrieked at my mother. There are times when a teenage girl has the right to argue with their family especially if the argument is reasonable.

“I didn’t want you in my house anymore so I sold you to two men who run an auction on people,” Mom said, throwing her last can of beer to the floor. I sometimes wonder how cruel she can be – she makes me clean, work and cook for her but she is my mother. But now all she is to me is a woman who gave birth to me, nothing more. She doesn’t deserve the title ‘MOM’.

“How could you do that to me?” I continue. “I’m your daughter, your own flesh and blood. Don’t I mean anything to you?” She smirked at me – that smirk was so vile, it makes me cringe reminds me of the Joker. Mothers, make sure your child is out of sight – it can make him/she run away in fear if they see my mother smile.

“I wanted you out of my house so I showed the men your picture and who agreed to take you off my hands. You’re not my property anymore,” She said carelessly. I was her ‘property’ now I’m not? I’m not gonna stand here and listen to this bull****, I will just go for her benefit – maybe she will miss me. That’s unlikely to happen. I marched up the stairs and into my bedroom – well, it was an attic, my mother was so ashamed staying one of the bedrooms because one of my brother’s friends saw me.

Well, the sooner I leave the better.

I grabbed a suitcase and slammed it on my bed – making sure that my Mom or Daniel could hear the noise. I seized all my clothes, neatly folded them carefully in the suitcase. Then I grabbed all my utensils, shoes into my weekend bag. The only thing left was the family photo of me, Dad, Daniel and Mum huddled all together as a family smiling but all the smiles stopped after Dad left to go to the army. At one point, my Mom did love me, took care of me and bought me things but with Dad gone – she turned into a depressed woman who drowns her sorrows in beer, wine anything that has alcohol in it.

She constantly reminds me every day that I was to blame for Dad; he only left to fight for his country to get away from the arguments she caused. Daniel was so nice to me when Dad was around; he would look out for me when I got teased by others – I use to call DanDan a nickname for him but he turned aggressive and rude towards me. He now throws insults at me, and when I get bullied at school; he doesn’t even care and he’s such a player. He slept with all my old friends and most of the females in school. Did I deserve this? I wipe away my tears on the sleeve of my jumper and gently placed the photo in the bag.

I strolled out of my room with my belongings not before looking back at the room. This room is now just one big empty space – without my things, it doesn’t look like a room. In fact, being that room was a like cell sealed away from the world. I shut the door, this house was filled with good memories to begin with but now my mind replays all the bad ones. I silently paced passed Daniel’s room who wouldn’t notice I wasn’t here anymore. I arrive at the lounge – Mom was watching TV, not even bothering to pick her crap. I placed my things on the floor, I sat on a stool; No one spoke, I had no intention of speaking to that ‘vile woman’.

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