Against The Notorious Bad Boy: Eight

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                                                                    ATNBB: Eight

We all got out the car; I decided to chew one more gum before my nerve fails me. As we walk past, I notice everyone in the queue was staring at us including Mimi and her minions, the bouncer noticed us approaching – as we were in front. The bouncer smiled at Ben, and let us straight in – entering Hanta felt very strange. The club had music already blaring and people are already dancing but you never know they might be drunk. I can’t believe that bouncer let us in like that, what he is doing is seriously bad. I’m seventeen not eighteen though the outfit I’m wearing, I may look nineteen. Ben guided us to the VIP section, I sat down – my feet were already aching enough as it is. I looked over to the bar section, too many people there and back to the dance floor – alot of people dancing to ‘Don’t Stop the Music’ by Rihanna. I nodded my head to the beat, holding my bag as a shield to me.

 “Let’s go and get drinks from the bar,” Cassie suggested. The others agree but I was more hesitant to answer, I didn’t realise I was freaking out so much, I mean my palms were sweaty. My friends must have sensed my nervousness, I try to smile reassuring them that I was fine – clear lie. “Don’t be nervous. Just relax for tonight,” Ben says reassuring me, he gives my hand a quick squeeze for support; I leave my bag in his hands. Cassie and Gina grabbed me by the arms, leading me towards the bar – they were practically shoving their way through the thick crowd. No I can’t relax but worry reason why? What if Alex shows up tonight? After all his friends are here.  So what the hell, my mind says – he did hurt me so I should enjoy this night. We finally reach the bar, I slip myself onto a bar stool ignoring the fact there is a guy eyeing me up and down – men like him make me sick.

 Despite the crowd wanting drinks, the barman comes over. “What can I get you, Miss?” the barman asks, what do I order? Maybe water is good enough. “I’d like your finest water here, please.” He stares at me as if I’m stupid – now I look like an idiot.

“What she meant to say was she’d like a margarita, please.” Cassie says interrupting causing the barman’s attention on her. “What flavour?” he says. I stare at Cassie; she began deciding until Gina said, “Splash orange.”

“One glass?” he queries, ignoring people’s shouts for order. “Three,” I say, hoping he get the drinks ready for us. The barman puts three margarita glasses in front of me and disappears, only to return with a shaker – places ice cubes in the shaker and puts in all the ingredients in the shaker. He shakes the ingredients with shaker then carefully pours the mixture into each glass. For the finishing touch, he uses lime to rub the rim of the glass in order for salt stick to it. He leaves me to my drink by going to the next customer, I take my glass, sipping self consciously – the salt burn to my lips but I continue to drink.

Gina nudges me while I was finishing my drink, I look at her. “Let go and dance,” she shouted over the music. The whole club had neon lights flashing all over, the DJ was playing many dance floor hits causing the music to pump right through my body – my body was getting use to the alcohol causing me to relax more. I slip off the stool and headed towards the dance floor – the girls and I throw our hands in the air and swing our bodies to the beat. Cassie decided we needed more drinks; she led us back to the bar and ordered a different drink – I quickly drank mine so I could return to the floor. I was strutting my dance moves to “So what’ by P!nk. As I jig around, a guy grabbed my arm and we dance together until the music ended.

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