First Contest: What's the Scenario

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I am going to write a tiny snippet of a story that I've made up. You are going to have to title it, tell me what is going on, and then you are going to extend it. You can extend it any way you want (a prologue or an epilogue or from another person's perspective) but it has to go along with the plot, at least a little.

I have to drive faster. I am driving straight into the ravine. The bomb is ticking away and soon it will blow. I cannot get out of the vehicle because I have to save everyone. At least with the last few minutes of my life I can save everyone from the horrible explosion that will surely take my life.
You are going to die, Gabriel. Comes a voice in my head. I can't block it out, but I know it's right. I am going to die. I check the bomb time. Twenty seconds. If I don't do this they'll die. And if I do this... I'll die.
The car is feet away from the ravine and at top speed, I reach it in seconds. Everything goes in slow motion. The car flies off the edge of crack in the earth and down, swirling, turning, tossing all around. I am weightless. Like when you're on the Tower of Doom at an amusement park and you feel weightless for a few seconds. Only now, it's not for a few seconds. Now it feels like forever that I await my death.
The car splashes into the river at the bottom of the ravine. It starts to sink. Water pours in through the windows that I just can't quite break, nor can I open them any more. The doors won't open due the the water pressure. I am stuck in a car with a bomb. I thought maybe there might have been a way to survive this and save all the people. But of course I did no t think this through. Alex will be devastated when they all realize I'm dead. But I saves them. Laura and Jane, Eli. They'll all be happy. But I'll be dead.
I glance at the timer on the bomb.
3... 2... 1

The due date for this one will be October 22. That gives you lots of time! Hopefully I'll have some stories to read and some winners to announce by then. And even if I don't... There's always next contest! Thanks for entering!

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