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Pale, ghostly figure

Hair flying about

Piercing blue eyes


Like she knows sonething


Like I should know something

Eyes blink

Like stars flickering

Long, white dress

Hangs around her feet

Blue eyes

Blonde hair

Angelic in looks

But something dark rests

Behind those moonlike eyes


Into the beyond

As though what she sees

Pleases her

Raspberry lips

Curl into a smile


A look not found

On one like her

Angelic in looks

A darkness rests

On the contours of her

Childlike face

Projecting innocence

Pure in appearance

But for the darkness

Resting behind her

Wide eyes

Bright face

But with a darkness

That lurks behind

Attempting to stay hidden


With a vengeance


Riddling her ocean eyes

Ocean's color

Ocean's serenity

Ocean's danger

A mask

A boundary

A falsity

That hides behind

Those bright,

Childlike looks

Danger hides within

The ethereal girl

No matter how she tries

It won't stay concealed


In her isolation

Yet those eyes reach deep

Deep into the souls

Of those she does see

Her image


What she is

A darkness

Waits behind

Those moonlight eyes

Waiting to pounce

On the first unlucky soul

To gaze into those sapphire,

Ethereal eyes

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