Chapter 12

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"Hey now." Matt says as he parks his car in the driveway of the house he grew up in. "She's going to love you."

"You don't know that." I say, "parents always hate me."

He laughs like it's a joke until he sees my face and knows I'm serious.

"Lexy's parents hate me."

"How?" He says with disbelief.

"I'm the reason she went to college. Her parents don't really 'believe' in the whole public education. Something about how 'education shouldn't be bought' or whatever." Matt starts laughing.

"I'm dead serious! I always have bad luck with parents." I whine, trying to get him to stop laughing at me.

"Well my aunt is different. Trust me, she'll love you."

"But she thinks I brought you back to your family when really it was just me at the door when Jordan showed up at your doorstep. It was just a coincidence or luck. When she knows that it won't be pretty." I huff.

Matt gets out of the car and goes to my side to open the door. He stands there for a couple of seconds when I refuse to get out of the passenger seat. He sighs deeply and turns around. I grin widely knowing that I've won.

Or so I thought.

I squeal when I feel arms of steel wrap around me as comfortable as they can before lifting me from the car, almost hitting my head in the ceiling in the first place. Matt throws me over his shoulder and shuts the car door with his foot. He starts to walk to the front door while I'm still wriggling, trying to escape from his grasp, but it's completely useless.

"Matthew Starks you will not introduce me to the woman who raised you by throwing me around like a rag doll damnit let me down!" I try pounding on his back and kicking. But honestly, have you ever tried breaking free of a grasp of a man who's probably three times your size?

Yeah I don't really recommend it.

Matt just chuckles at my protests and continues to walk up to the door, appearing to be unaffected by my poundings. I give up and go limp as I swing to his walk.

"You're mean." I say, pouting.

I gasp as he sets me down suddenly. I open my mouth to say something but my words are completely lost as Matt's lips are brought down roughly to mine as he wraps me up in arms, pulling me as close to him as possible, my breasts pushed up against his toned chest. I go to push him away, but instead I punch him in the chest. Still showing no reaction whatsoever, he smiles into the kiss.

"Mmm I love it when you're rough with me." He says seductively, "it's kind of a turn on Annalise. You should be more careful with your actions."

I moan at his words and put my hands in his hair when there's a whistle behind us.

"Such a cute couple." I turn around beet red at Jordan and her face splitting grin. "C'mon." She says waving her hand, "Mom is dying to meet you."

•••••••••mature content•••••••••

"You were such a cute baby!" I tease, pinching Matt's cheek, "What happened?"

"Hey!" He says defensively, "I'll have you know that I find myself highly attractive. In my defense, grown men are not supposed to be cute thank you very much." He says crossing his arms, almost pouting.

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