Chapter 24

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Carry on.....


I walk up to Kathy and Jo's house, where I just walk in the back door. I shot them a text letting them know I was here just incase they were busy, so I just walked into the kitchen.

"Hey! It's Anna!" I call out as I walk through the kitchen swing door.

"Hi!" Jo's head comes into view as she finishes buttering the bread. "Just in time for lunch! You want a grilled cheese?"

"Oh yes I'm starving. Where's Kathy?" I ask, sitting down at the table.

"I think in her office." She turns to me after putting the grilled cheese in the oven. "Matt told us just a couple hours ago. Mom locked herself in there ever since. She does it every time he leaves."

I look down at my hands sadly. "It's not going to feel like 9 months, is it?" I ask quietly.

She shakes her head as she sits across from me. "I want to say otherwise, but it's going to feel way longer than 9 months."

I go to ask more questions, but my cell phone rings. It's an unknown number so I excuse myself and make my way to the living room.


"I need to speak with Annalise Torres please." A male voice says.

"This is she. May I see who is calling?"

"Miss Torres, this is Michael Tucker from the D.A. Are you familiar with the name Derek Heater?" The name brings a cool chill to my bones.

"Yes..." I reply quietly, my voice all too weak. I clear my throat to try to strengthen my voice. "He's being released soon, isn't he?" I ask, completely terrified of the answer.

"Yes ma'am. Next Tuesday." He says sympathetically.

"I want a restraining order." I immediately demand. He sighs and my stomach clenches. "You can't tell me I can't get a god damn restraining order on him!" I shout.

"And I completely understand that. However, at his meeting with the lawyer and his parole officer, the judge has been convinced that a restraining order wouldn't be necessary seeing how he's been going to rehab and showing massive improvement." He says, and he even seems pissed off. "And what happened between you and him happened so long ago."

"There must be something you can do." I beg. "It happened a year and a half ago, not 5!"

"I'm sorry Miss Torres, but we've done all we can. Unless he does something, a restraining order beams unnecessary." He says. "I will call you back if anything changes. Have a good day."

"Thank you...." I say, and hang up.

I come back into the kitchen where Jo puts the now finished sandwiches down and comes over to me.

"What's wrong? Who was that?" She asks in a concerned voice and sits me down.

I tell her about the phone call, seeing she already knows about Derek, and becomes more pissed than me.

"That's fucking ridiculous! After what he did? He could do it to somebody else or worse, come back and do it again to you." I nod, letting her know the thought has already been planted in my mind. "You have to tell Matt." She says.

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