Chapter 28

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So this chapter is going to be pretty short because its part one. The next chapter is going to end it and I'm super super excited. Tell me what you think!!

**Three months later (sorry for the time skip)**

"Matt you're all fuzzy. I can't hear you." I hold the phone up to get better signal.

His mouth moves in choppy intervals, but still no sound.

"Go upstairs in the farthest corner of my room. That's the best signal we get whenever we video chat him!" Jo calls out.

I quickly run up to her room to the farthest corner, and it seems to clear up a bit, and I can hear Matt. I watch him move, say something to someone, and then he sets his phone down. He sits in a chair, and the picture is clear.

The lighting makes his golden eyes alight, and I smile widely. He smiles back.

"Hey beautiful." He greets me. It's not perfect, but it's the best we can do.

"Hey there. Did you just move bases?" I ask, looking at his different surroundings.

"Yeah. They moved us again last week. I'm sorry I couldn't call you." He says sadly.

"No it's fine. I understand." I assure him, even though it scared the crap out of me when he didn't call for a week and a half.

"I really miss you. I want you to tell me everything that's been going on." He demands and I laugh.

"Pretty much same as always." I shrug my shoulders.

"Is Jo still with that douche?" He asks suspiciously.

"Matt. John is super nice knock that off." I laugh.

"Whatever. He's just looking for one thing. Everybody knows that." He rolls his eyes.

"Were you just looking for sex?" I test him.

"What? Well no-" He becomes flustered.

"Exactly. So stop it. Besides. If he messes up, he'll have to deal with me." I promise.

"I'm terrified for him." Matt says sarcastically.

We both laugh, and as it becomes silent, my stomach churns.

"I have a surprise for you." I tell him quietly.

Someone calls frantically behind him, and he turns back to me.

"I have to go. I love you." He says and the call is disconnected.

I huff and Jo comes in.

"Did you tell him yet?" I shake my head.

"He'll want to pick out a name." I say quietly.

"But he can't do that if he doesn't know it exists." Jo says.

I nod softly in agreement as I rub my hand on my baby bump.


Lexy just about spits out her drink when I tell her the last conversation I had with Matt. "You haven't told him?" Anna you're 13 weeks pregnant you have to tell him!"

"But when have I had the time? Our last conversation was two weeks ago and it lasted for 30 seconds. We've talked three times since he left, and I found out after the first time." I put my head in my hands exasperated. "What if something happened?" I ask in a scared voice.

"You need to stop stressing. It's bad for the baby." She then smiles widely. "I'm going to be an aunt!" She squeals excitedly, causing people to look at us.

I laugh. "Actually godmother. Jo's the aunt." She gasps.

"Wait are you for real? Godmother?" I nod as she freaks out a little more. I laugh, but in the back of my head, I'm still freaking out about Matt.


We're in the car when my phone buzzes. I flinch, and completely flip when I see it's Matt. I answer it after one ring and his face comes into few after a few second of connecting.

"Hey baby. I'm so sorry. They moved us again." His voice comes through the speakers and the weight of the world seems to be lifted off my shoulder.

"I miss you." Is all I say.

"Hi Matt!" Lexy says, and I turn the camera to her as she waves, but still keeps her eyes on the road.

"Hello Alexia." He says and turns back to me. "I miss you too gorgeous."

"Is everything alright? I thought they were done moving you around?" I ask, deeply concerned.

"Yeah. Everything's fine. I don't even know why we're being moved around. Putting us all on edge." He runs his hand through his hair.

"You think you're on edge." I joke, but we both know I'm a bit serious.

"I know. I'm sorry." His golden eyes are filled with sympathy. "You said last time we talked you had a surprise for me? What is it?" He still sounds like a little kid when it comes to surprises.

"Well-" I'm cut off by a huge boom that shakes the camera, and I see Matt hit the floor.

"Matthew?" I ask worriedly. Lexy looks over concerned.

"Matthew!" I yell into the phone. There's shouts and another boom.

"Anna-" His words are cut up and choppy. "I love you." Is all I hear before the call is disconnected.

"Matt!" I scream and Lexy pulls the car over.

"What the hell happened?" She asks and I start hyperventilating.

"Anna you need to calm down." She comforts me, but I'm sobbing.

I scream again as there's a sharp pain in my stomach. I feel blood on my legs.

"Oh shit." Is all I hear Lexy say before I pass out from the pain and the blood.


So that was a huge cliffhanger. Like really huge. Don't hurt me. I see why you would want to hurt me. I would want to hurt me too.

The sequel will be coming soon, hopefully within the next couple of days.

Thank you all who stuck with My Soldier since the beginning. Thank you to all my readers. You guys were my motivation with your comments that made me crack up and made me smile.

Follow for updates on the story, like, comment, and stay tuned for the sequel!!!


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