Chapter 25

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Quick survey: Do you guys think its too early for them to get married? Keep in mind they've only been dating for about 5-6 months, (and I still think that's still kind of early to say I love you but whatever). I just want your opinion so I can decide whether or not to put the engagement/wedding in this book or the sequel. Just let me know if you think it's too early for then or not. I'm trying to make this a bit realistic.

**two weeks later, (about?) two weeks until deployment (I really hope this makes sense)**


"There is no way I'm getting out of this bed." Matt says as I try to wiggle out of his grasp.

"Matt we have work. We've missed too much already these past two weeks. I have to get to the shop before Aaron and Chia burn it down, and you have your....thing." We haven't really discussed his deployment yet, and we don't really want to.

"Have you gotten any calls from your lawyer person or whoever has to deal with that cock-sucker?" He asks as he slips on his boxers, obviously referring to Derek.

"Just to let me know that last Tuesday or whatever the D.A or whatnot had let him out." I tell him with my voice stiff as I look for clothes to wear for work.

"Anything on the restraining order?" Matt asks, pulling on the last but if his uniform.

"No..." I say quietly and the subject is dropped.

After we finish getting ready and after we ate a quick breakfast, he drops me off at work. He gives me a sweet and short kiss as he tells me he loves me softly, as we're not as accustomed to saying those three words.

"I'll pick you up normal time. Nothing should come up this time. Although, I really shouldn't promise that." He laughs softly and I smile, shaking my head. "Hey don't worry. Everything is figured out for the deployment." He squeezes my hand. "After today, these next two weeks are going to be all about me spending time with you, alright?" He tells me and I get excited for the things he has planned for us.

"I can't wait. I'll text you if I get off early. You know Zane." I tell him, kissing his cheek and getting out of the car.


I finish putting books back in order on the shelves before moving on to the CDs.

"Excuse me, do you work here?" I turn to see a girl my age and I smile.

"Hi! Yes I do. What can I help you with?" I set the crate of CDs that I need to sort aside and out of the way so no one trips on them.

"Do you guys have Coldplay's and One Republic's newest albums? I looked and I think I was looking in the wrong spot." She laughs and shakes her head in embarrassment.

"We actually got the new shipment of the new CDs last week. This way." I beckon her to follow me to where the CDs she's looking for are at.

After helping the girl out, who I learned whose name is Stacey, I explained that sometimes people will look at the CDs and then misplace them, and we hasn't gotten around to fixing up the shelves. Then we had gotten talking about those specific artists. The bell rings and I'm alerted of a new costumer.

"Stace! We're going to be late!" I hear a man voice that is all too familiar.

I turn and watch Derek Heater come up the aisle right towards me. At first he stops as I stand there frozen, my hand gripping my cell. I turn away quickly, hoping he doesn't recognize me.

"Lisa?" I cringe at his nickname for me. He was always the only person who called me 'Lisa'.

I turn around slowly and face him. Stacy is walking out and he's leaning on the counter.

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