Chapter 22

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There are screams. So many screams. They won't get out of my head. There's explosions. Gunshots. They won't stop shooting. It's a non stopped rhythm of death. Explosion. Calm. Gunshot. Explosion. Calm. Gunshot. Sometimes they don't even wait for the debris to clear. They just shoot. There are more screams.....

"Matt." I can't help them. Why do they call for me when I can't help them?

"Matt!" What am I supposed to do for you?


I snap my head up from my plate. Annalise is staring at me with a concerned look. My beautiful, perfect Annalise. Why she sticks with me, I have no idea.

"What?" I ask, trying not to lead on I was having another "episode"-or as Dr. Stewart calls them. I don't want to worry her.

She sighs and sits back down next to me. "You tuned out again." She looks at me, and understanding comes over her face. "Oh." Is all she says.

I guess I wasn't all that subtle. I clench my fists in frustration. I'm so fucking tired of this PTSD.

"Hey." I feel her delicate touch I always yearn for on my shoulder. It relaxes me as I meet her soft gaze. "I'm right here." She says with a reassuring smile. She knows I hate going through my episodes alone.

I don't say anything. Instead, I bring her into a tight hug.

"What were you thinking about." She asks tentatively against my chest.

I sigh, knowing it almost scares her. "The war, like always. What I went through over there."

"What was it like over there?" Her questions takes me by great surprise. She's never asked about the war before. Mostly because I don't particularly like speaking about it, but she doesn't like hearing about it.

"We were all anxious, all the time. Waiting for something to happen. Always on alert. Sometimes we would play soccer or football to relieve the anxiety of an attack. But you could still feel the nervousness around the barracks." I recall to her about how close knit my squadron were. We told each other everything and anything.

I didn't even realize what I was exactly talking about until I saw Annalise's eyes grow wide. I find myself telling her about the bombing on our barrack, and then the raid after. How only four of us survived.

I don't even realize I'm crying until Annalise touches my wet cheek. I lean into her hand that is cupping my face, kissing her palm.

After I few minutes of just staring at her and her beautiful face and soft, blue eyes whose color I can't exactly pinpoint, a calm comes over me, feeling better now that I told someone what I was keeping bottled up.

"Annalise." I whisper as she smiles at me. "Why do you put up with me when there are so many other normal guys out there?"

She laughs a sweet laugh that makes my breathing heavy. "Because I don't want any other normal guy." She tells me. "I just want you."

Without saying anything, I grab her face and kiss her hard, not wanting to let go.

**A couple days later**
**Annalise's P.O.V**

"I have to work late tonight so you don't have to wait for me. Some recruitment stuff needs done and then I'll be home, alright?" Matt says over the phone as I finish cooking dinner.

"Oh alright." I frown looking at the soup that is now too much for just me tonight. And I hate left overs. "That's fine. I'll see you tomorrow morning then?"

He sucks a breath through his teeth. "Uhh I've got to get back here early in the morning, but by.....4 or 5 tomorrow night is when I should be home."

I hum in response, but as I begin to say something, Matt cuts me off. "Oh wait. I've got PTSD therapy at 5. So I say 6:30 is when I'll be back."

"Alright." Is all I say in a flat tone filled with so much annoyance I know Matt can hear it.

"Annalise-" He begins, but someone knocks on the door.

"Someone's at the door." I snap, and I hang up the phone without waiting for a reply.

I don't see why I'm angry. Sure I get upset when he works this much, especially on the weekends, but I shouldn't be angry. I knew what I was getting into when I became his girlfriend.

I calm my nerves before answering the door.

"Mom!" I say in shock as I'm tackled in a hug.

"Hey hunny! I had a conference here in the hotel a couple blocks away, so I decided to visit my baby girl!" She squeezes me tight as I laugh.

"Are you staying at the hotel?" I ask and she nods. "Have you checked in?" She shakes her head. "Good. You can stay with me. You don't have to stay in the hotel for a bunch of money when you can stay here."

"Oh are you sure?" She asks worriedly. "I'd hate to bother you and your studies." I shake my head.

"You're my momma! you won't be bothering me. Now go get your suitcase. I just made lunch and I have extra."

"Sounds great, dear." She shakes her head. "What did I do to deserve you?"

I laugh. "Ma it's just you staying here for a couple nights. Don't worry. Besides. We need to talk."

* * * *

"So how did you do it? With dad being gone all the time?" I ask her after I told her my slight "dilemma" about Matt.

"Patience. All you have to do is be patient, Anna."

"Ugh! That's so hard!" I complain.

My mom laughs as she takes me hand. "Just like your father. Wait for him Anna dear. He's trying. He's good for you." she winks. "He looks at you the way your dad looks at me."

I smile as she brings me into a hug.

"You can't give up in him now. Not ever." she says quietly in my ear.


So that took way longer than expected.
Sorry guys, but here it is!!

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