
543 13 16
  • Dedicated to A Long Lost Soul x

It was one of them moments when time seemed to stop, I could see the edge of the cliff, I could see the crashing waves below.

Time had completely stopped, things I wouldn't normally notice became very, very important, the way the blades of grass danced in the soft summery breeze, and the way the clouds met the sea where the sun was sinking. I listened to the sounds, sounds I would never hear again, sounds of this world not of  the next. I closed my eyes tight shut, trying to prevent any second thoughts entering my mind. I could feel the blood starting to pump in my ears, my heart felt like it wanted to jump out my chest, to escape its watery grave. 

I thought of the peacefulness of floating forever in the blue waters, never to be hurt again, never to be lied to, never to be used. My breathing steadied yet my eyes refused to open.  No-one would no if I died, no one would mourn, It was my hope to drift by unnoticed by the world, this world held no value for me, ever since my love died. The thought of joining him, in whatever lies 'beyond' was an urge that I had to fulfill. Loneliness was my downfall, the soul crushing deafening sound of loneliness. 

The sun had now nearly completely sunk, bathing me in a deep red glow, I bade my silent goodbyes to the world. I had no regrets and the few good memories I hoped would stay with me forever.

I took one last look at the world, a strange place filled with cold and uncaring souls.

I jumped.

The sun slipped from the horizon.

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