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Read the authors note at the end.

Something happened... I don't know what it could be but I think it felt like, like a connection? Friendship? Maybe? I mean do I really want to be friends with Harry...

The pizza got here till 5:15 and I was hungry. "Our pie is here," Harry chimed with a smile. I frowned, but recover with a slight smile. He called it, "Our," pizza. It the smallest thing to pick at but, my hear leaped.

"So have you decided what song you're gonna choose?" I say to break the silence. Harry groans, "I don't want to do this project," I snort. "Well you have to if you want to pass the class," I take a bite of the pizza and sit down on this cozy couch. My couch has alcohol stains, It smells like alcohol, and sometimes I find bottles stashed inside the couch so I never sit on it. I set my plate on the small coffee table next to me. "You're house is truly beautiful," I say with sentiment. I look around and see how everything is organized. Wow.. I pictured his 'flat' to be... I don't know.. Not this pretty. I mean I never pictured how his house looked like before. That'd be crazy talk. "Thanks," He said. I still have time before my father comes home.. I'll just make him a soup when he comes home and I just need to clean the kitchen after I make the mess there. Harry sat down next to me. Then the awkward silence came.. "umm do you.. want to watch TV? or?"

I could tell he's uncomfortable. "Sure.." he got up and tried to find the remote. "umm I can't find the remote," he crouched on the floor to try and find it. I looked behind me to find that the remote was in the kitchen, "Harry? I-"

"Not now, Belle. I'm looking for the remote." I turned around to look at the remote. "Harry I think you shou-"

"FOUND IT! Oh wait that's just a chocolate bar," he looked at it and checked the expiration date. "Eh still good."

"It's in-"

"I don't need your help belle. I can do this on my own." He started to make the room messy. I got up went to the kitchen counter and grabbed the remote and while he had his head in between the cushions, I just turned the TV on and just started changing channels. Harry turned around,"found it!"

I looked at him dumbfounded. "See I told you I didn't need your help." Okay this just proves how delusional he is.

It's only been 15 minutes and I decided that this was too weird. "Um I gotta go.. I have to get home.."

"Really..?" He seemed disappointed but he quickly recovered. "Yeah it's just-" he turned back to the TV and said,"yeah I get it go back your abusive father."

I wasn't astonished at what he said.. I knew that nice harry wouldn't last. I got my stuff and left his house. By the time I got outside I noticed it was dark.. oh god.. lets just hope that nothing bad happens. Little did I know that I jinxed my future self. I walked down the side walk and tried to find my house. It was different neighborhood and I didn't want to admit it but I was lost. I looked at my phone to see where I was, "hey!"

I looked around scared for my life. Oh please don't do anything to me.

I walked faster. "Hey wait up!" I turned to look who it was and.. it looked like a guy in my class? Hmmm."

He walked closer to me, "it's late why are you roaming the streets?"

Silenced by his beauty, I couldn't muster up words. He was beautiful.. but not as much as harry.. did I just that..?

"Hello..? "

Still no response.

"Do you need a ride?" I snapped out of my thoughts and just nodded. "Ah, good to know you're still alive." He laughed. He gestured me toward his car. "What's your name?" He sounded so genuine. "If you don't mind me asking,"

"Oh.. right my name! Um my name is-" thunder rolled and it started to rain. "Christ!" He opened the door for me and I got in. He climbed in the drivers seat and and turned the car on, "thank you"

"Your welcome," he smiled.

"So where do you live?"
"Oh just turn left and in two stops you take a right,"

"Ah my grandmother lives there,"

I smiled. In about 7 minutes we arrived, he pulled into the drive way and unlocked the car. "Thank you so much for the ride.." I got out of the car nervous knowing that my father will probably beat me.. "oh wait! I never caught your name!"

I smiled. "Oh my name is belle!" Thunder rolled and I could tell he couldn't hear me. "What?!" I laughed. I smiled and closed the door. Dang I should've said my name louder. He was so cute...

Back to reality.. the house was dark and it looked like no one was here.. I know I was gonna regret this.. but.. "Dad?.." I called out..

No response.

"Dad...?" I called out louder this time.. I searched every room in the entire house for him.. except for one. His room. I was never allowed in there. Nor did I want to go in there.. I stared at the door. First I listened. But there was no noise.. no breathing. The lights were off and I couldn't tell if there was anyone in there..

I looked under the door and I saw.. a shoe..

It was attached to something.. wait.. my dad was wearing those shoes.. I could barely see anything else. He wasn't moving at all.. I got up, to try and open the door. The door was locked. I kept shaking the door. "Dad!!"

I started to bang on the door. "Dad!"

No response.

I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed 911.

"Hello?! This is belle speaking I need an ambulance right now.. please my father.. I think he.. has alcohol poisoning.."


As the the ambulances showed up they broke down my fathers door and turned the lights on.. I was.. speechless.. I started tearing up..

There were photo albums of my mom and dad. And me.. everywhere.. my dad was on the floor unconscious and he had a photo in his hand.. I reached down to get it and as I turned to look at it..

There it was.. my mom, my dad, me and..

My brother..


I didn't know what to say.. my brother.. I forgot his name.. I started to cry..

"I hope you have a better life than mine.." I whispered.

But deep down. I felt mixed emotions. I hoped he had a better life, but at the same time. Why didn't he ever come to find me.


Authors note.

2016 is almost over and it's about to be 2017 I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in forever. I apologize for everything. This year has been the worst year of my life after everything had happened to me.. I understand if you don't want to read my story anymore.. and again I'm deeply sorry for everything. Thank you to the people who have been commenting and voting for my chapters I do notice every single one of you and again I'm so sorry. I'm not sure when I will be updating again because of my finals this week but again thank you guys so much! And again I apologize for this ver late update..

Sincerely, The author ❤️

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