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My Alarm went off and I groan. I slam the clock with my hand while I'm under the sheets. I really don't want to, but I have to, about 2 months of school left before I finally graduate out of this hell of a school. Soon I'll be out of this devil house. I get up and change, I head to the stairs to brush my teeth.

As I walk down stairs I trip over my feet and fall Immediately fall rolling down the stairs. "Oww..' I groan. I get up painfully and Ignore the huge pain on my stomach. I find my things in the living room and find my favorite white baggy knitted sweater. I put it on, grab my things and go into the kitchen. I open a cabinet and grab a granola bar.

I see my father coming in and having a vodka in his hands. "Isn't it a little too early to drink?" I ask unexpectedly. "So? I can drink whenever I want" He sneered. I don't know much about drinking, "Can't that make you sick?" I continue to ask. why am I asking questions.

"What do you know? You know nothing about drinking!" He raised his voice slightly. "I just want-" I was interrupted by a hand connecting with my cheek. I stood there. Numb. "Shut up, and when I get home I expect everything to be spotless and dinner for me." He said in a vague voice.

"Mom wouldn't be like this.." I mumbled. That was a big mistake. He turned around slowly. "What did you say?" He said coldly. "Nothing' I quickly say, "Don't you ever talk about Sara!" His voice booming through each echo.

Before I can run, He kicks my gut and I fall to the floor in pain. I am so stupid for talking about mom. I get up and before I know it my father is out at his car and drives away quickly. I open the door and run. I run as fast as I could. I run at a fast pace, I manage to fumble with my feet and fall.

My elbows scratched and my sweat shirt dirty. I see blood, stained on my sweater. I get up from the side walk and gather my things in my hands. I shove papers into my back pack before they could fly away. By them it's too late. A paper flew away from me. Eh, I hope it's not important.

Harry's POV

As I drive to campus and get my things and head to class. A girl yelled out, "Hey Harry!' in a squeaky voice. I Simply give her one of my famous smirks and wink at her. When I turned my head away from the blonde headed girl, the wind picked up and a paper hit my face. I harshly take it out of my face before anyone can notice. Its says, it's addressed to Belle..

It's from LDA, whatever that means. I was going to throw it away but then I realized, I could use it against her at some point, then I decide to put the letter away and keep the letter from belle. The bell rung and I headed into my first period class.

Belle's POV

When I go into my first period science class I take my notes out from yesterday while my science teacher Mr. Iverson, passes all the equipment. I sit next to 3 girls that almost always, gossip about Harry. Ugh can't I have any peace without any mention if his name. The girls that sit with me, don't even do the work only when the teacher comes passing by or checking up on us. I get the beaker and pipet and do the lab. I pour in an unknown substance to aluminum and get a reaction of a physical change. The aluminum turned into a lava shaped rock and turned reddish-blackish.

A knock on the four was heard and mr. Iverson came to get it. It was a guy that looked like he went to this school. "Alright, Guys I have an announcement, if I call your name then come with me.


And Belle" What? Am I in trouble? I silently stand up and follow the guy. I kept thinking and thinking what I could possibly could have done.. then it hit me that Harry hasn't even bothered me. The guy stopped at his tracks, and turned to say something."I'm just going to get 3 more people from this class here and we'll show you guys what we will do with you."

I am relieved that I am not in trouble, I know because of his tone.

We all waited a few minutes before three people came out with us. Then one of the faces I acknowledged. Harry, when he saw me, I felt vulnerable. I already felt caught in his trap. He showed me an evil smirk at me, with his eyes furrowed. What on earth was the dickhead thinking about.

When we get to the cafeteria, bryan at least that's what it says on his name tag, finally say why we are here. "Okay, The only reason you guys are here is because you guys have to change your schedule. I have each of you guys schedule here and I'll explain it to you guys."


After awhile I was next last was Harry, that was suspicious, he always go first. "okay belle, I see that the only things that have changed are in your health class." I nodded. My inner goddess is doing cartwheels! no more health class!

No more embarrassment my inner goddess tells me, I smile at the boy named... Ashton, hmm sounds familiar but doesn't ring a bell. "Thank you' I say smiling when I turn my heel I fumble with my feet an fall. You fall down a lot my inner goddess tells me, I scowl at her as I hear laughter behind me, I roll my eyes as I pick myself up a dust off, and with a headache coming my way


It's the afternoon and it's time for lunch. The worst part, the bell rings surprisingly and I am startled. I quickly pack up but before I knew everyone else was out the door. I go to my locker and open it. Ummm... 6, 8, 26 Click! I grab my lunch and slam my locker. Okay now I have a headache. With my lunch in my hand I run to the janitors closet. I open the door to find that it is locked. There's no way I'm eating in the restroom, nasty stuff goes on in there, the cafeteria, well it's my only choice.. I sigh ugh! why does everything have to be negative.

I slowly enter the lunchroom and finding people are staring at me. I never came to the lunchroom only one time when I thought I had a friend, turns out he was just like the rest of them, judgmental. I scurry over to an empty table and eat my lunch in silence. I get up and throwing away my food and after I turn around, I bump into Lexi the Oh-don't-touch-me-I'm-flawless girl, spilling all her food on herself, "you beast!" she causes attention to us, she grabs another students tray of food and throws it all over my head. Adding milk pouring in my head. "What the actual Fuck!!" I yell causing all of everyone's eyes on us. Including Harry's. Everyone is shocked just because everyone never heard me cuss' "I barely made a Fucking stain on you! You ate salad!! and there was a water bottle there unopened!" I am furious. the whole room is silent with my head pounding with a headache, "oh please, you exaggerate,"she pushes, "Your the one that wants attention you little whore!"

"At least I am not a virgin!" okay that's what shut me up. That was a personal thing not to even tell anyone, I grab my things hastily and practically sprint to the door outside of the school. I let a few tears spill. Even though Harry barely bothered me today, I'd rather have him bother me than Lexi causing attention to myself.

I don't want to go to school or live everything's hell. But everything will get better my inner goddess assures me.

"You tell me everything's going to get better but you know it just lie." I quietly whisper. I wander around the streets to lose myself in the small town.

Late update but here ya go!

Sorry I barely have time to write..

Your cute and I'll see you in the next update bye! ♥️📚


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