One step at a time

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It all sunk in when I was at the laundry mat,I saw this guy walk in with Lulu's face on his shirt.I went over to him and asked how he'd knew her,he said they were cool and he knew her from visiting where she worked several times a week.(I smiled slightly) I told him she was my best friend,he asked if we were sisters as well.(my face lit up)No but we got that a lot,everyone says we look alike but I do consider her as my sister.(we small talked for a bit more then went our separate ways)
My first day on the job,I was feeling a lot better but my body was changing,there was life inside of me and that gave me motivation to kill every assignment I was given that day.
The people at my job knew I was with child so it didn't bother anyone when I seemed a bit sluggish as long I got my work done.My job was to come up with ideas for logos and banners and stuff,we're basically an advertisement company.It was the end of a long day and even though I really enjoy my new field I couldn't wait to get out of there and do something relaxing.When I got home all I could smell was Nana's cooking,she was making gumbo mmmmm mmmmm ,I love her cooking!
I got me a big ole bowl and went upstairs to my room,turned on my television,it was a full Glee marathon going on. (I was excited ,its one of my favorite shows) I ended up falling asleep three episodes in.I woke up later that night,checked my email,I had a message from my job.When I opened up the email it was stating that they had a huge project coming up and they really wanted me to be a part of it.I thought to myself (wow,already?) I wished I could see Mr G right now so that I can thank him for putting me on to this opportunity.Shortly after eating another bowl of Nana's gumbo I went back to sleep.
The next day I went to work,everyone was extra polite to me that day,it really helped me with getting every task thrown at me adone for the project.Once again I succeeded,my boss even pulled me aside to congratulate me,she told me how much of a help I've bin to the company thus far and that she sees me going way further in this field.(that meant soo much to me) While taking all of that in I looked up and said thank you God! Oh and Mr G and Lulu too! I'ts bin 8 months since I've started my new job and by that time my stomach was huge,Kailey was almost ready to come!(Kailey is the name of my baby,its a girl) The staff had thrown me a baby shower,I really appreciated being a part of the team,they were like my extended family,just soo much love and support! Things were looking up for sure.

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