The Hogwarts Express

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CHAPTER FOUR: The Hogwarts Express.

Waking up, I just stayed staring at the ceiling for a while before kicking my legs from my duvet and having a shower. Neville bumped into me on my way back to my room, he was holding a plant in his arms running back downstairs. Drizella looked up from the blankets when I closed the door behind me, large ear stood to attention as she cocked her head to the left. Leaning over my bed, I kissed her head, then took the clothes I had laid out the night before. Blue turn-up ripped jeans, mustard-coloured jumper, white trainers with black stripes and a brown cord jacket.
wrapping my hair up, I put my wand through the middle to hold it in place. Drizella followed behind me as I shut my bedroom door closed, I walked downstairs with a spring in my step – my trunk was by the fireplace with my canvas bag sitting on top and Dad's guitar case. Eating the breakfast sandwich that was on the side, I dropped a small piece of bacon for Drizella then put a finger to my lips with a smile as Gran hurried in.
"Why did you have to choose a dog?" Gran asked as she looked at Drizella," Then name her after a Disney character."
Smiling I looked up at Gran," Dogs are very loyal, and she'll make sure I won't spend all my time studying."
Knowing Gran wasn't very happy with my answer, I took my sandwich and went to find my other coat. Losing things is my speciality, basics like coats and shoes were the higher-risk items.
"Celyn!" Gran shouted at me when my head was in the cupboard," Neville's ready, time to go!"
Drizella looked proud in her teal harness and matching lead as she sat on top of my trunk. Talking a hand of floo powder took a breath looked at my gran and Neville.
"Kings Cross Station," I said as I dropped the powder and I started spinning in green fire.
When eventually I stopped spinning, Drizella jumped down from my trunk – sitting patiently as I pulled the trunk from the fireplace. Looking around, I spotted an unused trolley – my trunk fitted perfectly on the bottom and Drizella happily sat on my trunk, sitting proudly looking around at her surroundings.
Neville had found a trolley of his own, Trevor was in his travel case in the top basket near the hand bar.
Wheeling our trolleys through the crowds of businessmen and tourists who were weaving between platforms nine and ten not making eye contact with anyone. We got to the third out of the four brick arches, two white square signs on each side of the wall.
Gran stopped and looked at the both of them, "I'll run with you dear, Celyn just run at the wall between nine and ten – nothing can go wrong but if it does it might knock some sense into you."
Taking the handlebars on Neville's trolley, together they went towards a brick wall and ran straight through as if it wasn't there. Looking around, not one muggle took any notice of people just disappearing,
I looked around in disbelief," I know my brother is a klutz but seriously what about me?"
Sighing I ran at the wall pushing my trolley with me, I waited for the impact of the trolley hitting the wall and inevitably flipping over the handle, however, I went straight through the wall and onto the platform. It looked like the other platforms at King's Cross but the square signs were black and above was a burgundy rectangular sign that had 'Hogwarts Express' written on it with a small Hogwarts logo. I steered towards the open space and looked down the station, mouth wide in wonder as I saw a large Scarlett red steam train, on the front was a red plaque with 'Hogwarts Express' written in gold lettering and a gold band around the funnel.
Steering my Trolley to the back of the engine, one of the train staff – who was dressed in a red and black jacket with gold piped detail, took my suitcase and stacked it on top of four other trunks and strapped it to the side of the carriage. He put his arms out to take my backpack and guitar, I gestured that it was fine then turned to find Neville and Gran.
As I was walking around, there was a family of redheads who had huddled together then a family of blondes, the younger boy glared at me. Realising he was the same boy I met in Diagon Alley after we walked into each other I waved back at him with a smile, to his confusion.
Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I was violently turned around to come face to face with my Gran.
"Don't even look at that boy, don't look at him." She told me with a stern expression.
"Why?" I asked pulling up the top of my lip as confusion washed over my face.
"He's a Malfoy, related to the woman that put your parents, my son, in St Mungo's." She told me sadly but grabbed both of my shoulders," Go find your brother, make some friends and remember, Gryffindor or nothing."
"Celie, in here!" A voice called and I looked up to see Neville hanging his head out the window.
I gave a two-fingered wave to Gran with a tight smile, then jumped onto the train with Drizella on my heel. Walking along the carriage, looking into each compartment until I found Neville and sat by the seat by the window with Drizella's head on my lap.
"Celie, why didn't you give them to the luggage people to pack up?" Neville asked.
I sighed taking out a messy folder of sheet music, "Because Darling Brother of mine, they stay with me and this is a long journey so why not enjoy it?"

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