All Hallows Eve

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CHAPTER EIGHT: All Hallows Eve

I was sitting on my bed marking off my calendar in October, my birthdays today, All Hallows eve, the day Bellatrix Lestrange and Barty Crouch Jr cursed my parents into insanity. Only on Halloween do I blame myself. Neville says it survivors guilt, which I can believe.
September was a breeze – classes went as smoothly as they could. Seamus had a bold patch on the back of his head from potions, Hadleigh and I agreed that we didn't like Potter's cocky attitude all the time, Hermione was in every class of mine so we became quite close.

Walking down the Grand Staircase with my bag on my back.
"Celyn Longbottom – always a pleasure," Blaise smirked as he sat next to me.
I closed the book on my lap," Blaise Zabini, no lapdogs around?"
"Nah, he was hungry." He laughed," I have to go before Crabbe and Goyle eat everything, Happy Birthday though."
"Wait, how did you find out!" I shouted after him as I followed him down to the Great Hall," Blaise Zabini, get back here!"
"No!" He shouted back, over his shoulder

Padma joined Hadleigh and I for breakfast, I took a bowl of autumn fruit, looking at the charms chapter I needed for today, my foot tapping loudly on the York stone floor as I sang quietly under my breathe. I used my wand and a pencil to keep my hair up, taking the pencil to write notes in my textbooks.
"You might be overdoing it Cel." Padma started pointing at me with her fork.
I shrugged," Music relaxes me."
Hadleigh dropped a grape in her mouth, "I heard Neville tell Seamus that you're your birthday today and had to I laugh at that because as your roommate you would've mentioned it."
"Pfft, it's not my birthday." I laughed nervously.
Gran's owl swooped down, dropping a square envelope on the table then flying off.
"Dear Celyn, Happy Twelfth birthday, Love mum and dad xxx" Padma readout," Yeah totally not your birthday today."
I creased my eyebrows in confusion.
Neville walked over to me with a box in his hand," Before you bite my bloody head off, I found them in the attic."
The yellow label was written in Neville's messy handwriting," Thank you, Little Brother."
Neville hugged me," Happy birthday Big Sister – did you get anything from mum and dad?"
I nodded," Yeah, little confused by that."
Neville had this proud smile on his face," I knew they wouldn't forget – don't worry."
He went back to the Gryffindor table, by his plate was a small potted plant that kept moving – Seamus and Dean were looking at it with questionable expressions. Placing the two gifts carefully in my bag, I continued with plucking at the strings.
"Miss Longbottom?" Professor Flitwick walked up to our table," Professor Snape has informed me you are needed in the Dungeons first and maybe second today."
Placing my chin on the body of the guitar," Whatever you think I've done, not my fault, I was just –"
He put his hand up," You got a perfect score on your autumn exam last week."
"I did?"
"She did" Hadleigh coughed.
Flitwick nodded," She did, now he wants to see how far you can go – here's the recipe for a Sleeping drought. Just one more thing, you are one of two people with that score."
"Who's the other?" Padma asked
Professor Flitwick pointed to the Gryffindor Table," Hermione Granger, she was supposed to do it with you but lately she's been distracted lately."
Hadleigh nodded," Yeah, I see that."
After breakfast, I said goodbye to Padma and Hadleigh with a salute wave – passing the Slytherin's on the way down to the Dungeons.
"Longbottom!" Malfoy yelled," You're going the wrong way!"
Turning around, walking backwards," It's the opposite way to you, so it must be the right way! What's it to you anyways Maleficent?"

At 9 am Professor Snape opened his classroom door and let me inside - my bag went onto one of the hooks.
There was one cauldron placed on a gentle flame, a glass rod and a single vile, the recipe book held open on a black book stand.
"You have until the end of the first lesson to brew a vile of a Sleeping Draught. If you ask for help, this will be nulled." Professor Snape looked at me dead in the eyes," I wish you the best, for a Ravenclaw – you have potential in this subject."

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