Who the hell is Gilderoy Lockhart?

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CHAPTER ONE: Who the hell is Gilderoy Lockhart?

Tucking the pencil behind my ear – I pressed my fingers to the strings, humming the tune to Tears for Fears. Drizella lounged over my bed, fully grown, her paws darkening slowly over the summer.

"Celyn mails here!" Neville called from downstairs.
On the pine windowsill, our family barn owl sat turning his head from side to side.
Untying the envelope from his ankle, throwing him a treat from the bowl – he expanded his wings, flying out of the window to his perch in the garden.
I broke the seal pulling out two separate letters, Neville took his letter from my hand – taking his seat in the living room. From the flowerpot, I took the letter opener – slicing the top of the parchment open. Curling up on the three-seater, my legs tucked underneath.
Unfolding the parchment, another short letter fell out – I tucked it into the envelope next to the equipment and uniform list, my eyes skimming over the book list.

The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2 by Miranda Goshawk

Break with a Banshee by Gilderoy Lockhart

Gadding with Ghouls by Gilderoy Lockhart

Holidays with Hags by Gilderoy Lockhart

Travels with Trolls by Gilderoy Lockhart

Voyages with Vampires by Gilderoy Lockhart

Wanderings with Werewolves by Gilderoy Lockhart

A year with the Yeti by Gilderoy Lockhart

From across, our faces mirroring the uncertainty we both felt, "Who the hell is Gilderoy Lockhart because he sounds like an ass. I mean, the titles! 'Voyages with Vampires'? It sounds like Muggle fairy-tale."

Neville nodded," Isn't he the guy on the front of Witch Weekly, the copy you gave to Drizella to rip up?"
I opened my mouth, moving my eyes from side to side, nodding when I remembered," Yeah, the Most Charming Smile award – or something but seriously, who is this guy? he can't be that special."
Jumping from the sudden green light that bled from the kitchen, Gran walked in holding a grocery bag in her hands.
She looked over Neville's shoulder, dropping her bag behind the armchair.
"Dumbledore is a great man but by Merlin; can he be stupid." She cussed, walking into the kitchen – unpacking her bag," Mirium at the food emporium rolled her eyes when John got his letter."
"What?" Neville and I asked at the same time, looking at the door she just walked out of.
She poked her head around the door, holding a tray with three cups of tea and a plate of biscuits, "Gilderoy Lockhart, until a few months ago the man was a nobody and suddenly he is on every copy of Witch Weekly - I would eat my hat if he actually teaches you anything this year."
"How's mum and dad?" Neville asked as he took a biscuit from the plate, changing the subject.
Gran smiled at us sadly, "They are – "
"Gran." I gave her a kind smile," We know they are insane and a shell of who they use to be, you don't need to sugar coat it."
She nods," I know you know, pumpkin but it's still a sad time that I wish I could hide from you. Ok, so we will go to Diagon Alley in mid-August, we can get you some new things – I think trousers and skirts are ok, maybe some more shirts and shoes."
Taking a stack of biscuits, my cup and my letter, I went back upstairs to my room – resting my guitar over my knee, I finished marking up the song after I learned each part. Every couple of minutes I would take a drink, dunking the biscuit enough so the chocolate would melt but not long enough to it to become soggy and fall into my tea.
Looking into the mirror, I ran a hand through my dark waves – I couldn't focus on both eyes at the same time as I was always drawn to my mum's bright forest green rather than the sea blue of my dad's.
Being the only person on the third floor, I slipped into the shower around 2 am – humming as I scrubbed my hair and singing into my toothbrush.
Changing into a purple tee, a pair of pyjamas neon blue shorts and Hippogriff slippers – I lent the guitar on the stand, slipping under my thin blankets, I leant over the side of my bed, placing my slippers at the edge. Drizella lounged on the other side of the bed, her paws covering her ears - she had grown a lot over the summer, almost being fully grown she took up most of the bed.

Hiding the letter in my bag, Drizella curled up on the end of my bed – I switched my lamp off. Holding my Hippogriff close, I buried my head on my pillows. A world of colour filling my head, one of magic and wonder.

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