Detention with Hagrid

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CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Detention with Hagrid.

Hermione yawned as she met up with me and Hadleigh, her eyes looked heavy and her tie was lopsided.
"I had to help Harry and Ron get rid of Norbert." She yawned again," Charlie Weasley picked it up as well as a gift from some Ravenclaw Prefect."
Hadleigh nodded," Least it's all over."
"For now." I whispered.
Hermione sat with us for breakfast, her hand on her cheek with her eyes blinking heavily. Buttering my toast, a Brown owl landed in front of us and Harry took the letter from its mouth before the bird flew off.
"You two geniuses have detention tonight with Hagrid." Hadleigh summed up the letter.
I nodded then I paused," hang on, we get detention for being out of bed at night, and our punishment for that is to stay out of bed late?"
Hermione looked up at us, "That's a good point, but Malfoy is with us this time."
I tipped my head back and necked the last of my coffee then looked at the others the steam fogging up my glasses, "you know we have a whole day with Malfoy, right? Every class then detention - oh then for the next six years."
"What did McGonagall want after we left?" Hermione asked," Sorry would've asked yesterday but Harry was plotting to get Norbert out."
I laughed," She had to let Professor Dumbledore talk to me, I'm prone to sleepwalking now."
Hadleigh gave me a knowing look, "That's what you came up with?"
"I couldn't think of anything else. "I shrugged," I panicked a little."
Picking up our bags, we joined Harry and Ron by the door – I refused to look at Ronald Weasley as we walked to the dungeons since he said I was insane.
I dropped my bag on the desk, pulling out my textbook and quill.
"Hey, Potter! Thanks for putting us in first place." Malfoy called to us as he sat down at the table in front of ours; the other Slytherins clap.
I gave Malfoy a dirty look then turned my attention to the board. Professor Snape was late as always. Blaise gave me a weak smile before he had to turn around and talk to his friends in his own house.
For the lesson we had to revise for our Potions written test, I picked out all the pages with a red post-it-note – writing my notes in coloured ink. Each colour signifying different pieces of information.
That lesson went pretty quick before we had lunch, Padma smiled as she joined us – her robes smelling like garlic.
"How's Quirrell?" Hadleigh laughed.
Padma kept a straight face," Don't even – he had that Komodo dragon on his shoulder for the whole lesson as he ranted about Vampires."
Only picking up a quick bite, I opened the Ingredients Encyclopaedia – adding to my notes from Potions. Closing it, Hadleigh and I left Padma to walk with her sister, as we sat in our normal seat in McGonagall's classroom.
My mind wasn't on the lesson, however, it was fully set on the second part of that dream – if the other's where with Hagrid two nights ago with a dragon then the second part must be true.
I seemed to just float through the rest of my day, only answering when I was asked and smiled to the rest of it.
Dropping my bags off in my room, whistling to Drizella on the way out – the two of us

heading down to dinner with Hadleigh and Padma.
Adrian smiled at me holding a book in front of his face," Hope you love the dark, Celie – you'll be there for a while."
Giving him a pointed look, I threw a chip at his head," You're just mean."
He nods," quite possibly."
Taking the cake knife, I cut out a slice of Angel's food cake – it was crisp white in the middle topped with fresh whipped double cream then towered with blueberries and strawberries.
Hadleigh pulled out a chessboard from her bag," Let's play a game."
Around seven, I left the great hall – wrapping my cloak around me as the cold spring air wiped at my arms, Drizella ran around my legs.
At the front of the school, Hermione ran up to me - linking her arm with mine Malfoy gave us a displeasing look as we bounded along to where he, Harry, Ron and Filch were standing.
"You're late," Filch told us, holding the lamp above his head
I cleared my throat," It's not even eight yet!"
Flinch looked at me before he walked in the direction of Hagrid's hut, "A pity they let the old punishments die. There was a time were detention would find you hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons. God, I miss the screaming.
I looked over to Hermione," He's crazy."
"Yeah." She whispered back at me," That can't be legal."
Filch turned to look at us, "You'll be serving detention with Hagrid tonight. He's got a little job to do inside the dark forest."
Hagrid stood on the steps of his house, he had a crossbow in one hand, whipping his eyes and nose. Fang and Drizella stood together, surveying the situation.
"A sorry lot this, Hagrid," Filch's faced changed into a snarl, "Oh, good God, man, you're not still on about that bloody dragon, are you?"
Hermione gave him a sad smile, "He'll be with his own kind, isn't that a good thing?"
Hagrid looked straight at her," Yeah, but what if he doesn't like Romania? What if the other dragons are mean to him? He's only a baby, after all."
Feeling bad for Hagrid, I patted his shoulder in comfort - however, a dragon has no place for a school.
"Oh, for God's sake, pull yourself together, man. You're going into the forest, after all. Got to have your wits about you." A sly smile formed on Filch's face
Everyone just stared at him.
Malfoy's confident aura collapsed, "The forest? I thought that was a joke! We can't go in there. Students aren't allowed. And there are -"
A howl came from deep in the forest, panic flashed in everyone's eyes.
" Werewolves." he finished looking at Hagrid.
"There's more than werewolves in those trees, lad. You can be sure of that." He turned around, "Nighty night."
He then walked away, taking the lamp with him, leaving us in the hands of Hagrid for the night.
"Right. Let's go." Hagrid announced, standing up with his Crossbow in his hand.
The five of us followed Hagrid to the forbidden Forrest, there was a dirt path that was surrounded by dark thick trees and dark green shrubbery. Drizella walked proudly, her eyes darting around watching for dangers.
I hope he knew his way back because it's a forest and everything looks the same.
Soon we came to a holt as Hagrid dipped his finger into a pool of silver liquid, I left out a sigh – as if I was walking through my own dream.
"Hagrid, what's that?" Harry asked.
Hagrid stood up and looked at us," What we're here for. See that? That's unicorn's blood, that is. I found one dead a few weeks ago. Now, this one's been injured bad by something,"
I noticed that Harry was looking at something before turning back to Hagrid," So, it's our job to find the poor beast. Ron, Hermione and Celyn you'll come with me"
Ron looked a little scared, nodding anyway that meant that Harry was with Malfoy. I bit my lip in laughter as Malfoy's face dropped.
"And Harry, you'll go with Malfoy."
"Okay. Then I get Fang and Longbottom's mutt!" Malfoy crossed his arms
Hagrid nodded," Fine. Just so you know, he's a bloody coward."
At this Malfoy's face dropped.
"Why do you get my dog?" I asked.
He shrugged," Because I'm more important."
I rolled my eyes, kneeling down in front of her," Driz, if the Blonde one is a dick – don't save him. He may be Blaise's freind but he most certainly isn't mine."
Malfoy glared at me, in return I gave him a little wave with a sweet smile.
We split, the four of us went down the right of the fork in the path as Harry, Malfoy and the dogs went down the left.
We were walking around for ages, the trees started to get closer together and the leaves gradually got thicker and darker.
Near midnight, I was getting hungry and tired, there was nothing to do. Hagrid had his crossbow pointed forwards, Ron decided to walk directly behind him until we stopped for a break.
I was sitting with Hermione on a dry stump, she pulled out a fruit mix from her pockets as Malfoy came running at us with Fang close behind him.
"Potter, big cloaked thing over there." Malfoy pointed in the direction he came in.
I stood up," Where is my dog?"
" I don't know!" He yelled
I pinched the top of his ear," What do you mean you don't know!"
He flattened down hair," I was too busy going in the opposite direction of a guy with red eyes."
Looking at the others, I bolted into the forest, Fang ran in front of us, twigs hit me in the face but I felt a relief when I saw a family shade of fur standing next to
Harry, her gums back as he talked to a Centaur.
"Harry!" Hermione called
Drizella relaxed, running to my side where I wrapped my arms around her.
Hagrid nodded at the centaur," Hello there, Firenze. I see you've met our young Mr Potter. You all right there, Harry?"
Harry nodded," yeah."
"Harry Potter, this is where I leave you. You're safe now. Good luck." Firenze nodded before galloping away to his herd.
We looked at Hagrid," On that note, you five have to get back to school."

After Hagrid dropped us off, at the front gates – I gave Hermione hug before I turned up the stairs that led to Ravenclaw tower.
Drizella left muddy paw prints around the school – Filch is going to have a field day with that.

Adrian smirked as I troughed into the Common Room, he put his index finger on the page," Have fun?"
I gave him a fake look of hatred," shut up."
"Come on Curly." He laughed," What happened?"
I let out a breath," Not sure yet, but I think I'm going insane."
A concerned look crossed his features as I turned and ran up the stairs to the dorms – throwing myself on my bed.

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