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Emil nods over to both of them, humming a 'yes' in response,
"kay." He looks I've to Leon and whispers, "where do we eat?"

"In the lounge! Behind the kitchen" he nods torwards it. Emil looks the direction Leon nods to,
"got it." He pauses and looks at the ground behind Leon,

"so, you wanna, like... Eat together or something?" Emil whispers back as Yao stands behind Emil, smiling.

"sure" Leon wispers back, walking with Emil to the lounge aria. Emil waves to Yao and walks beside Leon to the Lounge then sighs,
"Like I was saying before um... " he blushes,

"I will have to probably, uh, ask Lukas to maybe g-go out or.. Something." He looks at Leon from the side. Leon smiles,
"ok, I hope he'll say yes" he blushes looking away a bit.

"S-same." Leon smiles faintly over at him,

"where would you want to go? Honestly... I'm not that fun to hang around with." Emil bit his lip a little down hearted as the pink blush creeps into his cheeks.

"Ya you are? We can go to the amusement park!!!"
Emil looks up,
"there's a amusement park over here?" He stiffens up not exactly liking the thrill of rides or heights but the last time he went to one was a while ago. Leon nods,
"of course there is!!"

"C-cool. That would be fun with you around." He blushes lightly and nudges his shoulder against Leon's for the sake of it.
Leon laughs and nudged Emil back. Emil chuckles back and carries on walking until they get to the lounge,
"hey! How was life before I entered the cafe? I want to know about you more." He blushes and Tracey's for the door knob of the room.

"Umm... It was, like, boring..."

"Boring? How so? I mean with your personality...your-" emil pauses, blushing, "looks... And overall umm~ y-you..." He looks at him whilst he opens the door, "how could it of been boring!?" He chuckles.
Leon sighs,

"I don't know, it just was, like, was... I guess..." He walks in and gets out his lunch.
"I always just played on my phone, and didn't really talk to people outside of work"

"Huh." The Icelandic hummed, sitting himself down and taking his lunch out as well,
"how comes you talked to me, Leon?" You could tell he was super curious but Emil didn't want to sound rude.
Leon blushes,
"I thought you where a customer!!! ...and... Your cute..." He said quietly. Leon's eyes widen, realizing that he has been nicer to Emil then anyone else. Why is that? He watched as Emil took the first bite of his lunch, before opening his own. Emil leans back into the seat and swallowing his food,
"hey, what you eating?" Emil says over to him well... Not really over they wher basically sitting next to each other nearly being able to feel eachother's body heat.

"Just a sandwich" he opens it up and takes a bite.

"Same! Just a sandwhich. What do you like to have in it?" He takes another bite, not really realising how hungry he felt though it was only... What? 1pm?

"Umm..." He takes out a piece of bread that has been hallowed out with filling inside, "pork, and vegetables... Wanta bite?" Leon held the sandwich out to Emil.

"But... Isn't it yours?" He chuckles looking over to his sandwhich which was filled with Nutella spread and jam, personally he thought it tasted quite nice.

"Ya it is! Do you want a bite or not?" He smiles and wafts it in emils direction. Emil sighs,

"yeah. I guess... And don't tease me!" He scoffs, taking Leon's wrist which held the sandwhich and pulled it to his mouth, taking a small bite from the side then pulling his wrist away, munching it. Leon smiles and takes a bite himself, talking with his mouth full,
Emil nods, savouring the taste somewhat and ends up swallowing it down after chewing it for a while,

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