You dont have to be so harsh

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"You didn't have to be so harsh though... Nor." Mathias mumbles, using that nickname he uses sometimes because Lukas was Norwegian, "they're both pretty upset." He says, glancing over to Emil whom still had hurt expression.
"Good... It taught them not to sneak out..." Lukas said with a monotone voice.
"Still, Lu!" He pouts a little miserable, walking beside Lukas with his hands in his pockets.
"Still what?" He questioned, looking over at Mathias.
"Yer didn't have to be such a meanie!" Mathias sighs, "are we really leaving by tommorow though? we gotta tell Ber n' Fin then."
"yep, we should wake them up to tell them when we get back"
Mathias slowly nods, "yeh, 'Kay then." They make it back to the hotel and the Dane checks up on how Emil was doing behind them, though he was giving both of them, probably all of them the silent treatment.

Lukas walks over to tino and shakes him softly awake,
Tino wakes up, lifting a hand to his groggy eye,
"Lukas? What's the matter, something wrong?" The Finnish man gently sits himself up, his hair all messy. Mathias walks up behind them as Emil goes into his room, shutting the door tightly.
"Emil snuck out to be with that Asian kid Leon tonight.... That means we're leaving tomorrow..."
"L-leaving tomorrow??" He lightly gasps, looking up at the two men, "if you insist, Lukas..." Tino sighs, though he really didn't need a story even if it was a short summary of what happened he didn't want to get into an arguement at this time of night. Lukas walks back to his room to go to bed,
"please tell berwald for me..."
"I will." He calls after him before getting up and waking Berwald. Tino starts to pack up, though still being a bit tired. Mathias watches as Lukas goes into his room before he went into his own, sighing and also hearing muffled sobs and such from the room just next to him, Emil's. He starts to pack before heading off to bed. Berwald woke up slowly,
"mm?" He sits up and rubs his eyes before putting his glasses on. Tino packs a shirt into his luggage,
"Lukas says he's cutting the trip short, Ber." He sighs, looking up at the bed from his crouching position.
" 'k..." He yawns and gets up, starting to pack himself.

Meanwhile in the other household, Leon slams his door shut, sobbing. He locks the door and grabs his panda from his bed. Yao looks up from a newspaper, hearing the loud clash and felt instantly concerned for the teen. He got up, walking upstairs to Leon's bedroom door,
"Leon, aru? You alright in there?"
"Go away!!" He yelled, obviously crying from the muffled sobs from behind the door.
"Li Xiao, what's the matter?! Your crying and all, aru! Something must be wrong?" Yao mumbles however he insists himself to let Leon be and walk off back downstairs. Lien walks by, hearing the sobs and sighing, feeling ultimately sad for her youngest sibling,
"Leon, is everything alright?"
Leon doesn't respond, instead he picks up his pillow and throws it at the door, an obvious request to leave. She sighs a little worried then leaves, heading off to her room.
On their other hand, Emil as in his room, tear stained and red, puffy eyes. The Icelandic gets up shakily before packing the very few things he had until he remembered the ring, looking down at his chest he smiles at it faintly.
Leon can't take it, he picks his phone up and quickly calls Emil, just wanting to hear his voice.
Emils phone was silent, however, Emil didn't hear it but after some time of it just being on he saw it eventually then immediately picked it up,
"L-Leon?" He sobs gently into the microphone of the phone. Leon smiles, his voice made him feel better already,
"Emil! Oh I'm so glad to hear your voice"
Emil smiles slightly, placing the phone to rest on his shoulder as he continues to pack,
"me too. Are you okay right now?"
"Y-ya, I'm fine now, I just need to talk to you" Leon said softly. Emil nods, though he knows no one can see him and smiles softly,
"Same, I'm still a-a bit depressed but all is well I guess." He holds the ring around his neck in his palm, feeling the cold metal and smiling but it kinda hurt due to the dry marks of tears. Leon smiles,
"hey Emil? Can I tell you a story?"
Emil pauses, just letting his breathing through the phone line,
"u-uh sure, Leon..."
"Ok..." Leon takes a deep breath "once upon a time, there was a board teenager who worked at his family cafe, until one day, this boy walked in. Little did he know was that boy was going to change his life forever... Make him happier....."
Emil stays silent, enjoying it and getting a beautiful wave... or nausea,
"wait.. I think I know this one too..." He smiles softly, "the boy was on a holiday with his family, seeking a job. He absentmindedly walked into that certain shop, coming face to face with his future lover, though he didn't know that yet..." The Icelandic sighs blissfully, "They both slowly grew their love... If I remember... The boy whom worked in that small... Cosy cafe confessed their love, to be loved back as well..."
Leon blushes, feeling better,
"there dream is to watch the world together, and to live together as they grow older.... The love they have is pure, and they will never let eachother go, never forget one another"
"That continued... Their undying love for each other, getting to know each others family. A young love that neither of them could ever forget, a first love for one and a... Different-than-the-rest relationship for the other. However, they really did love each other.. And they would admit it," Emil blushes, smiling until the emotion falters a little, "th-they love each other a lot but some th-things may not last for long as it may s-seem.."

Leon's smile fades "e-Emil... I will last, forever... It won't end... Ok?"
"Y-yeh.. I-if you say so, L-Leon." He tries to calm himself down, sitting down in a legs-crossed position and breathe slightly hitching. Though he had mixed emotions by now, " 'It won't end'..." Emil repeats after his lover.
"That's right, it won't end" he smiles, even if he knows Emil can't see him. Emil lets out a happy sob, more like a gentle chuckle and closes the bag he was packing, getting up,
"It was my fault for suggesting that we should go out though... I-It probably wouldn't of happened if only I didn't..."
"Well... You were going to leave at some point anyway..."
"wow, thanks for bumming the mood for me..." Emil lets out a small laugh, "I know, but I would've liked it to last-my time here..."
"Sorry..... I wish we can stay together..." Leon sighs "w-we can run away together, just us"
"N-n-no!" He whisper shouts, "th-that would get me into more trouble! And I-I wouldn't even think of running away, L-Leon!"
Leon stays quiet, regeting that he even said that "s-sorry.... I was just...... I don't know..."
Emil sighs, furrowing his brows,
"no, it's not your fault for saying such a thing... W-we all get into those parts of thought but I-if I wanted to be in a relationship... I want it to be happy and I honestly don't want to run away for such a thing..." He blushes gently, wishing he could see Leon again, though they only saw each other around half an hour ago.

"I wonder if your brother will let me see you at the airport... To say bye"
"I'm sure he will... Lukas isn't that harsh" Emil tries to reassure Leon through the line, sitting up on his bed.
"Ok good... I at least want to see you before you go.... Do you know the specific time your leaving?"
"U-unfortunately no... But Mathias got told by Tino to go and book the five of us some tickets..." He sighs, looking up at the clock on his wall, "p-probably in the morning though..."
"Ok, can you text me when you know?"
"Sure, babe, of course. Why wouldn't I?" Emil chuckles softly, "ha, I can imagine you whilst you talk as well..."
Leon smiles "ok, thank you"
Emil sighs happily,
"a-after I've left....when do you think we'll see each other again?" He pauses, "in the flesh?..."
"Yes! Of course!! We can see eachother when I visit Europe, I useualy go every year for a week"
Emil's eyes gleam a bit,
"That's nice. You go to, uh, England, right?"
"Ya... It's close right?"
Emil nods through the phone,
"yup. It's nearer to Iceland at least..."
Leon smiles "that's good, ya"
"I know" he lets out a small smile, "well, Leon, I'll probably have to go to sleep now..." He stifles a yawn.
"Ok, I'll talk to you later then?"
"Yeh, I'll text you the time when I'm wake up... Love you."
"Love you too... bye" he hangs up and puts his phone down.
Emil places his phone on his desk once Leon had hung up. He checks the time and then decided to try and get some sleep.

Leon unlocks his door and went downstairs to the kitchen to get some water. Yao was eating some jello downstairs and once he saw Leon he instinctively went into mother mode,
"AIYAH, Why was you crying? Is everything alright? Where were you, Leon? Did something happen, aru?!?"
"Please don't bring it up..." He gets a cup out of the cabinet to get water. Yao pouts, feeling extremely concerned for his family member,
"Leon..." He sighs, "if you insist, aru... If you need talk about it then we're always here."
"H-hey, do you think you can drive me to the airport tomorrow" leon said softly, avoiding eye contact.
"W-well sure, aru! By a-aiyah... What for?" He gulps down then sweet desert and puts the tub in the bin.
"E-Emil's leaving tomorrow... I want to say bye..."
Yao furrows his brows,
"ah I see..." He made a mental note to have to get rid of Emil from the list of workers the owner of the cafe had. "Sure, you love him a lot, right? So of course I will, aru."
"T-thank you" leon felt tears forming around his eyes.
Yao nods, leaving Leon be because it seems like it's a tough time for him, so the Chinese man left to go to bed,
"that boy..." He mumbles with a soft smile before he pokes his head back through the window,
"remember to get sleep though. You don't want to say goodbye whilst your looking like mess, do you, aru?"
Leon shakes his head no as he's getting out some medicine to help him sleep that night.
"Okay then. Wǎn'ān, Leon."Yao smiles and leaves, going up to his bedroom.
"Ya good night teach..." He took the medicine and went up to his own room, getting ready for bed.

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