Lets make something sweet

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      Emil woke up, somewhere in between 3 am and 5 am however he couldn't tell at how dreary he felt. The Icelandic unexpectedly work up much earlier then he anticipated when he heard Mathias finally screaming out a loud 'YAAAAAAASSS' when he found tickets. He also beamed out to himself the timing, somewhere around 11am. Emil got up, texting Leon 'hey, Sos if I wake you up, but we're leaving at 11-ish.....'
Leon was already awake, eating breakfast with his family. He heard his phone and looked at it, his eyes widened and he stood up, texting back 'ok! See you there babe' . Leon looks over Yao,
"get ready teach! We need to leave soon!! Crap I'm not even close to ready"
Mei leaned back in her chair as Leon jumped up from his seat with the 'wtf' look on her face. She looks over to Yao who nods,
"Alright then, Leon. You should get ready first." Yao says as Emil texts back, 'Thanks :3 see you too'
Leon runs to his room to get ready, no wanting to miss his chance to say bye.

"What was that arr about Yao-San?" Kiku said, looking up at Yao. Yao trims his head slightly to talk back to Kiku,
"Emil, Leon's boyfriend, is leaving today... Well I think they is boyfriends now, aru." He smiles as Mei makes an 'o'-shaped mouth.
"Oh!" Kiku said, looking back at his food "is reon-San ok? I heard him crying..."
"Last night?" The Chinese man ponders for a bit, "I don't know, aru... He didn't want to tell me but I guess that for the better."
Kiku nods, just starting to eat again. Leon changes quickly and does his normal routine at a faster, more efficient rate. He ran back downstairs.
"Ready then? We still have plenty of hours, don't chu want to give him something? Or do something for him, aru?" Yao pauses, smiling at the now dressed teen, "better to do it now then never, right?"
"what would they let him bring on the plane.... I would get him flowers but they wouldn't let those in....." Leon thinks out loud.
"Hey, how about something that he likes?" Lien enquired from opposite the table.
"Like.... Like.... LICKERISH!! I can make him some!!!"
"Yeh, sure but... How do you make it? You have no idea do ya." Mei raises a brow, stuffing rise in her mouth.
"N-no... But that's what the Internet is for!!!!!" He pulls out his phone.
"knock yourself out, aru... Just don't burn the kitchen..." Yao sighs before mumbling, "Arthur probably passed down his horrible cooking skills to you too though."
"Oui!! Don't be mean!" Leon said, pulling out the ingredients needed to make the lickerish.
"You even got the French idiot as well!!" Yao thinks out loud, face palming himself then finishing off a bowl of soup.

"I think we have the ingredients though~" Mei says, leaning back into her chair. Leon smiles,
"mei, your good at cooking! Can you help"
"Uh, yeh sure I guess? I don't even know what this 'Lick-oor-eesh' thing is though so, uh..." She pauses, chuckling a bit, "I don't think none of us do, Li!"
"O-oh... It's uhh... It's a, type of sweet? Umm it's hard to describe..."
"It must be foreign then, I guess... UH, let me see a pic of it!" Mei smiles, getting up and rummaging through the cupboards and cabinets. Leon pulls up a pic of it on his phone and shows it to mei,
"that's what it looks like"
"ahhhhhhhhh, okay~" she pauses to look at her family then up at Leon, "what are the ingredients?? It probably has gluten in it or something!"
"I know theres surger, corn syrup, molasses.....food colouring..." He reads his phone which has the ingredients up.
"Uh, well we have plenty of hour so if we don't have any, aru, chu could go buy some!!" Yao suggests as he looks over to Mei, Mei taking out he stuff needed. Leon nods,
"Emil will love this" he helps mei take out the stuff needed to make it.
"Of course he will." Lien takes a sip of her drink before getting up, "well, teacher, I'm going to hang out for a bit." She says whilst Mei turns on the stove, adding most of the ingredients into a pan,
"humph, you better say it's a goodbye gift from me too, Li! After all, I'm helping ya out."
Leon smiles,
"of course mei!" He helps her mix the ingredients together.
She smiles, feeling ecstatic inside.
"what time he leaving, aru?" Yao says, muffling is words behind a bun he's eating.
"He said he's leaving around 11-ish"
Yao nods,
"ah~ okay then, I'm going to get ready, aru." He says and smiles, walking up to his bedroom to get dressed.
Mei greases a tin and when the mixture was hot enough she asked for Leon to pour it in. Leon carefully poors the liquid into the tin,
"what next?"
"Uh..." She looks at the screen of Leon's phone, "we... Put it in the fridge to set~!!" Mei looks over to Leon with a childish smile. Leon smiles back,
"for how long?"
"Uh, like, 30 minuets or somethin'" Mei places it in the fridge to cool and set whilst she sat back down. Just then, Leon's phone rang.
"Ok" Leon looks at his phone and awnsers,
"ni hao?"
"Leon!" Emil faintly chirps from the other side of the line, "I went back to sleep then woke up again, heh," he chuckles gently, "anyway, I'm bored and Tino is arranging a cab for us all at the moment for until a few hours. He's to organised but yeh... What are you doing right now?"
Leon smiles at the sound of Emil's voice,
"Emil! I-I uhh..... It's a surprise!!"
"Surprise??" The Icelandic ponders from the other side.
Mei raises an eyebrow,
"what your not going to tell him?" She speaks up which Emil was obviously able to hear. Leon chuckles a bit,
"nope! It's a secret!"
Emil kisses his teeth lightly and sighs,
"well I still hope you'll make it in time to see us go."
Mei shrugs, setting a timer as Leon carried on talking in the conversation he was having. Yao walks down stairs, clothed.
"Ya, what time is your flight?" Leon asked, looking over at Yao who was just walking downstairs.
"Uh, well now I know that it's exactly 11:30!" Emol smile lingers whilst he makes his way down stairs, eyeing the few bags of luggage as he added his own to the pile.
"And it's... 10:45 now so..... About 42 minutes...." Leon left it at silence, realizing how soon emil is going to leave. Emil nods,
"Yup!" He pauses to think for a bit, "well, I'll see you in a bit, bye love you."
Leon smiles "I love you to..." He hangs up and puts his phone away.
Mei looks over to Leon,
"well well still have somethin' like 20 mins left of liquorice chilling to do..."
"That will be fine"
"Okay!" Mei sighs in relief. Yao smirks over to the both of them, "how's the sweet going?"
Leon looks over at Yao,
"The licorice? It's going great!"
"Ah, that's good then, aru." He smiles, looking over to the rest of his family whom most where eating at the table.
"I can't wait to give this to him" Leon smiles, trying to forget that Emil is leaving.
"I'm sure he'll love it!!" Mei nods, Beaming happily for her brother before turning back to the timer.
"Maybe I'll buy him a rose or something too"
"It could become wilted though..." Mei ponders for a bit, "and plastic roses are just SOOOOOO less romantic, ya know?"
"Well... I'll get him a rose, then put a wet towel around the stem, in a bag..... Good? Would they let that on the plane?"
"I don't know!! The only time I've been on a plane is when I wanted to visit Arthur's!! But that was a while ago~" She frowns a bit. Leon thinks,
"I'll get him one anyway... Just in case they will let it through..."

The timer goes off and Mei smiles brightly, opening the fridge and bringing out the cold tray. She places it down and starts to cute them in shapes,
"What shapes, Li?" She enquirers, her curl bouncing excitingly.
"ummmmm.... Harts, it's that to cliche?"
"Liquorice is liquorice~" Mei smiles, taking out heart shaped cookie cutters,
"cliche? Uh... Well what else would ya shape it as? Heh, I think hearts are cute n' all!"
Leon nods "hearts then!"
"Shí de~" she starts to cut one out before stopping, "how about you do it, Li?" Mei smiles handing the cutter over to Leon. Yao sat back down, watching them with a faint smile as well.
Leon takes the heart shaped cuter and started cutting out the liquorice.
"There we go, aru." Yao clicks his fingers and smiles, sighing into the chair. He looks up at the clock making an o shaped mouth before saying,
"do chu have Anything to wrap it in?"
Leon finished cutting them out "uhh....... No! I need one!!"
"How about a box?... And a ribbon!!" Her eyes beam and she rushes to her room before coming back down stairs with various colours of the silk, "what's his favourite colour??"
Leon looks at mei in disbelief "why do you-? Ugh... His favorite colour is...is.......shit I don't know his favorite colour!!"
"OH MY GOD," she bursts out in little fits of laughter, "y-you don't know his favourite colour?!" Mei carries on to chuckle before Yao interrupts,
"well what colour makes you think of him, Leon, aru?"
"What colour makes me think of him? ...I juess a grayish blue... Like ice"
"Ice...?" Mei raises a brow then shrugs, wondering why 'Ice' specifically. She puts the sweets in the container then wraps it gently in a bow of the closest shade of ice-like-shade of ribbon.
"Perfect" Leon said to himself as he saw the finished product "thanks mei!"
"yup~! No probs, bro." Mei smiles leaving into her room, she didn't really want to go she might get emotional... Too emotional, heh.
"Chu ready then? Or do you want to go pick rose, aru?" Yao asks, pointing at their back garden.
"I'm going to get a rose really quickly" he goes outside and brings it in, wetting a papertowel with water and wrapping the bottom of the stem in it, then wrapping that in plastic wrap.
"Let's go then~!! Kiku, look after the house will ya, aru?" Yao smirks over to the Japanese man and leaves through the front door, rushing over to the car.
Kiku nods and continues to do what he was doing. Leon gets into the car, holding the box and the rose.Yao also gets into the car, immediately starting it up and buckling before Driving his way to the airport.

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