Amusement park

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Emil sighs informer of his mirror, it's been a few days since he had been working at the cafe and after a ton of 'no's from Lukas he is able to go to the amusement park with Leon. He gets dressed in something casual but not to casual at it was afternoon and he was now waiting for Leon's arrival-nervous for some reason. Lukas sighs,
"Emil! When is your friend going to get here?! If he doesn't show up anytime soon I won't let you go!!" At that point, there was a nocking at the door. Leon on the other side of it, waiting for Emil. Emil stuck his tongue out at his brother,

"what a coincidence." He smiles smugly then waddled over to the door, slowly opening it up a little nervous,
Leon smiles,

"hey!! I'm so glad you can come this time!!!" He reaches in his pocket and pulls out two tickets to the park.

"I know! I thought Lukas was going to refuse but he gave up in the end." Emil slightly chuckles and closes the door behind him while he looks at the tickets.

"Is he here?" Leon asked, trying to look in.

"Who? Lukas?" He looks back at the partially closed door and nods,
"before he follows us we should probably go." He chuckles. Leon chuckles a bit and nods,

"ok! Let's go" he holds his hand out for Emil to take. Emil gladly takes his hand and starts walking keeping himself and Leon quiet close,
"d-do you know how far it is? Or do we have to take a cab?"

"ya, I think we'll haft to take a cab" he closes the door and walks Emil to the lobby.

"Okay." He smiles faintly, enjoying the slight silence as Emil checked out at the lobby. He twiddled his thumb against the back of Leon's hand,

"Let's go then and find a cab." He mutters with a faint blush. Leon smiles, gripping Emil's hand tighter as they walked outside.
Emil looks down the streets, looking to see if any cab was nearby anyway. Coincidently, there was one and he waved over to it. The cab come and stops in front of them. Leon opens the door for Emil, then gets in himself. Emil seats himself inside the vehicle before speaking lever to the cab driver,

"Could you stop near the amusement park, please?" He smiles faintly.
Leon sighs, saying the same thing Emil said, but translating it to Chinese,

"Nǐ kěyǐ zài fùjìn de yóu lèyuán?"
Emil chuckles nervously over to Leon, leaning back into the cab's seat,
"heh, sorry I forgot."

"It's fine!" Leon said, blushing a bit. The cab starts driving off to the park. Emil stays quite during the car ride, only slightly nervous. He did get some texts from Lukas however he ignored them because he thought it would be rude and all his brother did was complain. When the cab got there, Leon payed and got out, opening the door for Emil.
"Oh thanks.." He gets out after Leon and then mumbles quietly,
"but you didn't have to do that." Sighing, he smiles over to Leon as the cab drives away,
"so..." Emil looks around, "w-what do you want to do first? I heard there's a firework display later on so I want to go see that later with you."

Leon blushes darkly,
"w-we can do that! ... I also wanted to ride the faris wheel with you..."

"Ferris wheel?" Emil blushes as many other people are on rides, eating and the whole amusement park is full of talking, "u-uh s-sure. You want to go n-now?" He gently tugs Leon's hand in the direction of the ferris wheel, smiling nervously. Leon looks away a bit,

"w-we don't haft to go on now... M-maybe we can do other things first, like a roller coaster or get food or something"

"sure." emil grins, bringing up his shoulders, "you, um, don't have to be so nervous... You know?" He furrows his brows, "it's just me."

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