The panda and the camera

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"Thanks." He helps out Leon with the blankets and pillows, "so, you know what time it is?" He furrows his brows, placing a pillow down. Leon looks over at his clock,
"it's 11:32..."
"okay." Emil then laughs a little, "Lukas doesn't really let me stay up this late." He says happily, trying to relieve the sadness a bit.
"Really?! Wow! I usually stay up until 12!" Leon laughs.
"Wow!" He shrugs, smiling, "don't you ever get tired in the day?"
Leon shrugs and continues to try to make the bed as comfortable as he can for Emil.
"I think that's enough." He sighs, finishing it off and standing up,
"oh yeh. I have to text my brother. By the way, do you have any clothing that maybe could fit me?" Emil nervously chuckles, whipping gout his phone form his back pocket.
Leon nods, walking over to his dresser and pulls out an extra large shirt and some comfortable shorts that might fit Emil,
"Is this good?"
He nods over to Leon, then starts to text Lukas 'Lukas, I'm going to stay @ Leon's house for the night. That okay with u?'

Lukas got the text sense hes staying up late too, watching movies with Mathias, texting back 'that's ok I guess...'

'I guess? Pfft, mkay.' He texts back, turning off his phone and slipping it in his pocket. He takes that clothing from Leon's hands, "xié xié." He chuckles then unlocks the door, opening it.
Leon smiles and blushes a bit,
"No problem" he said in his best Icelandic accent, which wasn't that good.
He laughs before walking out of the door, "omfg. That was pretty good though." He continues to chuckle, not being able to contain it,
"but only Icelandic peeps could do an Icelandic accent~" emil says, "though it's hard for me to hide it." He blushes slightly, walking out of the door towards the bathroom.
"I think your accent is cute! Don't try to hide it!" Leon smiles, waiting for Emil to leave before quickly changing into his own pajamas.

Emil changes into the clothing, coming out and back into Leon's room with a little knock.
" you can come in!" Leon turns to the door.
Emil opens the door slowly then walks in, turning back to the door and closing it. He  walks over to the middle of the room and looks at Leon, "I think it fits..." He looks down at himself. Leon nods,
"good!  You wanta play video games or something? Or do you just wanta go to bed?"
"We..." He trails off, looking around a little,
"we could play some video games if you want! Unless you want to do something else, like, uh, a movie or something." Emil smiles, "I dunno."
"A movie sounds nice, what movie?" Leon pulls out a big book thing with all his movies in it.
"Nothing to, uh, scary really." A faint blush creeps into his face, walking up behind Leon to look behind his shoulder.
"Why? Do you get scared easily?" He smiles. Emil huffs, placing his head on Leon's shoulder from the back,
"n-no. Why would I? ..."
Leon laughs, thinking it's cute how Emil is scared easily,
"Then what do you want to watch?!"
"I dunno!!" He blushes, angrily yet playfully,
"how about this one. It shouldn't be that scary." He points over to a generic American horror film.
"Ok! This one it is!!" He takes it out of the book and puts it in the DVD player, setting up the tv in his room to watch it with Emil.
He nods slightly, "okay." Emil places himself on Leon's bed, watching as Leon inserted the disc. Leon finally started the movie and sat with Emil.
      The movie starts slow paced, Emil being really conscious of jumps cares of any sought. He watches the movie intently, watching as the generic family goes into the typical 'haunted house'. Leon smiles, glancing over at Emil once in a while to make sure he's ok. He try's to do a trick, fake yawning and stretching his arms up, then letting one rest on Emil's shoulder. Emil jolts slightly, looking over at Leon with a raised brow until he finally got what he was doing and faintly blushes. He scoots over a little bit, towards Leon's direction and resting his head on the other's shoulders. Leon smiles, it worked. He leans his head on Emil's, and they continue to watch the movie. Leon can feel himself getting more and more tired, actually yawning at points.
"You tired?" Emil whispers as supposedly 'Monster' starts to wonder the haunted house. He stays mostly quiet at time like this, making sure not to be scared of slight things by just in case he knew that Leo was there for him.
Leon nods "ya a little..."
"Do you want to go to sleep then?" Emil places his hand on Leon's, a little downhearted but if he wants to sleep then Emil should let him. He smiles slightly, giving him a gentle side-cheek kiss.
"No let's finish the movie first" he said mostly slow and soft, tiredly. He leans on Emil and has a hard time to keep his eyes open, but he doesn't want to be a burden to Emil. Emil sighs, letting Leon do what he wants and carries on watching the movie. Occasionally, he would snuggle into Leon sometimes or yawn as well. The movie ends with a little jumps care making Emil make a face. Leon smiles and holds Emil close, especially when he jumps or when he snuggles into him. He yawns agean and closes his eyes a bit. The credits start to roll and Emil just stays quite, enjoying the warmth and silence before whispering gently,
"Leon? Leon...?" He stays still, softly speaking from Leon's shoulder.
Leon was already fast asleep for the time he was resting his eyes! Leaning his head on Emil's, sleeping softly.
"Leonnnnnnnnnnnnnn..?" Emil quietly longs his speech before sighing quietly and slowly getting out of Leon's, now, soft grip. He holds Leon firmly by his shoulders and hops of the bed, now in front of his lover-looking over at him sleep.
"...Damn you, idiot." The Icelandic blushes and placed a long, soft kiss on Leon's cheek. He honestly didn't know what to do.
     Leon sleeps, softly feeling around a bit. He normally sleeps hugging a stuffed animal, a panda, but he hid it so Emil doesn't tease him about it. Emil raises a brow slightly, pulling away, and swipes away some bangs in Leon's eyes before chuckling a little. Emil gently lays the sleeper down,
"what am I going to do with you?" And sighs before resting a pillow underneath the Cantonese's head. Leon feels the pillow and pulls it from behind his head, hugging it tightly, curling around it. Emil crawls back a little, watching him with a smirk upon his face. He experiments by crawling back up to him, one hand supporting him and the other slowly pulling away the pillow. Leon feels around for the pillow, feeling Emil and pulling him into a tight hug, cuddling into him as he slept. Emil let out a small sheik of surprise as he was tugged into the embrace. He blushes darkly and whisper-shouts,
"L-Leon?" He calms down before sighing and hesitantly snuggling into him back as he couldn't get out of the tight grip.

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