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"S-Shane," Drew murmured from beside me, his head resting on my shoulder while he weakly huddled closer for warmth. "I-I really d-don't think I can walk anywhere today, I'm sorry."

Things like this happened sometimes, usually after managing to eat after a few painful days without; Drew would become so weak and tired that he was unable to bring himself to hardly move from his place beside me, meaning I was left to look after him more protectively than usual.

"It's alright," I whispered in response, turning my head towards him slightly in attempt to give him a comforting smile. However, I doubt he was looking. "I'll go to the store around the corner in a second, grab you that chocolate I promised you."

"B-But I didn't eat it all..." was his stuttered response, his frail tone breaking my heart.

"You know I can't stay mad at you for long." I replied, a small smirk on my lips at the sound of Drew giggling at my words.

"J-Just be careful, okay?" He warned between his soft chuckles. "You're barred from that store, remember?"

"Of course, I'm always careful."

Eventually Drew's laughter died down and was replaced with soft snores and quiet hums, causing a loving smile to appear on my face. Gently removing him from my shoulder I lay him down on the floor, covering him with my dirty jacket in a weak attempt to keep him warm while he slept and slowly stood. After stretching with a small groan I made my way towards the front of the alley, looking left and right for anyone who looked slightly intimidating – I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to Drew while I was out getting something as insignificant as a chocolate bar – before making my way down the street towards the nearest convenience store; While Drew was at his most vulnerable I refused to go anywhere further than two streets away, only two minutes away if I sprinted.

Upon entering the store I hid behind a young man entering the same time as me, cautious of the well-acquainted owner's hard stare as I immediately headed towards the confectionary isle. Tucking my long fringe behind my ear I took a deep breath while my eyes gazed up and down the wide selection of sugary snacks, wanting to find the perfect chocolate for Drew in hopes of motivating him into eating. I wasn't sure how further he could go without medical attention, and without a home address or loving family member to our names it would be even more difficult trying to find someone willing to help us.

Looking around me I waited until I saw no one in sight before grabbing a small 'Mars' bar and slipping it into my trouser pocket, my breath deepening as anxious thoughts filled my head, leading me to make a fast walk towards the front door of the store, only to be pulled back as something took a tight grip on my arm.

"Again, Shane?" A familiar threateningly deep voice sounded from behind me, causing me to release an involuntary whimper. "What have I told you about coming in here?"

Turning around my eyes widened fearfully as I was met with the hard glare of Mr Belton; the store's owner.

"Need I remind you again of the fact why you were barred in the first place?" He growled, his hand tightening more on my arm.

"N-No, S-Sir..." I stumbled out, my head shaking frantically from side to side; He always had a habit of reducing me to a fragile, childish mess. "I-I'm s-sorry b-but i-it's ju-just m-my B-Brother..."

He didn't let me explain for a second further, shaking my arm harshly in his vice-like hold. "I told you the last time that if you come in here again I'll call the police!" He cried, alerting a few customers while I whined out how it was unnecessary and I'd return the chocolate immediately, only for him to drag me towards the counter where I assumed was his telephone.

However, before he managed to dial the infamous number there was a smooth cough from behind us, causing him to turn around and roughly take me with him. There remarkably stood the redhead from earlier, wearing the same caring smile I remembered.

"Hi, is there something wrong?" He asked, head tilting to the side slightly in an almost innocent manner.

"No, Sir," Mr Belton murmured, appearing frustrated by the interruption while I stared us at the young man in confusion; I couldn't help but question why he was getting involved, and why he was in this small store in the first place. The man dressed as if he was loaded and shopped at the best places in town, not at a basic convenience store such as this. "I'm just dealing with this low-life criminal."

I couldn't help but growl up at him, attempting to shake myself out of his grip while Kier chuckled lightly.

"I'm sure you have more better things to be doing than wasting time on this man's childishness; I'll pay for what he stole and then we can continue our lives happily." Was his ignorant response, causing me to roll his eyes as his boldness; I should have known he was this kind of guy – more money than sense.

"It was just a stupid ch-"

"Well, if you insist, Sir." Mr Belton interrupted me, digging his hand into my pocket and grabbing the bar before I had the chance to protest, releasing me seconds later while the redhead paid for both of our items. I stood watching at his side, a hand rubbing my aching bicep while I glared in the direction the shop keeper.

Soon after I was given another final warning from the owner before being led out by my hero, him laughing softly with every step.

"I don't see what's so funny," I murmured once we were safely outside, gladly accepting the 'Mars' he held out to me.

"The fact that you went to shop lift a convenience store and the only thing you went to steal was a 75 pence chocolate – and not even the nice ones." He replied, a smug smirk on his lips.

"I only have small pockets." I mumbled.

He merely laughed once more, light and careless while he beamed across at me. I didn't understand why he thought the whole situation was amusing, but I suppose him living his own fairy tale life blinded him from the harsh reality I lived in.

"I've seen you around a lot today, haven't I?" He questioned moments later, an obvious attempt at being friendly. "You live around here? I don't go around this part of town very often, but it seems nice."

"In the day maybe," I murmured, nodding slightly. "I live on 4th Street, the alley by the barbers." I couldn't bring myself to pretend that I had somewhere nice to return to after a day like this; I wanted him to realise how thoughtless he was being for assuming I stole for the fun of it and not because it was necessary to survive. Everyone around here was the same, not caring until it became their problem as well as my own.

"Oh, I'm really sorry to hear that." He mumbled, voice almost sincere while the smile finally left his lips, a deep frown replacing it. "Things must be tough."

I shrugged his apology off, having heard it a thousand times before. "It just means I have no way of repaying you for the chocolate," I murmured, trying to pass it off like his words meant nothing when in reality I was close to tears; I felt so embarrassed and insignificant while beside him. "B-But I should probably get going; it's not safe for my brother to be alone."

"I'm sure he'd be okay," The redhead replied, his smile making a sneaky return. "Besides, the least I could do to help is get you a coffee or something."

"I'm fine," I murmured, wanting nothing more than to return to Drew. "I don't need your charity; I just need my brother safe."

"I'm not offering charity; I just want to get to know you." He replied, chuckling lightly in disbelief at my statement. "Besides, I'll forget about saving your ass if you grab coffee with me."

Releasing a deep sigh I took a moment to think through my options, knowing that maybe if I managed to convince him to get Drew a hot drink too he might have a higher chance of not freezing to death this evening, but that also meant spending more time away from him.

"Fine," I eventually settled for, my arms folding tight against my chest. "But not too far away from the alley, and take away only."

Lonely Hours [Kier/Shane]Where stories live. Discover now