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When I woke up on Monday the first thing I noticed was the beautifully cleaned suit hanging from the top of my ajar bathroom door, leading me to wonder if it had been there all night or whether someone had invited themselves into the room while I slept to place it there. I personally preferred the first, the idea of someone in the same room as me while I was so vulnerable causing a tight uncomfortableness to form in the pit of my stomach. Yet, I couldn't argue; they'd done so much for me, and I didn't want to seem ungrateful.
Once lifting my head from the pillow with a grunt I turned to the night stand, stumbling for my glasses to double check that my eyes weren't deceiving me until I came across a small scribbled note beside them:

Wear the suit on your first day. First impressions, etc. – L

Piercing my lips together I turned back to the daunting outfit, immediately feeling too dirty to be able to wear it without tainting the fabric. However, with no more than a near inaudible grumble I stood from the bed and began to ready myself for the day ahead. Admittedly, I had no idea how to even begin working as a Personal Assistant – I wasn't entirely sure what it meant! Making his coffee? Answering his 'unimportant' phone calls? Always being no less than one step behind him? The latter seemed to suit my idea of a profession more than the previous ideas; I've been following his every word since our first meeting. After showering and weakly attempting to dry my scraggy hair I finally gathered the confidence to put on the outfit, fumbling clumsily at the multiple buttons in various places until the trousers and shirt were securely on my form. Admittedly, it didn't look too bad; it seemed to cling to me flawlessly, making me appear slender and lump-less in unwanted places – However, there was a little too much fabric around my shoulders and waist, but I could tuck it in to mask perfection. I almost smiled.
"You look good," I heard Laurence say as he slipped into the room, causing me to turn and give a stronger grin. "Hopefully, the shirt will fit you a bit better soon; it's Kier's, you see, and he's a bit broader."
"Yeah," I nodded. "Hopefully."
Laurence approached me, giving me a comforting smile before he began to attach a tie around my neck and straighten my collar, personal boundaries having no thought when he reached for a belt. I immediately snatched it from him, looping it through my trousers myself. He didn't seem to mind.
"Umm, Laurence," I mumbled as I was securely buckling the accessory. "I-I really am sorry about your job, I-I wouldn't have taken it if I knew-"
"It's fine." He cut me off sharply. However, his eyes were still kind.
"But, I really didn't know-"
"It's fine, Shane." He repeated in the same tone. "It doesn't matter; I'll be able to work again soon. For now, just concentrate on the job."
That would be a lot easier if I knew what the said job entailed.
"Umm," I began as he stood and moved to grab my blazer.
"Just do whatever Kier wants you to do, it's easy." He informed me, seeming to understand my apprehension while assisting the blazer in rising up my arms. "Mostly, he'll just make you answer his phone – he's always worried in case it's his Mother." He chuckled, yet I couldn't bring myself to do the same.
"O-Okay." I mumbled, dreading the thought of sitting around answering calls all day. "B-But, umm, you'll keep me informed of Drew's progress, right? I-I wouldn't want him to be ill without knowing." Regardless of how nervous I was about the day ahead, I was more anxious about leaving my Brother behind; I haven't left him for more than half an hour for years, and while he was in the condition he was in at the moment, I wasn't too keen on starting now.
"Drew will be fine; I'll keep an eye on him." He was gradually pushing me towards the door.
"Okay," I mumbled once more. "But he likes hot chocolate, especially with cream and mini marshmallows – not regular sized or jumbo – and he used to watch cartoons when he was sick; he's a child at heart really-"
"Shane," Laurence interrupted, tone clear, causing my lips to seal shut instantly. "You're only going to work, for probably only around five hours until Kier gets bored, and your brother is the same age as you; he'll be fine."
I nodded, a faint blush on my cheeks at the realisation of just how much I was babying him. I didn't need to worry about whether he'll still be there when I returned, or just how much his body was weakening. He was inside a safely guarded house, surrounded by people who were willing to nurse him back to health; he was fine.
"I'm sorry." I muttered, raising a hand to run through my hair while giving him a sheepish smile.
Laurence merely chuckled, shaking his head before leading me downstairs.

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