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For the thousandth time that night I rolled over, wiggling until comfortable within the heavy sheets and squeezing my eyes shut, begging for unconsciousness. However, no matter how hard I tried and whined within the darkness, it never came, causing me to release a loud huff of frustration and kick the sheets from my form, leaving me vulnerable in one of Kier's old shirts and my boxers. Regardless of the fact I knew I was exhausted and I couldn't remember the last time I'd been able to spend a night in a bed, my mind still ran of unwanted thoughts of Laurence's expression to the news of my job and something annoyingly more; stupidly, I missed sleeping next to my brother. As soon as I heard that we'd be having different living arrangements, let alone being on an entirely different floor to him, I'd felt this sickening feeling bubble within the pit of my stomach; after spending so long protecting the man, It'd become second nature for me to have him by my side 24/7.

With a deep sigh I moved, swinging my legs off the bed and grunting as I raised into a seated position, running a hand through my dishevelled hair before standing. Biting down on my bottom lip I shuffled towards the door, creaking it open as quietly as possible in fear of somehow alerting my hosts as I left my room. I was slightly cautious of visiting my brother, having checked in on him after dinner and noticed him resting peacefully, but hopefully this time he was awake, and preferably willing to chat so I wouldn't have to spend my entire restless night alone.

Once arriving at his door I gripped the handle tightly, my expression contorted in concentration as I pushed it open as quietly as I could before slipping through the miniscule gap I'd created, then closing it behind me. At a first glance, Drew appeared to be asleep; his tiny figure getting lost within the huge bed and sheets. However, once being alerted of a visitor he rose, rubbing his eyes with one hand while the other held him up.

"Shane," He mumbled, voice croaky as if he'd only woken recently. "Is that you?"

"Hey, Buddy," I whispered in response, approaching him slowly in the dark. "I just thought I'd check on you. Sorry if I woke you up."

He grunted, dropping back onto the sheets but shuffling up the bed slightly to make room for me. I slipped in beside him, a satisfied smile on my lips as I buried myself in the sheets and opened an arm out as an offer for Drew to cuddle towards me. Although through the dark I could see he had his eyes closed, he still shuffled up to me, his head moving to rest awkwardly on my shoulder while he curled up against me so I could feel his knees against my thighs.

"You didn't wake me," He whispered, seeming calmer than previous once I turned my hand at an uncomfortable angle to run through his unusually soft hair. "I couldn't sleep."

"Me neither; I think it's from all that food."

He chuckled, causing a small smile to form on my face.

"Yeah, there was quite a lot... But I think I ate too much; I couldn't keep it down."

My smile slipped instantly, my fingers moving faster through his locks. "You're meant to pace yourself, Drewie." I mumbled, attempting to be stern. "Your body needs to get used to full meals again slowly."

"I know, but I didn't want all the nice food to go cold. It's been so long since we'd had a warm meal."
I merely hummed, fighting back against the gnawing guilt before releasing a small sigh.
"Hopefully, we'll be able to keep having warm dinners now though, Drewie." I whispered, determination taking its place.

"We can't stay here forever," Drew muttered, nuzzling against my shoulder slightly with an unenthusiastic sigh. "It's not fair on them; we're only guests."
"I don't mean here; Kier's offered me a job with him. I can make a little money while also gaining experience for my CV."

"Really?!" He beamed, eyes wide and close to my own as I looked down to meet his staring back at me. "You're working with the Kier Kemp?! We'll be rich in no time, Shaney!"

I giggled, nodding gently before we both returned to our previous position. I decided against informing him of whose position I'd be taking, not wanting his excitement for our possible future to fade. Besides, as long as Drew's condition improves as soon as possible then it shouldn't be too much of a problem; Laurence will be working again within a few weeks.

"Does this mean I get one of those iPod Shuffle things that I see people with sometimes?" He asked calmly, a small giggle following.

"Maybe one day," was my response, the heat from the sheets and Drew's body warmth slowly settling me in preparation for bed. "If I manage to get a real job."

"What about headphones for it too?"

"Same answer, Buddy."

He hummed, appearing content with my answer and I felt him shuffle impossibly closer to me before settling. We fell into a small silence, my eyes slowly beginning to flutter closed as I tried to concentrate on the ceiling while I felt Drew fall still in my arms.

"Shane?" I heard him whisper, however, he still didn't move. I merely hummed in response, my hands still waving through his hair. "I wonder what we're having for breakfast tomorrow."

I smiled. "I'm not sure, but I hope it's bacon."
It was his turn to hum. "And eggs; I can't remember what eggs are like." He was silent for a moment before continuing. "Fried bread would be great too."

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