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Heading back to the office wasn't entirely as awkward as I expected it to be; Well, not for Kier anyway. He stood by his casual persona, acting as if we'd merely headed for an early lunch, and not shared something intimate. However, I couldn't relate; I'd just had my first kiss, and it wasn't as embarrassing or humiliating as everyone's stories were. For one, it was with a highly successful man, who's charm was far more than merely skin deep. Also, regardless of how little experience I had and how quickly it was over, it was still pleasant. Kier's lips were softer than I imagined, beautifully suiting his elegance; it was comforting, that even though he was careless towards the kiss, he still cared enough to make it a soothing experience for me. 

I released a soft sigh under my breath as we returned to Kier's office, him shrugging off his blazer jacket and throwing it on the back of his desk chair whilst I headed back over to Laurence's desk, timidly lowering myself into the seat and returning to the computer. Admittedly, there wasn't much I knew confidently how to do, and the majority involved speaking to other colleagues that I'd never met, meaning there was no way I was able to find them in such a large building. I sighed once more, taking multiple short glances in Kier's direction and watching as he most definitely wasn't working; from the sounds erupting from his computer he was playing a video game. I couldn't help but wonder just how much of Kier's work Laurence did, or whether he was once appreciated for his work. It was clear that he deeply admired his fiance, yet during my time knowing the man he hardly acknowledged his care. 
"Hey, Shane," Kier suddenly started, finally cutting through the silence that had loomed over us since leaving the bar. I merely looked up towards him in response, not bothering to speak myself. "Could you do a job for me? It shouldn't take you long." 
"Sure." I mumbled, shrugging; anything would be better than being sat here in awkward confusion.
"I sent through some papers to Laurence around a week ago via email, could you print them then get a couple of photocopies for me? They're minutes for a meeting I have tomorrow morning, which you need to also send a follow up to a few colleagues that haven't confirmed attendance." His lips formed a small smirk. "Which you should have already done by now, Laurence left the list on your desktop."
"S-Sure," I repeated, eyes widening slightly at his second command, my eyes flicking back to my screen and finally understanding the small list of around five names in the top right corner; at least I finally knew what they meant. However, finding their contact details was yet another question I'd have to hold until gathering the confidence to admit them. Finding Laurence's email account only took a few minutes, managing to successfully log in with the same password as previous before finding the documents Kier was speaking of. Although, the sight of previous emails urged a deep discomfort within my stomach, the majority being follow ups for future wedding plans. My lips began to feel somewhat dirtier than before, my own selfish thoughts of craving him once again beginning to make me believe that the dirt that once coated my skin was more fitting than previous. With a small sigh I stood, moving over to the printer before shuffling over to the door, taking a small glance at Kier before leaving. He didn't seem to notice my departure, keeping his mind on reading something more entertaining on his phone. I couldn't help but wonder if Laurence feels this way while watching him, as if he was more insignificant than anything else in front of him.

Heading down the hallway and back towards the entrance it had only just occurred to me that I had no idea where I was going; I wasn't sure why Kier found joy in making me feel as alone as possible. Releasing a small whine I moved towards the closest reception desk, gripping the sheets of paper in hand more tightly. 
"Umm, e-excuse me?" I stumbled out, cheeks beginning to flush with humiliation; I'd have to ask Laurence for a map later. "I-I was just wondering where I'd be able to access a photocopier? I-I'm new and-" 
The receptionist hardly glanced up from her computer before pointing towards the door behind her, giving me a clear indication that I wasn't of importance before leaving me nod and scatter away inside. It was a small resources cupboard, that much was obvious, yet it was one that desperately needed more care. I couldn't help but wonder whether I'd be more use to Kier as a cleaner rather than an assistant. That much I knew how to do. Approaching the photocopier I began to set it up, before noticing the fact that an I.D card was necessary to print successfully. 
"Kier, are you serious?!" I whined, hands raising to my hair and pulling. "Can't I do fucking anything?!" Admittedly, I was taking this a little too closely to heart, yet after such an overwhelming morning I just needed to prove that I wasn't so worthless; I was capable of proving to him and my brother. 
"Is everything alright?" I heard from the doorway, causing me to shoot my head in his direction. It was a man, clearly of high ranking considering his suit, yet his eyes held the same kindness as Laurence. His long hair was tied at the back, while a beard was neatly growing; much more successful than the state of Drew and I's while homeless. 
"Y-Yeah," I stumbled, immediately releasing my hair as he approached me. It was only at that point that I realised that there was small tears dripping down my cheeks, causing my humiliation to grow. "I-I'm sorry." Quickly wiping them away I sniffled, before clearing my throat. 
The man merely smiled, shaking his head gently before approaching the copier. "Tough day?" 
I merely nodded in response, watching as he entered his I.D, allowing the printing to begin. I mumbled my appreciation, holding my arms tightly against my chest in hoping that I'd simply disappear. 
"I'm Luke," He introduced himself, holding out a hand for me to shake. I didn't take it, yet gave him a gentle smile in return. "Is it your first day?" 
I nodded once more. "I'm only here temporary, working with Kier while his more official assistant is away." 
Luke laughed. "Well, good luck, the big boss isn't the easiest to work with." 
"So, I'm discovering," I replied, appreciatively taking the freshly printed copies as he held them out. "He seems to believe that newbies should find their feet alone."
Luke nodded, comforting tapping my bicep. "Well, everyone here is willing to help if you ever need anything, me especially." He then winked, before turning back towards the photocopier for himself. 
I smiled, watching him, and piercing my lips together while contemplating whether my questions could be answered without judgement. 
"Umm, Luke?" I mumbled, hearing a hum in acknowledgement. "Is there a way I can access the contact details of staffing members? I-I have a few emails to send and I can't really bother Kier with this." 
Luke merely smiled, grabbing a fresh sheet of paper and pen, before talking me through the embarrassingly simple steps. 

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