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Taking a few minutes a calm my intensely heated cheeks I watched as the redhead felt my sight completely in the crowds before heading down the alley, towards where I assumed my Brother still was. However, I couldn't shift Kier from my mind, completely baffled by his behaviour and the way he spoke to me. He was kind, that fact was undeniable, but there was something unmistakingly odd about him; he was mysterious. I had no idea who he was, all I knew was a name, but I still felt myself being able to trust him wholeheartedly. He made everything seem okay.

Rolling my eyes at my own thoughts I felt myself smiling at the sight of Drew curled up on the floor, sleeping soundly but shivering on occasion from the cold air. Kneeling beside him and holding the cup tightly in one hand I shook him awake, chuckling softly as I heard a croaky groan erupt from the tired man.

"C'mon, Drewie," I sung teasingly, feeling unusually perky after my encounter with Kier. "I have something for you, and you don't want it to get cold, do you?"

Drew merely groaned once more in response, shifting himself into a seating position with great difficulty before his attention turned to me.
"W-What is it?" He asked me weakly, eyes squinting into slits from being rudely woken from his deep rest.

"Ta-da!" I beamed, holding the cup out to him and chuckling at the sight of his widening eyes.

"Seriously?!" He near squealed, snatching the cup from me and sniffing the lid to assess the contents, taking a large gulp afterwards. "How the hell did you get this?! We had nowhere near enough money yet."

"I met this really nice guy," I replied, my cheeks feeling slightly warm as I was reminded of him. "He offered to get me a drink and said you could have one too."

Drew continued to drink through my explanation, sighing softly in content after swallowing each gulp, a lazy smile on his lips.

"You need to see him again," was his only response, appearing somewhat stronger as he grinned at me. "Did you get any info on him? We have to repay him somehow..."
"Just a name." I mumbled, shrugging slightly as I fell back to sit cross-legged opposite him. It was gradually beginning to get darker, the once light brick of the wall behind Drew becoming a dark blue, and a cold, gloomy atmosphere began to engulf us.

Drew raised his eyebrows as he took another sip, ushering me onwards to continue.

"He said his name was Kier," I replied, picking at the tattered shoelaces of my trainers. "Kier... Kemp, or something like that. I don't really remember."

It was at that moment that Drew nearly dropped his precious hot chocolate, choking slightly on the liquid before placing the cup on the floor and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "Kier Kemp?!" He cried, his outburst confusing me. "The Kier Kemp?!"

I could only nod slowly, eyes wide and form fixed in place in embarrassment at my own lack of understanding.

"Shane, I can't believe you have no idea who he is," was his next outburst, sighing deeply at my error. "He's bloody everywhere!"

"I-I still don't..."

"He's one of the most famous music executives in the country, known for managing everyone who's anyone. He has ties with practically everyone; he's filthy rich." He explained, rolling his eyes (hopefully affectionately) in my direction.

"R-Really? I-I see..." I mumbled, hands trembling slightly as I came to terms with the fact I'd demanded a hot chocolate from an apparent celebrity.
"So..." Drew continued, tapping my knees expectedly. He sighed once more when he appeared to not get the reaction he desired. "What's he like? Is he as pretty as everyone says? What about his voice; I've heard it on radios but they're always a bit weird, you know? Did he mention any-"

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