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If you, or any of your friends wear a brace, then you/they know how annoying it is.

ITS HOT. My friends complain to me about being hot while in shorts and a tank top. Im in a undershirt, a hot plastic layer, and a t-shirt. I'm like 10° hotter than them at any point.

And when you have to explain to people why you have hard ass plastic covering your torso, is the worse.

Like, I dont know what my response should be. This may be different for you but I dont like having conversations with people I've just met.

Okokokokok, when I have to change for gym at school I take off my brace. As soon at people hear the velcro, they quickly turn there heads to look. TURN TF AROUND. Plz don't watch me change.

There was one time when I was coming back to the locker room from the gym and my brace wasn't where I usually put it. (on the ground under the bench) So I went on a panicky search for it and I found it ON TOP OF THE LOCKERS IN THE TEAM LOCKER ROOM WHICH IS A WHOLE SEPARATE ROOM.!! I still don't know who did it but thank god it was only once.

I also have some people ask me if they can try it on while I'm changing. Which is a bit odd but I let them and find it funny to look at there faces when they attempt to put it on. And when the tighten it, it obviously isn't made for them so it's going to hurt...

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