Chapter 18-

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The door to the apartment clicked open. It was all dark except from the glowing light of the moon shining through the window. It looked empty.

I felt arms wrap round the waist and remembered Finn behind me. I turned and looked up at him, still in the doorway.

"Thank you" I repeated.

"Shh" he said and put his index finger to my lips.

I took his hand and walked him into the apartment. My phone buzzed and I took it out from my pocket. It was from Jess

-Okay! Have a good night! Things with Alfie are going great!-

I smiled to myself. She needed a decent boy in her life. I've only met Alfie a few times but I can tell that he's harmless.

Finn and I sat down on the sofa with a few beers and chatted for what seemed like hours. He spoke to me about his job on YouTube with Jack, his time at university, he spoke about his family and his interests. Thorough out all of this, I sat, mesmerised by this boy in front of me. I stared at his lips, so plump and kissable, i just wanted to lean over and kiss them until the night ended. His eyes were perfect, light brown with big flecks of green, surrounded by a perfect set of eyelashes. His skin and hair were flawless. And his laugh. His laugh was the most adorable and infectious thing I've ever heard. At times he noticed me staring but never said a word. Just as I had noticed him and remained silent. It was now my turn to talk about me. I told him about studying at uni, about all the places I've travelled, about my love of drawing and painting.

But there was a huge part of my life I chose to miss out.

I finished a sentence and it all went quiet. Finn just looked at me. I gave a tiny little smile which he returned.

"I've never met a girl like you Zoey. You're extraordinary"

I blushed and giggled.

"Such a charmer Finn Harries" I said back with a cheeky wink.

"Anything for you" he gave me a half smile. God he was gorgeous.

I yawned and looked at the time on the clock on the wall. 1 o clock. Where the fuck is Jess?

"Tired?" Finn questioned.

I nodded slowly, yawning once again. It had been a long, exciting day.


"Ummhm?" He looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Stay tonight?" I asked cautiously. I wasn't sure whether he was going to take this as 'too forward'. I just don't want to spend tonight on my own.

A smile reached the edges of his face and he looked at me happily.

"Sure" he laughed slightly.

I got up off of the sofa and walked into my room. I looked around. It was messy. Clothes littered the floor and the bin next to the bed was overflowing with used, tear stained tissues. Cups and mugs filled the bedside table a few empty plates sat next to the bed. I walked over to the balcony doors and opened them, letting in a nice, evening breeze.

"Um, sorry about the crap everywhere. You know" I shrugged, trying to rid any memories of the past few days.

"It's fine. Im sure you could say mines worse" he laughed.

I turned and undressed, cautious of Finns eyes on my back. I stripped down to my underwear and went over to put some pyjama shorts and a cami on when he stopped me.

He reached out to me, looking at me to see if it was alright. I nodded and his hands touched the bare skin on my waist. I shivered, an electric current seemed to run though him onto my body. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back. It felt so good to be touched. I felt his lips on my neck and my lips parted.

"Hmm" I moaned deep in my throat.

"Bed time" Finn whispered and stopped, turning away to take his clothes off until he was left in just his tight underwear, the outline of his erection clearly seen. His body was perfectly toned, his abs visible and

"Arrrrg" I complained.

He threw himself onto my bed and underneath the light sheet, hiding underneath them. I giggled and jumped in next to him, not bothering with my pyjamas.

I rolled over and looked at him. We were layed on our sides, looking at each other. He reached up and tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

"Goodnight beautiful" he said in a deep, tired voice. I turned over and he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I could feel his heart beat against my back, and this sent me off into a perfects night sleep, filled with of dreams of beautiful boys with brown and green eyes.

-Finns POV-

She was breathing lightly, her eyelids fluttering occasionally. I wonder what she's dreaming about? Her arm was layed gently above her head, exposing the skin on her arm and waist. I wanted to kiss her all the way down. I wanted to hold her and make her happy. Looking at her now in the light of the morning sun, she was so beautiful. Glowing with angelic qualities. I can't wait for her to wake up, to spend more time with her, to hear her laugh. But wait. She was leaving tomorrow. And I have to go another 2 days before going home. I had big plans for her when we were both home. I can't wait. She started to stir in her sleep.

God she was perfect.

Shortish chapter guys im sorry! thank you sosososososo much for all the reads, you guys are sick as anything :3

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