Chapter 15-

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Okay so back story! I'm finding this part pretty hard to write as my boyfriend's name is Lewis and writing about breaking up with him is more difficult than expected-but oh well, its what you lot want;). Thank you to everyone who's been reading...each and every one of you is amazing, muwaha.

My heart stopped but the tears kept falling down my cheeks. I had not expected that.

"Baby why are you crying?" Lewis said with the most anxious eyes.

"I- i" I couldnt get my words out. I was about to crush this boys heart into pieces. I couldn't tell him about Finn, I just needed an excuse to get me out of this.

He took my hand in his boxless one and looked me in the eyes.

I finally managed to put together a sentence.

"Its- its too soon. I'm too young to be someones wife"

The look in his eyes devastated me.

"I'm sorry Lewis. I truly am. Maybe in a year or so but, just not now sweetie"

This was a lie. My heart was racing and I looked down at the boy I loved so dearly, crushed and broken. I couldn't help but get down on the floor with him, wrap him in my arms and hold him close to me. I pulled his face to mine and cradled it in one hand. I looked sincerley into his eyes, took a deep breath and said.

"We need a break Lewis. Things don't feel the same anymore. I missed you when you weren't here, but not as much as you missed me. I don't want to hold you back anymore. You have dreams of your own that im stopping yo-"

"No. No you're not Zoey you're helping me" he said as a single tear rolled down his face.

I couldn't do this. Its harder than I thought.

"Listen to me" I said, trying not to break down completely. "Tonight, we'll go home, spend tonight together, and then in the morning your going to go back to England okay? I'll be back on Friday, and maybe we can talk then?"

"Okay Zoey" he said as his voice cracked and he looked sadly down at the floor.

I hated seeing him like this. Knowing I was the cause of his pain.

"Look at me" I pulled his chin up to look at me. "I love you Lewis. This just isn't what I need anymore. You need someone better than me. And you need to achieve the best you can"

This wasn't all lies. Lewis was studing law at university and was doing so well. But recently ive felt like a distraction. I want him to suceed and I was holding him back, and that was killing a part of me. I technically wasn't lying when I didn't mention Finn, just simply bending the truth.

"I love you too Zoey, I always will I promise" He said with the most pained eyes.

We left the restaurant, and I held his hand the whole way home. We got back to the apartment and headed straight for my room. I wanted to spend as much time with him I could, I really was going to miss him. We took off our clothes and climbed into bed. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed  him, feeling his soft lips push against mine, feeling his warm skin and his hands against my body, listening to the sound of him breathing, making love to him for the last time. 

We cried until we had no tears left. I was broken and empty. I tried to focus on the tiny light at the end of the very long tunnel...Finn.

I'm sorry about what happened.  And im sorry its kinda short, as I said it was hard to write. Next chapter will be happier I promise :}

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