Chapter 19-

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I sat on my suitcase in order for it to close enough so that Finn could zip it up the whole way round. I let out a huge sigh. It had taken over 3 hours to get all my things packed. We even had to go out and buy a new suitcase due to all the Lucky Charms, Pop Tarts and presents I was taking back to England.

The previous day had been spent in the apartment with Finn, watching films, cuddling on the sofa, getting to know each other even better than before. I didn't want to admit it to myself, but I was falling hard for Finn Harries.

"10 minutes!" Jess shouted from somewhere in the apartment. Alfie was with her. Turns out that coffee went really well. She's not sure where things are going to go with him but she definitely likes him. I remember her telling me, "friends, bestfriends, boyfriend". This was her motto when meeting someone new and she had explained to me that her and Alfie are currently in the friend stage. Aw, bless her. She seemed happy. And so did I. I felt so much better.

I didn't want to leave LA. I knew it meant spending two days without Finn. But maybe this was a good thing?

I got up off my big, pink suitcase and brushed myself down.

"That should be all" I explained,

"Yeah I bloody hope so" Finn laughed in reply.

"Thank you" I said, reaching up to his hair and stroking the sides of his face.

"You're very welcome" he said in his posted British accent and he leaned down, planting a quick kiss on my lips.

"Wanna help me carry this to the taxi?" I fluttered my long eyelashes at him.

"How can I resist when you've asked so nicely?" He replied cheekily.

I giggled and checked over the room as he dragged the case out into the kitchen. After being sure that I haven't left anything, I walked out onto the balcony and looked out into the sea. So much has changed since I've been here. Its been one of the best months of my life, but also one of the worst. Breaking up with Lewis, meeting Finn. So much has happened, but Im happy how things are going. Though technically...Finn and i aren't even together yet..

I let out a deep breath, remembering the beautiful scenery, locked the door and walked out into the kitchen for the final time.

"All ready?" Alfie's voiced echoed around the empty room.

"Mmhm" Jess and I hummed in unison. I felt a pang on sadness. I didn't want to leave.

We all piled into the lift and jumped into the taxi, already filled with our luggage.

It was silent in the car. Finn sat next to me, his hand tightly gripping mine. I layed my head on his shoulder, letting out yet another sigh. He looked down at me and planted a kiss on my forehead. Damn I was going to miss this boy.

Opposite us sat Jess and Alfie. He had his hand rested on her lap as she dozed against the window.

The driver pulled up outside LAX airport and we all got out, the boys unloading our luggage from the back of the car.

We decided to go and sit in Starbucks whilst we waited for our flight to be called. We sat and chatted about our time in LA and made plans for when we got back.

Jess got up to go to the toilet, closely followed by Alfie who went to the shop. It was just Finn and I left. A question came to mind and I blurted it out before thinking.

"What about your girlfriend?" I said. As I said it, I felt a wave of sadness fall over me. he was with someone else. He's loved someone else. Maybe he still loved her? She was going to get hurt just like I had hurt Lewis.

He took a deep breath in.

"I called her last night when you were having a shower. It wasn't the kindest thing to do, ending a 8 months relationship over the phone, but I had no choice. When I get back to England, I want to focus all my attention on you"

He'd broken up with her. Shit. But why hasn't he asked me to be with him yet? Arg, this was so confusing. But he'd done it for me. Aw.

"Did you tell her about me?" I questioned.

"I was completely honest with her. She knows all about you. Admittedly she doesn't like you very much at all" he looked down into his hot chocolate.

"I don't want to cause any trouble" I murmured.

He dropped his teaspoon and reached over, taking both my hands in his.

"You're doing anything but that Zoey. Im happy now" he smiled a gorgeous, genuine smile.

I saw Jess out the corner of my eye but Finn didn't drop my hands, instead he shifted his chair over next to mine and put his arm around me. Before long, our flight was being called.

"Could passengers for the 12:00 British Airways flight for London Heathrow please make their way to their selected gate"

Jess and I stood up in unison, whilst Alfie practically ran and picked up her hand luggage.

Finn and I walked hand in hand tom the gate until it got to the point which we had to say our goodbyes. I turned to him.

"I'll see you real soon" I felt tears spring to my eyes as I searched for words to say.

"Real soon" he repeated. His eyes were also watering.

He reached up to my hair, stroked a piece and kissed me. A proper 'this could be our last kiss' kiss. I couldn't look at him without tears spilling down, so I turned around and walked away.

I heard hurried footsteps behind me and Finn grabbed my hand, spinning me around.

"I've been stupid. Really, dumbass stupid"

"What?" I said, wiping tears away from my face. He held my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Zoey. Be mine? Be my girlfriend, always and forever? I promise to put you first, to care for you and always be here" his eyes were full of an unknown emotion. Love? Admiration?

Tears continued to fall down my cheeks, happy tears.

"Yes" I sniffled. "Of course" I giggled beneath my tears. He picked me up and spun me around, like you see in those old romantic movies. Eventually he put me down and whispered in my ear.

"You're going to miss your flight" I kissed him quickly.

"Real soon" he said quietly.

I turned and walked away, stealing a quick look back at him. He blew me a kiss and I caught it in my hand and planted it on my cheek. I saw him laugh. Such a beautiful laugh. I caught up with Jess who nudged me in the side.

"I think you're in looove" she cooed at me.

"Yeah..." I thought. "I think so too"

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