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"Everyone! Due to many break ins of food marts, and other stores. I've placed a curfew!


"I was rouge... But I've decided to fight for and not against the leaf. As for my brother, Itachi, we ended up fighting... To the death... Naruto told me... His intentions were to let me win take his eye and save the leaf."

"Itachi is right there... You said to the Death." An old man said

"I'll be back." And Sasuke left to speak to Orochimaru.

" by dusk everyone should be heading to their home... That's all"

"A curfew?!" Naruto asked


I walked up to Naruto, and popped the shadow clone I put up and he jumped.

"Yea, Tsunade just said it, you moron" I state That Naruto is a moron again. "No hard feelings" I pull my chin up and shun like I always do.

"Yea, I got that!" Naruto remarked, "But why!?"


"Oh well, I'm going to Ichirocku, I'm hungry!!!"

And he sprinted away.

"Wait-" Sakura wanted to say something but Naruto left. "Ugh!"

"I'll be back."

And I ran to Ichirocku, passing Sakura's house, that's when I Orochimaru shaking his head. But I ran forward.

When I made it there I immediately hugged Naruto.

"Hey, babe!"

"Sakura wanted to say something."

"Oh, sorry about running away. I just wanted to make it before the breakfast sale ended"

"I understand that, bu-"


The building beside Ichirocku was falling to the ground.

Me and Naruto ran outside to find Orochimaru standing on his snake with other summoned creatures beside him.


And we ran after the playground to get the others. Then a giant beetle blocked us.


We turned around and we the other way.

But then a lizard blocked us.

"Damn blocked us in!!!!"

Then I see the Hokage tower falling to the ground.


He threw one of his Dads kunai and a yellow blur appeared.



A snake pops up beside me.

"Orochimaru doessss not like thisss"

"I'm not with Orochimaru anymore."

"I obey Orochimaru"

"You're my summoning animal! You obey me!!"

"Sssssasssssuke, what hasssss got you ssssso riled up?"

"Orochimaru..... Whip the lizard. I got the Beetle"

I take out my sword, and charge towards the beetle and split it in half in one swipe.

"You can go now."

Pop! He went away.

I ran towards the Hokage tower to see if Tsunade is OK, but she never came out, and her body can't be found.

I knelt down to proposal position and put my head down. No Hokage? Who will rule us now?!

Then Naruto came and got me.

"Your turn"

No animals, just Orochimaru.

"My turn!"

I charged with my sword at my ready.

He uses a sound wave and I have to cover my ears, delaying my attack.

After I recovered from the wave I immediately charged again.

"Water dragon jutsu!"

I cut it down the middle but it just reforms behind me.

"I GOTTCHA SASUKE!! JUST GO!" Naruto came for my rescue.

I ran to the building Orochimaru was on.

"The fight that was always ment to be"

"We never got to spar, are we sparring to the death?"

"Might as well"

He charges at me with a snake, I quickly dodge it and attacked him with my sword. Piercing his heart, with another snake right by my eye.

The villagers cheered me on. And I lifted my sword to split his brain. And to finish him for good.

Naruto X Sasuke Boy X BoyWhere stories live. Discover now